Hell's Kitchen

@BlackBay (584)
February 15, 2007 12:57pm CST
Does anyone watch Hell's Kitchen with Chef Gordon? What do you think of the show and would you try out for the show?
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7 responses
15 Feb 07
First off yes i do watch this and gordan ramsey is a great cheif. those who call him or say someone else is better are pretty much wrong because this guy can handle heat he just tells it like he is. He does have a nice side and yes there alot of cheif which are good. (i doubt better) my brothers a chief he's good but i won't say how or if he's better because you can't compare without tasting boths food. =) Kudos Just venting m thoughts =)
@BlackBay (584)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
Venting is healthy!:) Have a Great Day!:)
@kahlana (58)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I absolutely love the show :) I love the way he makes everyone do their job . It' awsome I think ... But I for one could not be on that show and I could not go though the hell he puts some of them people through.
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@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
Yes, both me and my other half found this show a couple weeks ago and when we first saw it we were really interested. Both of us were blown away by how the head chef and judge Chef Gordon would talk to the contestants. I could not believe some of the things he had said to some of them and at other times I found he was completely justified. What I mean there is that when some of the food was getting cooked and then the food was shown to him he really got miffed with some of the contestants and at other times he was telling them that they did a half decent job. I'm not so sure I would really want to go on this show as a contestant because of some of the stuff that comes out of Chef Gordon's mouth. I find him to be very rude sometimes to the point where it no longer is about the food and it gets personal. I don't think there is any need for that kind of talk when you are judging a competition based on food, not on what makes up a person. I don't believe personal attacks are warranted when you should be a bit more tactful with your words and remain focused on the food and how good or bad it is. The couple of episodes we both have watched we've seen our fair share of meals that have been prepared with undercooked food. We've seen the fighting and butting of heads of fellow contestants in the kitchen when they have a bunch of people to cook food for. We've seen the teamwork and lack thereof when it comes to certain teams and the people we want to go sometimes don't go. There are times where I'd love to be the judge on that show instead of Chef Gordon just so I could tell who I didn't like to go home. There has been certain situations where I think Chef Gordon could have handled things differently and been a bit more understanding. I do realize that he puts the contestants into high pressure situations and expects them to perform to the best of their abilities, but I guess I would just like it a little more if he wasn't such a hardass and would cut them some slack. I guess there's no room for error though when it comes to service and cooking in a restaurant because I wouldn't want food that was undercooked or prepared like there was no care for me as a customer. I would appreciate at least decent service and food that was half decent as opposed to getting sick because something wasn't prepared correctly. I guess to understand where Chef Gordon was coming from I'd have to either put myself in his position or the position of someone eating in his restaurant. All in all I think the show is pretty good and it has all the factors of every other reality show. It's got the drama between contestants as well as the judging of contestants productions that make the show very interesting. In conclusion I think the show is pretty good with everything to keep an audience interested in it. I don't think I'd be able to really be a contestant on the show because of the way Chef Gordon talks to the contestants. I think it is a good show though especially because of all of the issues between the contestants and the judging that Chef Gordon does. Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
15 Feb 07
I love watching Hells Kitchen, Gordon Ramsey might be a brilliant chef, but he is so volatile and blunt. Watching some of the *trainees* he has on the show is great, some of them really do have some culinary talent and he can bring that skill out for them, for others, well they haven't really got a clue have they. I definitely wouldn't want to try out for the show though, the presssure would break me :-)
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@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I love that show and I'd love to be on it :) Of course, I don't think that I would last very long mind you. He can get pretty nasty at times. I'd be either crying or yelling back at him.
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@JJLoa44 (346)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I've watched the show on and off, but never regularly. And would never be on it. As for Chef Gordon Ramsey, my source with knowledge of the food industry in England says that all reports have him as a great chef, but not one you want to work with if you can't take the heat cause he is a perfectionist and doesn't handle fools well (not that he has to in his normal kitchen as he can usually pick and choose). However, those characteristics of him have of course been amped up for tv - ratings are all important!
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• United States
15 Feb 07
Personally, I think the show is a waste. My father in law is a classically trained Chef and Gordon could not hold a candle to him. Talk about if you can't take the heat. . . I would love to see him try to even compare. I just think it is really unfair that people like him and Wolfgang get all this recgonition, but there are people better that deserve to be in the spotlight.