Why do vegetarians see meat-eaters as murderers ???
By Profetu
@Profetu (1253)
February 15, 2007 2:24pm CST
When in fact it has been proven that plants are also LIVING things(mm top that).Or that's less important?..eehh it's only a plant...who would complain? I AM! Maybe it's murder but it goes both ways (plants also die in the process of making food out of them).i am a meat-eater and happy about that.I don't start going to people : vegetables can drive you mad (studies have ,by the way, shown that you can really go nuts from eating just vegetables, that doesn't mean that i'll start a campaign regarding that).Do vegetarians really need to poke our eyes out with that argument?Or is it just a "trend" to eat vegetables?
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43 responses
@tarlsgirl (102)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Vegetarians stick strongly to there beliefs. They do not like to eat any type of meat, so therefore they do not want others to eat any type of meat. I eat meat, and nothing will change that, to me meat is very healthy, the days that i have tried to eat nothing but vegetables, it made me sick. I have nothing against vegetarians, but they do not need to dislike me because I am not going to become a non-meat eater. That is like anyone though, when you strick strong enough to some beliefs, nothing will ever change the way you act or what you believe in.
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@zavebe (122)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I just have to comment that when you change from meat-eating to veggy-only, it drastically changed your diet. It WILL make you sick. The same way that if a vegan suddenly woofed down a cheeseburger, they'd get sick too. It's not that one is worse than the other, it's simply a change of diet.
It's the same as if you suddenly switched your dog or cats food, they'll get sick too.
Just incase you try out the veggy thing again. Just go more slowly and gradual, so it doesn't make you sick ^.^
@Amanda_NZ (125)
• Lexington, North Carolina
16 Feb 07
Good topic to bite into..*grin*
Has anyone thought about the circle of life with animals and plant life? One cannot live without the other!
Animals (people too) eat plant life, grass, leaves etc, to live and grow, they eliminate their waste, the plant life needs this to live and grow.
Animals die and they decompose or rots and it goes into the ground for the plants to live on. Many fertilizers are blood and bone..
You throw out vegetable peelings etc into a compost pile to later decompose and you can throw this onto your garden to add more nutrients etc and grow bigger and more healthy veges, flowers etc.
Some animals will eat other animals - is this cruel?
It is a 'dog eat dog' world we live in and it is a survival of the fittest.
Should humans be vegetarians, Yes if they want to..Nothing wrong with that.
Should humans be carnivours, Yes if they want to..Nothing
wrong with that either..
Should humans 'picket' each other on their choice of eating meat or being vegetarian...No.!!! We were given
freedom of choice, trend or not trend, leave each others
choice alone and be respective to each other.
If you are a meat eater and you invite someone to dinner
knowing they are a vegetarian - be respectful and cook more varieties of vegetables so they will feel comfortable. You can even go further and ask them for some recipes and perhaps have a vegetarian meal for everyone.
One night will not hurt you to eat vegan.
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
16 Feb 07
THANK YOU!You (in my opinion) gave the right answer to my issue there.thank you for adding the examples.sorry for being that short but i'm still pissed off by the "dodo" guy earlier.thank you all for sharing (in a civilised manner) you thoughts , opinions ,etc.

@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
5 Mar 07
About time someone brought up that point. If you are going to eat, something has to die. It can be the animals, or the plants. Yes, plants do die when they are picked. They stop growing and stop living. So maybe when people protest places that serve meat because it is inhumane, maybe they will think about poor little plants being ripped up by their tender roots. The life force being ripped away from them at their prime.
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
5 Mar 07
Thanks a lot!
Yes,humans always took lives(plants or animals) in order to survive.
I have a lot of respect for nature(flora and fauna included here)...but eating meat is a natural thing,in my oppinion.I don't go yelling "murderer" to a wolf only becouse he ate a deer.And humans...are just another specie of (very evolved) animals.
