muslims!!!!!!! why on earth do we have hatred towards them????
By aryanseth
@aryanseth (13)
February 15, 2007 12:16pm CST
i would provoke people on this. why do we hate Muslims?? only because of terrorism?? answer is yes. but why do we forget, that terrorist groups comprise of all human kinds and religions. Muslims are not the ones who are doing this, it is those senseless terrorists who are responsible for all the loss and terror.
please guys they are humans not any different from any religion. they shall not be crucified every time.they don't deserve this cruciforms,
they are as innocent as we are. please guys respect them, give them their social value.
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48 responses
@not4me (1711)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I'm an American and I don't hate Muslims. I think many if not most Americans agree with me here. It's the crazy extremists, who kill people in the name of their religion, no matter what the religion happens to be, whom we don't like. Yes, it all started because of 9/11 but even then I think rational and intelligent people didn't think all Muslims were like that.
I consider extremism more of a personal issue than a religious one even if they do it in the name of their religion because you have to have a certain mentality to want to kill yourself or others in the first place.
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@sunilkonda (1215)
• India
16 Feb 07
ya friend, i completely agree with what you have said, people go crazy when some one is killed and start taking revenge and then starts politicizing the issue all over the world and becomes a chain complex problem.
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@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I think maybe you better ask why the Muslims are hating the rest of the world, i live in America, I have NEVER heard one person say "i hate muslims"...
but i have seen muslims on TV say and do the opposite (bombing, heads chopped off, torture, murder, kidnapping, foul language, and intolerance to non-muslims and muslims alike).
So maybe you are asking the wrong question my friend. A rational person does not have to hateful to question a relifious motive of even become a bit phobic.
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@limitup (324)
• United States
16 Feb 07
We in the United States have treated Muslims very well after Sept 11, especially compared to our reaction towards our Japanese-American citizens after Pearl Harbor.
We don't hate anybody except terrorists that kill us. Hate is a festering thing in anyone's soul. We do want them killed or brought to justice, though, so that we can continue living peaceful lives.
The vast majority of Muslims we have no problem with. Peace be with you ALL and God bless!
@tsmeesa98 (576)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I don't hate Muslims. The people that do tend to be ignorant of the religion. They watch the extremeists on tv and assume that all Muslims feel the same way. My thought is that all religions are equal. I don't judge people for disagreeing with the way I believe and I expect the same in return.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I am not buying into the crap that the media and the government feed the genderal public. I don't have any reason to hate anyone, and I'm not going to come up with a reason "just because" either. Muslims are people just like us, and we are people just like them. I don't understand why some people hate Americans so much. I'm Canadian, and I hear enough in Canada about Americans. My boyfriend is American, and I love him. He's a fine man and he comes from a fine family.
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@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
16 Feb 07
Afer making friend with many people who were anti-Muslims (and yet me being Muslim didnt matter) I´ve noticed that iot isnt hatred, but surprised contempt.
First we have people flying a plane into a building in the name of our god, chopping off jpurnalist´s heads in the name of our god, killing each other (sunni vs shiite) and causing civil wa in the name of our god. When the Serbian Christians were massacring Bosnians, I wrongly felt much contempt towards the Christians, now I can just imagine what they feel when we´ve attacked their country, killed their people while screaming "in the name of Allah!"
Second, when they look at most Muslim countries what do they see? Saudi Arabia, which ignores every right the Q´ran gave to women and forbids them to drive, vote, to choose their own life and to make matters worse, ranks above most countries in spouse abuse and maid rape. They see African girls being raped in Africa. They see wwomen being thrown acid on their faces because they looked at another man for 1 second. They see 4-8 year old gils being forcefully married in Iran. They see the never-ending Sunni-Shiite war, which has killed more people in history than most conflicts.
Third, looking at the behaviour of us on the net, for every discussion asking why did terrorism happen, there is a discussion complaining that theyre talking about Muslims. Haev we forgotten or duty? Our duty is to know our book, to educate them and show them that we´re not that bad, not whine why theyre angry that our brothers are killing them.
