Do you believe in eternal fire of hell?
By achyuta
@achyuta (2851)
United States
February 14, 2007 7:14pm CST
According to me this eternal fire theory is crazy. Think about this. If a son is disobedient does a father throw him away for eternity or burn him in fire? NO. How can the all merciful Lord do that. it is all the bogus propaganda of the evangelists to get you to increase their number. The lord is the most merciful, more then any mortal father. He is always ready to forgive and there is no eternal fire. It is simply a scare theory. There are many people who dont get a chance to accept God in this life due to various reasons. So the all merciful lord will banish them to fire of hell for eternity? No sane person will buy that. What are your take? Give me some logical answer. Dont tell me it is there in Bible. Who cares if you cant express logically it may be there wherever. Also let me clarify that I am not an athiest. I belive in God deeply. But I dont buy illogical & stupid scare theories.
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48 responses
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
15 Feb 07
According to those who believes in God, Hell is a place of eternal separation from God, and people go there when they die because they chose to separate themselves from God while living on earth. God created us with the free will to make our own choices, and separating ourselves from God is one of the choices we are free to make. Our free will is a wonderful gift from God in that He does not force us to love Him or to follow Him. Without our free will, we would be nothing but puppets or robots, which does not please God, and certainly does nothing to better our lives.
But for me there is no existence of god and hell too.
@SteveNoyes (2)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Fire and Brimstone flying down from heaven...I agree with you. A great many writers have said that the only hell is the one we are living in and heaven is the mind becoming aware and changing itself.
I was raised a Christian and believed with my whole heart that I would go to hell if I had not accepted Jesus Christ as a personal savior. The thing that changed my mind (at 16, just before I left for college) was looking at the people who shared this faith with me and the children they raised. Unhappy parents and athiest children grasping at fear to not only increase the congregation's numbers but the donation plate passed around every time we met.
I am not an athiest either but my view of God has widened. I believe that all religions are the same. God,'s all the same soul just different masks.
@ipissakusina (930)
• United States
15 Feb 07
no there's no such thing in the bible, the very idea of it conflicts with God's personality. check out the discusions i responded to if you want some proof biblically.. =:)

@ipissakusina (930)
• United States
16 Feb 07
yeah you always say hat it is a fiction and altered.. don't worry you don't have to prove yourself, coz you don't have anything to prove

@tanveerquazi (77)
• India
15 Feb 07
hi friend.....
the lord is most merciful,more tn any father and mother.he alwayes redy to forgive u if u say sorry.
if u not keep belive in bible or quran then i think no one can satisfy u.
it is not a time to search about "eternal fire in hell" it is time to search that , where is mention these words, "is these words of God or Not".
if not then where i can found the words of God.
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@Chapman15 (1492)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Well, I'm not a believer in god, because I'm a Taoist. I don't see why your so upset about this. I'm a firm believer that if you believe something and whether it's true or false if it makes you a better person then you should stick with it. One of my old roomates was a realllly religious guy, and he always told me that smoking pot and drinking were going to get me in trouble when I met the maker... I never bought into him or his beliefs, but I truly believe that if he didn't have religion and all those crazy beliefs he'd be one lost soul lol!
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@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
That is a different and debatable point whether religion helps to maintain order or not. But my point is not able religion. I believe in the all merciful Lord but I dont agree that if you dont to to a certain place of worship or read a certain book then you will burn in eternal fire in hell. What is the logic for that?
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@Chapman15 (1492)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I guess it's another way of putting yourself higher than others. Most people like to see that they are in fact a "better" person than others so maybe this gives them some piece of mind towards that. Although, hoping people that don't worship the same things as you doesn't really deserve burning in hell for! I guess we are just closed minded people that think there is an answer to everything!
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@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Sorry, but there is no point in believing in God if you don't also believe in his word. Hell definitely is in the Bible if you take time to look it up and it is a place to be avoided at all costs.
At no place does it ever say that God's children will be thrown into the lake of fire. That place, according to the Bible is reserved for the devil and his angels.