Thanks for saying your oppinion :)
@iduidu (243)
• Romania
6 Mar 07
my own opinion is eat what you want to eat and DONT condemn others for their personal choice. The God who gave us vegetables for food is the same God who also gave us meat for food. i see no harm in a vegetarian diet as long as nutritional needs are met, the same as i see no harm in eating meat. if cholesterol and fat cause problems, then one should take a hard look at the AMOUNT of meat in a particular diet. anything in excess is bad for you. in my opinion, a healthy diet can include lots of veggies AND a moderate amount of meat or animal derived protien. but what one choses to eat is just that, one's own personal choice.
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@zavebe (122)
• United States
15 Feb 07
lol. I love that argument, that plants are living things too. We just can't see their pain.
Personally, I think there are way too many who become vagan for the social aspects of it, the status, the 'coolness'. Granted, not all of them are like that, but a lot are.
I, too, am a meat-eater. Though I'm careful for my health and only eat meat sparingly. Which is how it should be done. I think the majority of Americans, at least, over-eat meat. I eat chicken on occasion. And fish (salmon. yum) every so often. I tend to avoid beef, and eat it only once a month or so. (a nice juicy Red Robins burger. Oh glory be. lol)
But, I wont diss Vagans. because they have a bit of a point. Most meat consumed by americans comes from highly mistreated animals. It's not like we went hunting and caught our own animals. I try to buy my meat from local butchers and such. But it's very difficult to find salmon locally, for me. We do need to rethink our meat-eating habits. after all, veggies are SO much more healthy for us.
I think Vagans are a result of America sucking so badly at our health. So these people go to an extreme to get the point across. And also because that extremeness gets them clear of meat eating. A sort of "all or nothing" philosophy.
Personally, I think vegans have gone a little too far. Milk and cheese, to me, aren't a result of animal cruelity, especially if you buy it locally.
I just think most vegans, most TRUE vagans, that is, have a problem with our mass-production of meat products. And I agree. It's a little bit extreme.
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
15 Feb 07
Thank you for your thoughts.I hope i didn't get anyone upset with my tone or my post but really now i've just had it and i'm trying to influence vegetarians NOT to coment when i'm eating meat :"you know...that's a victim resulted from a murder.What? why do i need to hear that? really now.Wouldn't it be better if you people wouldn't say anything about it?The only thing with what i agree is that the whole process of eating is...and get a load of this , it might be shocking to some : NATURAL!tell a lion not to hunt...if you convince mother nature to stop that process...then i'll change my diet! (sorry for posting here,and for everybody who felt offended by this...it's intention is NOT to offend ...is to educate an opinion)
@coolchic101 (848)
• United States
5 Mar 07
There were a lot of people I know of and used to know that were vegetarians. I didn't try to convert them and vice versa and I am a meat eater myself :-)
But if I ever encounter someone that tries to convert my meat eating habit and/or my lifestyle, I would ask them "Why are you trying to convert me to be a veggie eater? You don't see me converting you to eat meat?!"
I guess the veggie thing has to do with religious convictions or something in that nature. The reason we humans have canine teeth is to help grind the meat. Otherwise, our teeth would be stub looking :-)
Along time ago, cave people and homosapiens ate meat to survive, if they didn't, then humans would have been extinct a long time ago.
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
5 Mar 07
THANK YOU!!!That was my point,too!
To be a vegetarian it's your choise...but don't say that I am a murderer becouse I choose to eat meat!
I have vegeterians friends too.And they don't try to convert me or say that I am a murderer.We even eat together a lot of times...I order a steak and they order salad,without any complains.
Thank you again.
@prasad_20066 (16)
• India
16 Feb 07
lets recognice that every system in this world which has growth is a living being. Basically we have being which give response and which doesnot give response. So, in this world are murderers. rite. As non-vegitarians hav no response from vegetables, they are rite at they are doing and people who eat the food which has sence of response are murderers. My dear friend, no one is murderer, untill he/she consider it for soul satisfaction. I think you can understand what i am saying.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
16 Feb 07
Not all vegetarians act in this fashion so generalising is quite inaccurate here. I am a vegetarian and I don't do anything or say anything to popleI see eating meat. I don't try to preach to them about my philosophies because I live by the credo "To each his own." This means that I accept that everyone has a different opinion and I am not the one to try and force another on them.
