Villages or Cities - Which is Your Preference?
By Geoas
@ashjoe76 (1422)
February 15, 2007 11:38am CST
There used to be time when people thought of villages as places where its people were full of virtue. Now I doubt whether that is exactly the case. We rad a lot about the bizzare events in villages and wonder whether they have become worse than the cities. There are many thieves and even mafia groups that are centred in the suburbs and come to cities on request by their clients. It's all a vicious circles now. Villages and suburbs give fodder to the big violence in the cities. While in cities, you can atleast have good security services, in villages, people can simply harm you. I hope I am not misinformed. What is your opinion on this?
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29 responses
@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
15 Feb 07
hmm well i live in a village and have lived in villages most of my life.. i prefer them since its more calm and quiet.. sure u will have problems anywhere u go, but in villages there is more of a community sense, which will help look out for you! or at least thats just my experience and opinion.
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@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
16 Feb 07
Same with me.. I prefer village. Village is quiet and the most important thing is there is no trafic jam in village. If you stay in city, you will spend hours on your way to go to and back from work (refer to my place). My choice is stay in village/country side and go to city in weekend or holiday to enjoy the best that the city offer only.
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@maumbi (2569)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 07
well...Village. Its less noisy and the traffic is much better. Things tend to also cost less. Its a slower paced living for my family and its easier to learn the neighbors. I love the business of a city when I'm in the mood for it, but nothing beats a village for a good night's sleep...i love fresh air;)
@smacksman (6053)
15 Feb 07
I've had it with cities - and I've lived in a few in many countries. Give me the country village any day.
You read of people dieing in cities and the bodies not being found for months or even years. Plenty of lace curtains twich in cities but the big difference nobody gives a damn about anybody but themselves. We want to know you and care about you in a village.
I remember a while back, one lunch time in Oxford Street, London, a girl walked stark naked on the pavement and nobody did a thing. Their eyes worked overtime ok (as did mine!) but their heads didn't move and not a word was said. Eventually a policeman bundled her into a shop. (a policeman on the beat - that shows you how long ago that was. haha). Girls are raped and stabbed and nobody does a thing. Not my job; shut your eyes.
No, give me village life anyday - and we are only 55 minutes from London when the trains run.
But villages full of virtue? That is stretching it a bit. There was a wife swapping circle in our village just before we bought our house!!
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@cultoffury (1283)
• India
18 Feb 07
Yeah, I agree with you completely. Most the anarchists use the suburbs or villages as their base to operate from, as it is easy to lure the villagers and gain their confidence. Once this is done, even the security personnels can do a thing, since the villagers would be supporting these people. This happens every time in my part of the world.
@072006 (1276)
• India
15 Feb 07
Hey, i love to be at both places depending on time, like cities are good when we talk about all facilities , and luxurious life, as per part of education we get good school in big cities, but when it comes to just spend time and live life calmly then i prefer village, i mean there nature beauty, peace and away from daily hustle bustle of city, so now i am in city, but love to be in village for sometime in between fora change!!!
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@monet0077 (156)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I live in a village where I feel very safe. Its been so long since I've used my house key I don't even know which one it is anymore and I leave my car keys in the ignition in my driveway. We have parades, and concerts in the park a block away from my house. We have little town festivals were they do things like tractor pulls and elect the "Dairy Queen". Well, I'm from Wisconsin so it could be worse. When I was growing up we used to go to a local festival called the "kraut festival". The biggest problems we have around here are traffic related, or the occasional bar fights. I was at the ER recently and a doctor told me their main problems they deal with are farm accidents. I'm sure the teenagers here are wilder than when we were growing up, but we don't have anything like the big city violence around here. We are about a half hour from the state capitol and two hours from Chicago, so we really aren't in the middle of nowhere. I can go shopping and buy everything I need, or go to a show or sporting event. I really prefer living in a small town.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I sort of prefer living in the city, with all it's extras it offers. While at times I long for the solitude of "the country" I have to admit I love the convenience of the city. I'm lucky, I live in a smaller city, only 150,000 people.
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@smartbrain69 (2790)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I prefer village which is near to city, i mean only 2 hours drive from city, as it convienent to go city and do work.
@gharinder (2044)
• India
16 Feb 07
both have their own pros and cons, i have lived in both, as a kid i used to go to my farm house to spend my holidays, there time seems to stand still, we could watch stars since we used to sleep outside or sometimes it was a bit irritating to move in when it started raining, there was peace, quietness and greenery all around, since there was even forest near around, i just loved to go there, i could eat different fruits by stealing them from different orchards, live was so at ease. so as a kid i didnt faced any problems living in the village
in cities however life is very fast, noise, pollution etc. you can avail an facility when you are living in the city, but still dont you think we are losing our lust for life, we are so busy that we hardly get time for ourselves, their are so much worries
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
I prefer villages because people everybody knows everybody and you get the feeling that you are safe and that whatever untoward incident that may be happening, you would certinaly be informed about it. People in villages tend to protect their tuft and the shoes concerns towards everybody. It' so different in the city wherein people do just waht they do and are wary of everybody. In villages, things such as trust, community, and concern for each other still exists.