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@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Since when is beliving God = believing bible excusively? So practitioners of other religion are going to hell? ha ha ha. Even if I buy this equality just for sake of arument, where is ur logical reasoning? Prove it logically why existence of eternal fire is fair for the all merciful lord to have.
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@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I'm not sure quite what you mean by proving my point logically. You are trying to prove your point by saying, and I quote, "according to me." Well, if that is your criteria for proving something logically, I can say, "according to me, the Bible is the word of God." but it is obvious this discussion is going nowhere so I leave it to you and those who agree not to believe in the Bible if that is your choice. Not believing it, doesn't make it untrue. Sorry.
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@angelstone55 (32)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I don't understand what you mean" what is the purpose in believing in God if you don't believe in his word" what word? why would he write to us, don't you know he can communicate in other manners he is God.
The Creator of all things does not need mans help,why would he write anything for us, so many humans hands wrote that book, did Jesus talk about the Bible? were in the Bible says that Jesus said that Our Father in Heaven is going to punish us and send us to the eternal fire, were is that dimension, or is it here on Earth? it can not be in the Spirit world.
There is only Love, God is Love
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I'm with you! And it's really just common sense!
And, also, "hell" is a carryover from ancient pagan beliefs.. and it's a mistranslation, which should read "the grave". The thing that gets me too, is how "hell" implies God was somehow surprised by how things went and are going. Nah, He just gave thinking ability, thus the ability to make choices.. but hey, what else are ya gonna do? Make robots? Anyway, surely God is both Life and Perfection, and one of the things that means is that the 'end' result of all this, can only be the best-end-result. God is Perfect and all Good. Any thought, idea, or even doctrine, that does not agree with that, simply cannot be true. God bless.
@palina77 (1177)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Think by yourself that you are studying in a school where your mom is head mistress but you failed in 4 subjects so will your mom allow to pass or promot you next higher class? Never, as it is a system that you must pass in exam. Similarly God sent us to earth to examine who will obey His orders or who will not. God kept hell and heaven in a system that is if you pass obeing His orders then you will get heaven if you do not pass being His orders then you will enter into hell - system will take to two place and there will be way to escape this system. Disobedient person could not reach upto mercy place as like above example that if you fail your mom will not able to take you upto mercy place for passing you for next class. So do not neglect to your fate and if you believe in God deeply, believe His system.

@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I agree with Thomas. Your headmistress mom may fail you. But you have another chance next year. But here it is eternal fire. Does this show you the BIG flaw in your logic. Apart from the fact that ofcousre failing in exam and burning in hell is such a big disparate thing.
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@jagdishrajan (189)
• India
15 Feb 07
Good and bad are two sides of the same coin. The eternal fire actually represents the bad side of the coin and both good and bad are created by God himeself. Scaring people with such stories are the heights of stupidity.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 Feb 07
This is exactly what I have been attempting to say my entire life. People try to take the Bible at it's most literal, even though they have not lived in the time in which it was written, and they believe the translations their preacher sets forth for them. They do not take the Bible with a grain of common sense.
I agree with your father scenario. I personally have always believed that all good people go to heaven. Because God recongnizes good works in all. I will never believe that Jeffry Daumer went to heaven just because he was "born again" in prison, but the athiest who goes out every day and feeds the homeless is going to hell just because he doesn't believe. Common sense tells me that this is not fact. And no fundie or mainstream Christian can tell me otherwise.
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@twaambolee (260)
• Zambia
15 Feb 07
Hi achyuta, i think we need someone who has actually been to hell to come and expalain whether for sure there is a hell,but were are we going to find that special someone?Is that the logic you are looking for?someone to actually tell you they have been there and to even prove to you however you want them to prove it to you?i really don't think so.You say you believe in God,can you logically prove that he exits,if you can please do i would also like to know.
Most of the christians that are going to respond here will refer you to the bible,but you need logic and not theory right? its a very tough one.