Let them talk about us. Reply to them with kindness, because their anger is not without reason, and answer their doubts and questions. They deserve to know why such things are going on.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
16 Feb 07
I am not against the muslims, but it seems most muslims are against christians, I have many friends that belong to the muslim religion who are not terrorists and do not have any dealings with this at all. They are humans like you say but it is the ones that do terrorists acts that are muslims that cause all muslims to get a very bad name but what the terrorists are doing is not according to the koran and the rules of the muslim religion.
@tinakalra25 (85)
• India
16 Feb 07
I agree to your view freind..All my school life I always had muslim freinds and even after 7 yrs of completing schooling we are still closely bonded,thogh many a times we came across with discussions after bombblast and terrosist activities,about the culprits but it all depends upon individuals to handle such situations moderately and understand that people do so...because of lack of vision and not because they are muslims
@kishchun (497)
• Oman
16 Feb 07
hey, aryan, whoever told you that people hate muslims? nobody does, or rather , should. it's only the bad deeds that people suffer from and so, hate, not any group of people as such. and, there are some people who profess that their religion islam urges them to shed blood, and it is because of such people that the muslim community is hated by some. anyway , i honestly DON'T think you should be provoking people, but you should be rather trying to promote harmony - what say you? lol
by the way, am a secular at heart and whatever the religion i practise, i do it in the ultimate sense, and am a die-hard optimist, so i hope that one day, soon, people will learn to live peacefully .... don't you dare laugh at me...
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@davido (1623)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
Hi, i dont think its about hating muslim here we have a lot of muslim here and we get on well. But the fact that some call themselves extremist and they belive they have to kill another in other to get a reward in heaven!!.
Now,in the Northern part of my country, could you believe that due to the war in Iraq they decided to kill a friend whom they have known for years and this people call themselves muslim.
Another one- I looked at the programe of Amanpour on CNN in THE WAR WITHIN a muslim cleric-I forgot his name now- said Islam is not about PEACE! imagine, That is the way he sees it. So it is not about MUSLIM but about some demoralised, demented, sick, individuals.
@destinycole (827)
16 Feb 07
Dear God! I don't hate Muslims at all I don't hate Jews either. It angers me that the media portray people as Muslim Haters or Antisemitics because of a few bad apples in the barrell [I mean a few bigoted opinions of the minority, like the darn BNP!]
I try hard to prevent this prejudice against cultures, I even try hard to educate my students. Did you know that my local college had to give extra lessons to adults with Learning Difficulties because they where so confused by the media hype and went around making racist comments. Yet they did not understand the remarks they made, they where just copying some bigoted members of our community.
I am appalled that any one would even think that the majority of our population actually hate Muslims. This hatred happened years ago with the IRA, if you where irish you where a Terrorists, no one would go over to Ireland for fear.
It cannot happen again with Muslims if we stand firm it will not happen again.
@marymarj2002 (1769)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
Everyone should be respected whatever our belief or religion is. Maybe the reason why some people have hatred for Muslims because usually the terrorists came from their sect. Their names are names of Muslims and the race they are in are usually the Muslims. But I believe that these terrorist are just crazy and they did not follow what is the true teachings of their religion. Afterall we can't call them true Muslims. Maybe there are just baptized with names of Muslims but their true self and acts are not on to Islam doctrine therefore we can't call them Muslim.
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@furdee82 (18)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
those who hate muslims are narrow minded people. terrorism isn't about religion. those people (terrorist) were only blinded by wrong preachings of people who only use them for terrorism.. judge people according to their personality not according to their religion or beliefs.
@ahade1 (97)
• Malaysia
16 Feb 07
I agree. its not them. last time i heard in USA. the Sept 11 incident. On that same day, there was not even any jews worker on that day. they were around 2000 people i think. isn't quite odd for all of them to absent on the same day. on top of that there were cameraman that manage to get all the video footage of the airplane that crash into the building. So who is the real terrorist??
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@bharadwaj000 (7)
• India
16 Feb 07
i dont know yy people think that they r muslims in fact they r the most friendly people i have every seen and also have many muslim friend and for that matter some part of the muslim society r terrorists i dont know yy they doo all these thing seriously that too it frequent in india the most....soo...i would say that yy doo u guys make it a big issue justforget it seriously forget think they r also a human being sooo... just chill and make friends
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@toshin_shah (77)
• India
16 Feb 07
earlier people were too prone to religion wars.they considered that nothing is bigger in this world than their god and so they would fight for the sake of their religion.
one of them considering muslims were the most addorable in this case.they would do 'jehad' that means to kill the people for sake of their religion,this grew up into terrorist organisations , which know are on the eye of the whole world. This groups operate from a primary level. all members of these groups are muslims and are ready to die for sake of their religion.Its a shamefull thing to whole world and our humanity.It should be stopped as soon as possible or else it might led to world war3..
