protestors of abortion
By mememama
@mememama (3076)
United States
February 14, 2007 5:58pm CST
Today my family drove past an abortion protest at planned parenthood on the way to lunch. On a sign it had a disguisting picture of an aborted fetus, but it looked like a second trimester baby, makes me wonder if it was a stillborn and they used that for their propoganda. But it makes me wonder, do you think they are getting their point across with something like this? Or does it make you think like I do-what a disguisting display for youth to see?
I had my toddler son in the car, thankfully he didn't look at that, but I know other children probably did, it was right downtown! I don't necesarilly agree with abortion but I don't agree with some image like that being shown to everyone.
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22 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Pro Lifers can pull some seriously twisted stunts actually just like what you mentioned and they (when they are that hardcore) can and do tend to twist the truth for that "shock value" thing....What they dont seem to realize however is that very rarely do they actually succeed....more often than not ppl react like you do and I would (mind you I'm Pro Choice) and numerous other ppl I know would....What i find REALLY sad they are protesting...fighting for the "rights of the fetus/baby" etc BUT they arent stopping to think about what little ones who see those signs are goin to do when they see them....Can you just imagine if you little one HAD seen it...a child that age could very well be traumatized!!! So really they are being hypocritical....You cant IMO protect the unborn and NOT be conscience and aware of the living children you may damage with your pics, chants and signs at a protest!!
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I hope no kid saw it, but I'm doubtful since they were right next to a crosswalk and we had to stop for a redlight :(
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
One of the biggest ironies to protesters outside planned parenthood is their outright ignorance on that issue. They stand at the doors harrassing young women going into the clinic. They want women to keep their children, use better birth control, etc.
Yet planned parenthood offers birth control, councelling, pregnancy tests.
Not every woman going there is there for an abortion. They could be there for consultations, pregnancy tests, or obtaining contraceptives so that they don't get pregnant and have to abort.
I wouldn't think these are difficult connections to make, but apparently some pro-lifers just don't get it. All they are doing is showing their intolerance and ignorance on the issue in general, causing more and more people to rally in support of free choice.
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@signum (545)
• Australia
23 Sep 08
Ciniful, you're spot on there. I have had an abortion a few years back, and had to deal with protesters then as well.
Last weekend I went to a clinic to get implanon put in my arm (birth control device) and I was once again faced with some downright pushy and nasty protesters.
When I made it clear that I was at the clinic to insert a birth control device, they were sure I was lying just to get past them.
GRRR they have no consideration for others at all and generally they are nasty!!