Okey so this is what i think....If there is a God there is also a devil,in this context God is the good and the devil is the bad.So really what happens to people who are bad in terms of the law were you live,do they get away with crimes or do they go to court and get judged for their wrongs, then later prosecuted?(depending on whether they are guilty or innocent)if they are found guilty they go to gail and if they are innocent they go home.sometimes in the jails you will find people who are pardoned, why? because of change of character and probably repentance for the act committed,the case is revealed,the judge hears the case and if he is conviced that there is true change and repentance,the criminal is pardoned.
I can apply this small scenario to religion,we are all children of God,as i beleive we are all wonderfully and beautifully created.Never is it God's intention that any one of us should be punished for anything in any way,can you think of something bad that you did and you had no idea it was bad while you were doing it? and after you found out that it was bad,what did you do?did you feel sorry?Since we are children of God we know the difference between right and wrong,and we are responsible for our own actions.So its up to us to choose heaven or hell as God would never force a decision on us.It is a choice that we make,even being disobedient is a choice we make,no one can force you to do something you don't already want to do,even if you die making the point,its your choice and the end result of that choice will be your responsibilty...yours and no one else's.God's mercy is everlasting and extends to each and every one of us.When your child does something wrong and does not appologise to you for doing it,how does it make you feel..happy or sorry? Since i believe in heaven(were the non christian/christian rapist who realised the act was wrong and repented will be found,were all sinners who repent to God and turn away from the act will be found),i also believe in hell( were all those who choose not to turn from acts of sin will be found-like jail).So hell is a place meant for the devil and his follwers,all sin is of the devil so if you sin and refuse in your heart to turn away from it, that makes you the devil's follower and qualifies your entrance into hell.
By the way,do you believe in heaven?
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@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Very good response. Here are my points:
1. God exists or not needs to be proved logically and scientifically. I inference is He does. Why? I will have to write a whole book for that but the summary is this. How is everything so precise? How is earth able to move around sun at exactly smae time every year? Can we even make a small ball to do that around anything with a magnetic field for ever? It is clear to me that there is an intelligent designer. I will be glad to expalin this point further.
2. But that designer is also very merciful that is also clear becuase He allows all many thigns to go on inspite of being in control of such huge planets. In control because he is allowing them to move in a particular way.
Now how can this all merciful desinger/god burn someone in hell and that too for eternity.
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@angelstone55 (32)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I agree with you, God did not write those books, men did, for the purpose of control, I don't believe in eternal hell or punishment, man does that on his own, but because people don't think for themself and they let others think for them they swallow every thing and suers that is the Word of God.
I beliave in a Loving all mercifull God, he is the Love Energy that moves everything.
There is only Love, God is Love
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
15 Feb 07
Interesting topic.I also beleive in God (or in my perspective a supreme "being" or a "entity") but choose not to listen to all they say in the Bible just because it's written there.I mean...a lot of parts are written by humans so it can be a "campaign" for non-believers(that's my own beliefs!!!).As for the "eternal fire" of hell...well , in a philosophical kinda might even be "eternal ice" (form the ideea that heat (light) brings life and darkness(cold) kills it.I think if you consider a real hell i don't think it represents a material one (no burning pits, no fires ,no demons,etc.)but instead a more...spiritual place.Also if you think of the "forces" and "elements" that exist in this world (universe) you can't deny the existance of bad or good spiritual elements.The thing is....good and bad....applies ONLY to humans because the term of "good" an "bad" refers to examples in our life.
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@emekus4eyes (129)
• Lagos, Nigeria
15 Feb 07
The almigty God sent his son Jesus Christ to come and reconsile us back to him after adam. The chance is now foe all of us to accept Christ as our Lord and saviuor. Every human being of cause will not be punishen for his or her ignorance. But if you had the opportunity and did not use it, then you do not have cause to blame God.
@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 07
Well, since I believe in the Bible and from my understanding it's being stated about heaven and hell so clearly, so I do believe there is eternal fire of hell and everlasting of life.
I do believe the same GOD that they are talking in the Bible, is the same GOD who puts the idea of there is eternal fire of hell.