@ogtuwan (312)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
well first question is... preference in what sense? preference of being rich? or preference of being alone? It actually depends on what you wanted in life... I f you wanted a more peaceful and quiet environment, then that person should live in villages.. a place where you can meditate and relax... I find villages energizing.. No hassles... Most of the people are hospitable and very friendly... But if you wanted your life fulfilled with material things then City is the best place for you... people live to work, and work to live...
Have a nice day!
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I am in two minds about this.
I live in a small town (about 10,000 people) and I really do like the relative safety of it. However, I also end up getting bored and frustrated with the limits here-- seems like it's always the SAME people, the SAME events, and not that much new happens. That's what I like about cities-- all the variety, events, exhibitions and so forth are right there for my participation. But I don't like the traffic jams, and the much higher likelihood that I am going to be the victim of some crime. Crime is pretty minimal in this small town.
I guess there are pluses and minuses on each side of the argument.
@kks_keith (48)
• Hong Kong
16 Feb 07
That's a good question to ask.
I was born in village, and move to city when i was 9.
The life in village is quite satisfy for me, cars are seldom moving around, no tall building, thus human relationship is much closer. Besides, trees are growing around, the night is buzzed with voice of insect, makes you feel you are a part of the nature, this feeling is very enjoyable.But in a city, as you say, high security there, and you can find everything you need, with lots of entertainment.
To me, village is much better than city. In a village, people are living harmony, neighbour is just like your friends, and everyone have to work for what they want, this provide a great satisfaction of life.
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@vpdevanand (6)
• India
16 Feb 07
hey... I like villages... coz people are very helpful and known to each other, the culture is very neat and organized unlike in the cities, where there is no organised way of performing even day to day activities... the silence, the sunset, the pure breeze... everything in the village is enjoyable...
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
16 Feb 07
There are benefits to both of course, which means there have to be some disadvantages as well. In the city there is a lot more activity and noise, and not safe either because in some cities gangs roam around. Certainly there is a greater choice in many things if you live in the city, you can be anonymous if you choose but at the same time it can be that nobody will help you if you are in trouble.
With living in the country, there is not the wide variety of choice about many things plus it often means travelling a distance to find what you want, or perhaps even to receive specialist medical treatment. However in the country it is much quieter and often safer. The people might know all about you and there is a general lack of privacy, but that is mostly because people do talk about themselves to others. One other thing is that in the country if you are in trouble, then you are more likely to get help if needed.
As an example, many years ago we did live in the city and someone broke into the block of units we lived in. When the police spoke to everyone, nobody knew or saw anything at all, so nothing happened really. In the country, if we are away the neighbours (who live a distance away) will call in to check every couple of days to see that everything is okay. Also if they happen to notice any unusual activity or lights on when they know there shouldn't be any, they call the police to let them know they are coming to our place to check.
Give me rural living any day, and although it can be annoying at times, it is preferable to the city. :)
@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
well in the philippines, we call it provinces when you live in a remote area.
i prefer both, because i we have house in the province,we go there for vacation..
but i have work here in the city so we have to stay here longer...
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 07
I prefer to live in villages ,the reason that we can get a more personal relationship in that environment,in my opinion In village we can breath fresh and pure air, we can drink pure water, we can bath pure mineral water,spring water, i prefer them since its more calm and quiet,there is more of a community sense but in city we lost our lonelyness ,and the businees almost twenty four hours running, whatever is going on ,but in small cities you always start talking about little things that are going on,i live in a village and i have lived in the villages most of my life
@joey_matthews (8354)
15 Feb 07
I love villages they have alot of beatiful scenery which is lost by a city unless you live on the edge. I do think i would get bored as there wouldn't be much to offer but if a city was near enough to get to without spending a hour getting there then i'd have to say this.
City lives fun but it does have it's down sides which villages doesn't. although you have shops and more places to visit or walk around.
@Starline (681)
• United States
15 Feb 07
There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but I wouldn't say that it's more dangerous to live in a village. I like villages for the reason that you get a more personal relationship with it, big cities you stop caring about a new restarant opening up, whatever is going on but in small cities you always start talking about little things that are going on. That's my opinion.
@sathish_mrc (3)
• India
15 Feb 07
There is no other choices to compare village life,, In village we can breath fresh and pure air, we can drink pure water, we can bath pure mineral water(falls village), but in city we lost our lonelyness, we cant spend our time in right way. there is no of iregular ....
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