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
A few years ago we had a semi-truck that had on the sides the image of an aborted fetus going through on the express way (freeway). It was to help raise awareness. All it did was cause accidents on the road side because people were stunned at seeing this horrific image in the middle of the road. It did more to hurt pro-life cases then anything because of it. People couldn't believe that they would put that out there where kids could see it and that they didn't care about how kids would react or the fact that they didn't care about the accidents it caused.
That is not the way to get your point across to others. It's a good way for people to think you are a taco short of a combination platter. It turns more people against what they are trying to accomplish and actually hurts their over all goal. Shocking people doesn't usually work. It just gets them aggravated. They need to learn that.
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@fabwisp (1327)
15 Feb 07
I agree with you. The shock tactics of these groups is disgusting. I think they are probably doing more emotional harm themselves than they are preventing. I believe that in this day and age every woman has the right to make her own choices. And no one has the right to make her feel bad about them. And I am very glad that your son did not witness those pictures. What about the poor women that have had natural miscarraiges, what effect would those pictures have had on them. They seem so caughtup in their own little world they forget about the feelings of everyone else.
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@APMorison (424)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I fought with my body to give me children. I have suffered through 13 miscarriages over the years and still have no child.
I find the shock tactics of the Picture Totting Pro-Lifers to be horrific reminders of those losses.
I find the people who try to decide for Everyone Else what is right and what is wrong need to mind their own business.
Because of the multiple miscarriages I tried to get my tubes tied to prevent any others. Because at the time I was under 35 I was told that I could not Legally have this done because I might Change My Mind!!!!!!!! Dear ghods, who's twisted idea of right and wrong was that???? I was not allowed to alter my body to keep from loosing another child. I miscarried twice more after that - so who's the murderer now??
My husband went in for a vasectomy after the 13th. He wasn't questioned, discouraged or even Warned about changing his mind!!
That did it - I became solidly Pro-Choice. I had been rather ambivalent up to that point. No one should be allowed to tell me what I can and can not do with my own body NOR be allowed to tell me I am not capable of making an informed decision for myself.
@alantae (243)
• United States
15 Feb 07
People have a choice to either look at the pictures or not look. But what choice does the baby have? Yes you can argue that it isn't alive yet while it's still a fetus, by why then are people charged with two counts of manslaughter/murder when they kill a pregnant woman? How can the law consider the fetus a life in that respect, but not when women want abortions? I just think it's contradictory when people say they are pro choice and want women to have a choice but then totally disregard the choice of the baby (or fetus or whatever you want to call it).
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
They are only charged with the two counts if the fetus is at 5 months or after. Prior to 5 months most states here in the US do not recognize the child as being a living being.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
The choice of the fetus isn't so much ignored as it is completely disregarded as non existent. How can a non conscious, non thinking, non sentient thing have a choice? And, going hypothetically, even if it DID have the brain capacity to make one, which it doesn't physically at that point, how do YOU know what it would choose?
There is an order to things, in everything. When it comes to pregnancy, the choice of the living, conscious, sentient woman has to take precedence over the existence of a non sentient, non viable potential being.
To give credence to the fetus over the bodily autonomy of the mother, you are stripping rights from the mother. Do I have the right to make you give me a kidney if I need one? No? Then neither does a fetus have the right to demand the resources of the mother if she doesn't want to provide them.
Order to things ...
Born Human Fetus Animals Plants
There can be no other way.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I am one of those people who does not care what the government, science or anyone else has to say. I believe my baby is a person from the moment I know I am pregnant. I don't care if not a single thing is going on in their little body. They are my baby & that is how I see it. I would be devastated if I had a miscarriage at any point. It all depends on when you believe the "fetus" becomes human. I used to talk to all of my babies, sing to them & was always touching my belly.

@melissacus (441)
• United States
15 Feb 07
i just don't understand what these people think throwing around signs of aborted fetuses are going to do. if they think it's gonna alter peoples perception on abortion, they're wrong. it just pisses me off that people can yell and yell about human rights but then try to take them away at the same time. it's not anybody elses business if a woman wants to get an abortion....people are just weird.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
15 Feb 07
SO then your stand is to kill babies that are wanted? Whether someone agress with abortion or not I think it is a bit harsh to say their babies should be killed.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
You missed the point. If a woman wants to abort, and has that choice taken away from her, then it is the same as forcing a woman to abort who WANTS to keep their child. No, she's not wishing it on anyone, she's making an analogy. The point being, I doubt they'd feel all too wonderful knowing they had no choice in the workings of their own body.

