Cat allergic
By emeraldisle
@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
February 15, 2007 8:28am CST
Have you ever had a cat that has allergies? Our one cat Tabby, nicknamed Snuffleupagus and shortened to Snuffy like the character on Sesame Street, has allergies horribly. We think it might have to do with the bunny we have since he would get worse when he slept on top of the cage but he hasn't been doing that lately and he stills has a lot of congestion. Of course helping him with it is so much fun. He's not to fond of us cleaning his face off or putting the nose drops the vet told us to buy, just over the counter decongestive drops. Thankfully we don't have to do the drops often. He's still not talking to me and it's been a full day since I gave them to him.
I was just curious if anyone else had ever had a cat who suffered from allergies or any other unusual ailment. Do you have any suggestions on what we could do to make things better for him?
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22 responses
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
15 Feb 07
My poor Nor has had allergies since he came to us! He does this "marathon sneezing" which at first scared me into thinking he was going to stop breathing! He goes: "sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, SNEEZE!!! and then gulps some air and he's right as rain. The vet says he's allergic to pollen and powdery substances. So we halted using carpet powder anymore (which was half the culprit) and clumping litter that has too much residue (i.e. Arm & Hammer, cheaper generic or store brands)and use the sprays and Scoop Away or Tide-y-Cat clumping litter. We cant do anything about pollen, so I have eye drops for him when that hits. I've never had a cat with allergies in over 40 years of owning them. Thought I was the only one!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
He's cute :)
Yeah I never had it either till him. He'll do those marathon sneezings as well at times. We've gotten rid of all the carpet so can't do much there. We use Tide-y-cat clumping so the rest I think is airborne either from outside or maybe he's allergic to dogs or other cats for all I know.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
15 Feb 07
Well I have found out that my little Dog has an Allergie and it is a bad one to. He is Allergic to Fleas. Now this is the first time I have eveer heard this. I always treat him specially now, as it drives him mad. When I got him from the Kennels 2 Years ago he was ridden with Fleas, his fur was dropping out, he was coughing and his Skin was very sore.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Oh the poor baby. That has to be miserable for him. I bet it's not easy to try and keep him flea free. Those things are hard to keep at bay. I feel for both of you with that one.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
15 Feb 07
We have one cat that is sneezy lately. They don't blow their nose and such, so we thought that sneezing would be the nose clearing thing. Not sure how you find out an animal is allergic. Seems odd.
I would check the diet and your cleaning products. You never know what causes problems until you use and remove and note the difference. Good luck with this one.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Thanks. We've tried changing different things, doesn't seem to effect him really one way or the other. I've noticed though his allergies the worst seem to coincide with my worst times for them so I'm starting to think it's pollen or scents from outside.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Well sometimes it takes a week or so depending on the activity level for things to clear the body. Perhaps your observations are accurate. I hope it spontaineously clears up for the furry one and for you!
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I have a simease cat that has allergies and athma. The vet would give her steroid shots as she would not take pills. The steroids ran her sugar up so then We had to give her insulin injections. It was a terrible time for her. She is doing better now and we dont give her injections but we have to keep an ey on her.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Oh that had to be so hard on her and you. I can imagine how bad it was actually. Thankfully I don't have to try and give him medication daily, he'd never speak to me again. I gave him his nose drops yesterday morning and finally this evening he came up to me for love. I could just imagine if I had no choice but to give him shots. Ouch.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
4 Mar 07
She gets mad at me and stays mad for a day or so. People say cats have no feelings, when they get mad and you and wont talk to you, that proves that they do have feelings.
@APMorison (424)
• United States
10 Mar 07
got one with horrible flea allergies - he breaks out and his fur falls and he has occasionally wounded himself pretty badly scratching - its worse than hot spots.
one that had seasonal allergies (he's crossed over now) but he was always upset with us for having to clean his nose for him. he'd wrinkle his face up so much you'd think he was having a spike stuck up his nose as opposed to just having a bit of 'ick' removed from it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Mar 07
He's the same way. He acts like I'm going to torture him when I do it. He puts his paw on my hand to push it away and he tries to back out. Somedays are better then others though.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
15 Feb 07
One of the cats that my parents had, Saber, had seasonal allergies. He would lose his voice in the spring. It was so sad, but kind of funny, as he would go around trying to meow, opening his mouth and nothing would come out. Poor kitty. It would last a few weeks in the spring, while whatever it was he was allergic too was blooming and then he would be fine.
Also, my current kitty, Ashley is allergic to something I believe. She gets congested and sneezes a bit for a few days and then she is better. I live in the city so it could be smog or road dust as we live next to the freeway or the tree outside our window that I am allergic to as well.
Anyways, cats can have allergies just like humans. I feel sorry for your poor kitty, sounds like his allergies are as bad as mine. If it is the bunny, you might consider giving it away?
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Actually I have thought of getting rid of the bunny but it's my neice's and she's very attached to him. I just can't do that to her. She's had a lot of upset over the last few years that if I don't have to I don't want to put that on her as well. That and I don't like giving up pets unless I have no other choice and at this point for the most part he handles things well, he eats, drinks, plays so it's not life threatening.
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Charlie came into my life 5 years ago on January 1 as a gift from the Goddess. He came into my totally fenced in yard and climbed up my leg when I was at one of my most depressed moments. We lived in that house for about a year and a half and never had any problems with him. Then we moved....