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
16 Feb 07
I don't hate Muslims. But you see around the world they do provocative things hiding behind the word Allah. I think this is blasphemy. They go to war with the Koran in hand, this is also blasphemy.
Also their intolerance towards other religions and beliefs is another reason. The Bamian Buddah statues were destroyed in the name of Religion. In Saudi Arabia you will hounded into jail if you openly practice another religion. So the millions working there will have nothing but hatred and will release it when they get another chance.
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@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
16 Feb 07
One country where the Muslims were actively protesting against the destruction of the Bamian statues, was Sri Lanka. In Saudi Arabia, they are using Islam to safeguard the life of luxury led by the monarchs.
But you can't take this message to the majoriy of people. I know this very well. When George Bush goes to war it is as bad as what is happening in some places, but people apply it only to George Bush, or at least not beyond Americans. But unfortunately the word Islam is abused to such an extent, most people will get brainwashed against the word.
It is like yuor distant relative being jailed and people looking down on your family. This is wrong. But to overcome this we as a family you should be outstanding enough and excel in some field to whitewash the image that was tarnished.
@cerium (689)
16 Feb 07
I didn't consider the Taliban to be Muslims. They are just idiots. As for the Buddha statues, you forgot to mention that Muslim leaders from many places went to convince them not to do so. Unfortunately, they didn't listen. This is not Islam. Also you mention Saudi Arabia which is a country full of extremists. In all other Muslim countries, you can practice your religion freely.
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@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
personally i never hate muslims or other religions,
because they are humans like me.
i hate those who are bad and terorrists. not all muslims are terorrist
there are good ones, and some of them are my friends...
good day..
@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
16 Feb 07
You know why a social or religious community is hated so much... its just because the leaers who are so much arrogant and violent and like that.... and moreover the reason why muslims are hated is just because some way or the others there are a lot of them involved in terrorism and bloodshed... they are i don't know if either missled by the leaders or what but as far as i have seen in the news and in the papers i have seen only violent and hatefull behaviors they hold. And moreover whenever by mistake i have tuned in to some muslim channels, and i have seen the muslim priests or i don't know what they call them but i have always heard them speaking negative about other religions and they always oppose any ixing up with any other religion. And there are more such issues that lead to such religous hatered
@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
16 Feb 07
actually its not 'ixing' but its 'mixing' and m really sorry if i hurt somebody but really i only speak of what i have seen and hear and i do not make any choices based on religion... not in any kind of relationships or anything else ever.... And i do not believe in religional hatered and neither do i believe or follow any kind of discrimination.
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@pradeepudr (96)
• India
16 Feb 07
No my Friend....
you know it very well that the main source of terrorism is Pakistan,Afghanistan like countries and these all are muslim countries.
Also you can find that whenever you listen any terrorism activity there were at least some of the terrorist from Pakistan.
so that I strongly says that Muslims are not Terrorist but Terrorist are Muslims...
There are very less persons of other religion that groom terrorism.
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@Lani3338 (39)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
Yeah i beleive we should all be treated equally. I guess be it a Muslim or Christian, we are made in the same image and lkikeness of God. We all need to understand each other's differences, culture and upbringing. We should always consider humane acts and not some violence to prevail in order to have a peaceful and fruitful life... Peace..!
@manoj4u (28)
• China
16 Feb 07
i dont think muslims r the only terrorists in this world.....terrorist groups always wants a hide-out in the name of religion so that they think will get international muslim support....muslims are also humans, they also have the same feelings we are having. I hav many Muslim friends, they are not terrorists nor their family.....TERRORISTS are those who destroys the peace prevailing in this world. Thus the cheap politicians are the main terrorists in this world. For example in USA i think the main terrorist is George.W.Bush just coz he hits poor arab countries in the name of peace. In each & every country there is terrorists. What we people should do is stop cursing each other in the name of religion & try to find out the real cause factor & to root it out..........
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