@vhansen (2029)
• United States
15 Feb 07
No I don't think using images or even protesting is getting thier point across.I think the whole protesting thing is useless and stupid.If you want to change the world,actually DO something.Give to or work for a charity.Volenteer at the local women's shelter or hospital.Give blood.Car pool.There are so many things these people could be doing to help instead of simply trying to impose thier beliefs on other people.I know,if they can persuade one woman from going in then they feel like they've saved a life and acomplished something.Why not help the babies that are already here and not worry about the ones that aren't? Leave those to thier mothers and God.
@leedug (920)
• United States
15 Feb 07
It's funny how the protestors claim want to protect all lives, yet what about the ones that are already here? Are they thinking of what would go through a young child's mind if they so happened to see those signs? People like that digust me. I have no problems with a peaceful protest, but bringing in groteque images for the public of all ages to see should be illegal.
@recycledgoth (9894)
15 Feb 07
While I believe in free choice, I cannot condone this type of poster. Unfortunately, there are groups of protesters who rely on such images for their shock value. I don't like to see these images paraded in public, purely because children can and do see them.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I'm an anti-abortion believer, and in some sense you're right, there's some fairly morbid photos out there of aborted babies. I'm not sure if those pictures should be displayed like that in public, as it could be very disturbing for a young child to see. I'm an adult person, and I find it very disturbing to see a picture like that. Whether they were using a picture of a stillborn or whatever, it's still going on anyway, and we should be aware of it. I just think there should be more tactful ways of relaying the message myself. I do support their cause, but I think they go too far sometimes. Of course, I believe that killing an unborn child is going too far, too. So, I don't is a delima for sure.
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@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
15 Feb 07
You know, it pisses me off how pro-lifers always protest against Planned abortion is the only thing Planned Parenthood does! The PP organization's main goal is to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies so that they don't HAVE to do abortions! They're also an affordable option for reproductive health care (annual exams, STD screenings, etc.) for a lot of people who don't have insurance. If we did away with Planned Parenthood, we would be erasing a very important resource in our communities. I wish pro-lifers would see this.
As for their disgusting displays of "this is what an abortion looks like," I agree with you that it shouldn't be displayed on a street corner. For one, the effort to evoke emotional responses is NOT a valid method of argument. For two, as you mentioned, children don't really need to see that. For three, do they ever stop to think about how that image will affect those who have had an abortion? It targets them in a really demeaning, hurtful way. I don't think it's fair.
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@justin607 (2)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Ive seen those signs before, they are awful
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Abortion happens right downtown then? Does the fact that it isn't visible make it anymore viable?The children should know that other children are being destroyed right there, downtown.maybe it'll stop if people,everyone can see the atrocity??If someone doesnt want a child to see,then maybe it just shouldnt happen.Nazi's didnt hold posters up of their emaciated dying victims, and it was all secreted away, but it was still holocaust.There's a holocaust downtown.At least someone's making the atroity known.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
15 Feb 07
my son is only 18 months old, I doubt he'll realize that babies are being aborted there by that sign, he'd just see a disguisting gory sign. He doesn't even know how to say "baby"! As far as abortions happening there, I heard that they just refer them to go to a larger city, we're in a pretty small town here but growing.
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@urbandekay (18278)
15 Feb 07
What is most disgusting the killing of the foetus or the display of the picture of that killed foetus?
all the best urban

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Feb 07
"You claim he children seeing them are traumatised but cite no evidence "
my kids and their reaction to that sort of crap is evidence enough for me...
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
You're missing the point. The pro-life standpoint is to save babies, yet they are traumatizing kids, little more than babies, with their propaganda. Those pictures aren't of aborted fetii, they are most often stillborn babies, because they know damn well that a picture of a glob of cells isn't going to wring much sympathy. Do they have any sympathy for the mothers of stillborns who see those pictures and mourn? Do they care about the kids they are traumatizing with their propaganda? No. But they call themselves pro life? Life?!?
And whether or not the 'killing' of a fetus is disgusting is purely subjective to morals, which differ person to person. I don't think it's any more disgusting than removing a tumor. If you had a growth that was sapping your resources that you didn't consent to being there, you'd have it removed and wouldn't consider it disgusting. Same thing for a pregnant woman who does not want to be pregnant.
It's purely subjective.
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@urbandekay (18278)
15 Feb 07
I merely asked a question and made no claims. You however have made a number of unsupported claims.
You claim that the pics are of still born babies but cite no evidence
You claim he children seeing them are traumatised but cite no evidence
You claim that morals are merely subjective but cite no evidence
You second claim is false, morals are, at the very least, intra-subjective.
all the best urban

@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I think quite often protesters use these types of methods to try and shock people and get their point across. I don't think it helps in any way though to get their point across, instead of thinking about what they are protesting against, we are stuck with this image in our heads. I think it is defeating their purpose entirely. There is no need of showing images like that, I agree.
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@tigress_sorceress (17)
• United States
15 Feb 07
That's just horrible. Protesters on any issue should understand that there is a limit as to what you can display on posters in public. I think anyone holding up images beyond PG or PG-13 in public should be given a citation.
@bulutoy2k (176)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
I am prolife. I believe that everyone should be given the right to live. I am always on the side of protesting for abortion. Aborting a child should be stopped.
But I do not agree on how they protest it. That is not the way of attracting people to sympatize with them. Its horrible they done that.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
15 Feb 07
i agree some folks carry it to far I am a christian who is pro choice !Hover i think the choice should be taught to be done before the act that results in the child .we would have more sucess in avoiding abortions if we taught more of this choice dont you think?