Which 'god' do you deeply believe in if I may ask you a question? The idea of lovingly and merciful God I know is the one that being mentioned in the Bible, Jesus the GOD. So, if/when we are talking about the same GOD here, I guess, you should take the idea that, EVEN when things don't seem to make sense to me or to you, He is JUST, He is GOD, He does whatever He wants, He is who He is. He doesn't have to justify/clarify anything to make it sense to you or me, logically or illogically.
After all, when/if He said there is hell. So what's our logic gonna do about it anyway?! He is GOD.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
God is only One. God is not dependent upon Bible or Quran, or Gita or anythign else. These books are dependent on Him.
How can you say I should assume God is just? The very fact that there should be an eternal fire (ulimited suffering) for limited sins (sommitted in one life time) makes it a crazy and unjust proposition. Ofcourse I dont balme God for this. It is some men who have put it there.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
15 Feb 07
yes i do believe in hell, a burning hell.I want you to understand that Hell was not made for man,hell was made for the devil and his followers...It is never Gods wish for any man to go to hell,and God does not send you there.A person sends themselves there for murdering others,Rape and all the filthy things that they do,and they refuse to quit and become better human beings and they continue to rape,Kill,destroy,and do all evil deeds,so actually they send themselves there,God does not send them there,they go there by their own choice because they refuse to give up these evil deeds...What is you had a child that was raped and mutilated,don,t you think that person sould pay for his crime? but all he has to do is turn from his evil ways...but he refuses so there is no place for him in heaven so he has made his choice..
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@alantae (243)
• United States
15 Feb 07
You are right. The lord is a merciful God who gave his only son so that you and I could have our sins forgiven and be given the opportunity to get into Heaven. But that's the key point. Opportunity. We all have the opportunity to be saved and be destined for Heaven. But for those who refuse to believe and receive Christ as their savior are condemned to Hell. The Bible is very clear on that. God doesn't just throw us into Hell for being disobedient. We are all disobendient at some point, most of us probably on a daily basis. But we can ask for forgiveness, and if we do, God will forgive us and restore us. You're right, alot of people unfortunately haven't had the chance to learn about God, and yes they have gone to Hell because of it. But that is what missionary work is for and why so many people are working on brining God's word into third world countries.
The idea of burning in Hell for eternity is not a "scare tactic". It's a basic, fundamental part of the Christian belief system. If you want to read scare tactics, go read up on material used during the First Great Awakening by men like Jonathan Edwards (Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is a great example). Evangelists don't use scare tactics, they are more like salesmen trying to sell the high points of Christianity to unbelievers.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Only son? so who are we? Not the sons and daughters of god? We are illegal sons and daughters? Burning in hell may be a basic part of beloief system. I am not concerned about wild beliefs. I am concerned about logic. What type of merciful father can burn his son/daughter in hell for ever. Even Osama bin laden would do better. Anyways I know God does not do that. But scare theorists do.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Hmm. If you were plunged into the eternal fire of hell, don't you think you might just get used to it after a while? I'm unsure about the plausibility of such a punishment.
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@Whiskeyswiller (32)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
If you were going to make a nice place like heaven would you want to let the bad people in?
In the Bible they use the analogy of separating the weeds from the flowers.
The weeds have to be burned. It's not an eternal suffering thing in my eyes, it's garbage disposal.
If you decide to turn away from God, then you live in separation from him and that's Hell enough without the fire.
I think Fire is a metaphor for being away from God. Jesus used it for his parables and Jesus spoke about it more than anyone.
I think I read that he used the example of a ditch where refuse is burned as being like hell.
So that's my personal take on it. Hell is where the weeds are sent to be disposed of. Heaven is where the ones who have been made beautiful by God go.
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@juliemarie84 (642)
• United States
5 Mar 07
But what about the people who were never exposed do the word of God? People that lived in seclusion and had no idea of his existance because they never heard of the Bible. There are so many other religions and people who before our technology times never had a way to learn about other religions. Are these people weeds and will suffer because of where they were born?
There are religions even I still don't know about and I read and learn about cultures all the time in school.