We moved in March and around June we noticed scabby things (alright they weren't scabby until I picked at the little bumpy things that turned into the scabby things after I picked at them) at the base of his tail and under his chin. Our first thought was it must be fleas. Even though he has never been outside the house since he has been with us, our dog does go out to make pee pee and poo and we can always carry them in on pant legs and shoes. We got the good flea medication but it did no good; and his hair started falling out in huge clumps. I took him to the vet and he has been on steroids ever since.
I don't like the idea of him being on this medication but there is no choice for him. He was getting a shot once a month but that was wearing off pretty quickly and we could tell by the changes in his behavior that it was driving him crazy. (not to mention he was eating us out of house and home).
The doctor is now giving us pills that are prescribed once daily, but I only give it to him every other day with his wet food and it looks as if it's working so far. Good luck with your blessed four-legged ~Donna
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Charlie sounds like a wonderful cat. I very much feel cats find us and adopt us we do not find them. I feel very blessed to have the ones I have in my life. They are all special to me, even if sometimes they drive me crazy :)
I feel for you with Charlie. I can imagine how rough that is for both him and you. Did the vet say what it was that was cauing it?
Hopefully getting a pill in him is not as hard as it is to get into mine. He does not like them. When he was on a liquid, back when he had an upper resp. infection, that was hard to get in him but not as bad as the pills were. I gave him his nose drops yesterday and they last 12 hours but we are going on 36 without a need so that really helps. He's speaking to me again which he wasn't last night.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
my cat Purr has allergies. It becomes worse when the seasons change. i just give him warm milk, not much solid food. the decongestant will help a lot.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Actually, cats can be allergic to just about anything in their environment, just like people. I had a cat that was allergic to his vaccines: lots of itching and fur falling out. I currently have a cat with asthma; but we haven't been able to track down the trigger yet.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I believe that. Just the first one I've had with it. I feel for you with the ashtma. Finding the triggers are never easy and not like they can tell you much. It would make it easier if they could. It makes it hard to pinpoint something specifically.
@jbrowsin66 (1321)
• United States
17 Feb 07
How sure are you that it's allergies? Shortly after I got my cat he got something that resemble a "cold". He sneezed a LOT and junk came out of his nose. He was put on antibiotics and it would clear up, only when he was done with them, it came back. I was finally referred to a specialist (ouch), as they suspected a growth or polyps in his nasal passages. The specialist said he might have a lack of cilia (the hairs in your nose that) that help move things out.... blah, blah. Long story, but they washed out his sinuses or nasal passages and wah-la, he was perfectly fine after that. I'm not sure to this day exactly what it was other than it drained my wallet, but was worth it.
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@gemini52981 (158)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
It might not be the rabbit he is allergic to, it could be the shavings that are in the rabbits cage. If you are using pine shavings for your rabbit, try switching to aspen shavings instead, or even those pellets they now have for lining the cages. If you are not able to do this, how about putting your rabbit in a room of it's own, and not letting your cat go into this room. It would be best for the health of your cat.
also are you sure that it is an allergy, and not an illness, or a cold?
My ten month kitten had an upper respitory infection when i first got him. I had to quarentine him at the animal hospital I work for, for a month, then he had lots of antibiotics and other medications to take a few weeks after I brought him home. He is better now. He does have some food allergies. If I give him food that is not 100% natural, he farts a lot, and/or burps and vomits. I find in a lot of cases with animals who have allergies, they usually end up with skin problems, or vomiting/diahrea, rather than snotty noses.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Yeah he had an upper respitory infection about 2 years ago and we went through all that. He got better but allergies continued. It's been going on since. Someone suggested about the worms and we're going to try that just in case. Figure it can't hurt.
The rabbit is in the room with my neice so that keeps him out of the way. Doesn't seem to matter. He gets the snotty noses and watery eyes. That's the main thing with him.
@justin607 (2)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I honestly don't think there's really much you can do other than shave the cats. I have had terrible cat allergies for years and have noticed them any time I walk into someones house that owns a cat. My eyes get really red and almost seem to swell up. Its terrible
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
15 Feb 07
The thread isn't about being allergic to cats but cats having allergies.
@mesmes (21)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 07
I once had cat who would get irritated everytime i would cook hot chips which would be very often, he (tim tam ) used to scratch his nose constanly and begin to run around my apartment in a crazed state. my solution was to discontinue cooking hot chips. my suggestion to you is to maybe do a full house top to bottom clean and that might cure the problem period or at least for a week or so. suggestion 2. possibly you could clean the bunny.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I'd say something in how you made the hot chips didn't agree with your kitty. Not sure what but something. Oh we clean the house top to bottom a lot. We also have allergies and find it helps. We've cleaned the bunny too and moved him into a room the cat doesn't go into very often. He still gets a stuffed up. Someone else suggested it might not be allergies but worms so we are going to try that. I'm starting to think though it might be an outside allergen. His allergies seem to get worse when mine do and mine are connected to plant life.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
18 Mar 07
i have a silver tabby who seems to be allergic to privet hedge.every summer when it blooms,the poor thing will sneeze up to 20 times in a row.
i finally had to get a presciption for him from the vet.
basically an antihistimine.
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