With that said, I have never seen any sort of studies that say you can go insane by eating only vegetables. That is completely asinine because for thousands of years there have been people, tribes and cultures that were vegetarians and they have had no problems. You should state your source to make such a claim.
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@072006 (1276)
• India
15 Feb 07
hey, i am also vegeterian, but i never feel so that people who are eating meats are murderer. How do you feel so?....well well the way you started discussion , it lokks like you really ahte vegeterian anda bout their eating habbits, is not it?....be honest?....As i dont eat meat, but can have a food with one who is eating meat on sam e table, i really dont bother, and dont have any feeling for this!!
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@ill7ven (49)
• Romania
15 Feb 07
they don`t see meat eaters like murderers,they are vegetarians because of diffrent personal reasons....at some point u may be right...most of them are also marching for animal rights,because let`s face it,often the animals are mistreated and killed in horrible ways just because they are ment to be a future meal.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Wow I never thought of it like that. I dont care to not "Not" eat meat. But I have a cousin who is pretty strong a vegetarian. Some people just arent comfortable with meat though. I dont blame them, sometimes its gross. But I dont eat all meat, just the ones I love. I'd never give up cheeseburgers or pizza and stuff. I believe we are allowed to eat meat as well as veggies, God gave us both to have. Its not bad to eat what was given. But I respect those who dont want to eat it. Maybe its the fact I know one personally. Oh well.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
That is a great question!
I love when they say but animals breathe. WELL so do plants!!

@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
No I can have a pretty silly twisted mind sometimes.
I'm sure there are more of us out there too

@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Did you know that just as many people choose to be vegetarian for health reasons as do for animal rights activism? I actually don't know many veggies who decided to be veggie because they don't want to murder animals. I know several, though, who are veggie because it can be a much healthier lifestyle.
And if someone doesn't want to kill animals, that's a valid choice, and you shouldn't criticize them for it. Especially if you don't want them to criticize you.
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@Lardiel (280)
• Romania
21 Feb 07
i think that it's more than a trend than a real conviction. it's probably en vogue to eat vegetables because some clebrity said that eatting meat is like murder or something. and besides that. you don't kill anything if you eat cheese or drink milk. and not all eggs are soon to be little birds. beside it's not like if you eat meat you are eating some endangered species. we eat especially grown animals. just like you grow crops. and it is true that there are a great deal of minerals, proteins and even vitamins that you can only get from meat and not from plants too.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
16 Feb 07
you are an eediot!
firstly, since when does culinary diversity dictate an adversarial paradigm?
secondly, plants produce foodstuffs specifically intended for animal consumption in the course of varied strategies to enhance the plants' survival and propagation. The birds and the bees all suck flower nectar, and orangutans and humans all suck fruit. The same can hardly be said of animals which are consumed by other animals - quite the contrary, most animals srtrive specifically to preserve all their bodily parts rather than offer them for mastication. And if you have the brainstorm of arguing that milk is an example of animals offering themselves for consumption by other animals, think again - and see point six...
thirdly, despite cultural conditioning and commercial brainwashing to the contrary, humans are not designed to consume meat. As a species, the closest thing in the entire animal kingdom to the gut of a human is that of an orangutan - which happen to be fruitarians in the main, and vegetarians beyond that.
fourthly, the human metabolism is quite capable of accomodating a departure from the fuel for which it has been designed, but that departure comes at a cost of an increasingly acidic metabolism which fosters the onset of accelerated ageing and degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis and cancer, to name but a few.
fifthly, who said anything about "murder"? I wouldn't kill an animal because I have no desire to do so - but that doesn't mean that I won't eat a chicken sandwich. But just because I would actually eat a chicken sandwich has no bearing whatsoever on the truth of everything else that I have said here.
sixthly, if you drink milk, you will die of osteoporosis. Milk is mammalian cellular secretion intended for the nourishment of the juveniles of the species from which it is produced. In all other respects, it is a mild poison if consumed by the adults of the same species, and more so if consumed by the juveniles or adults of other mammalian species. Cow's milk causes a long list of chronic diseases in the Western societies that have become so accustomed to consuming it that health and dietary authorities actually support the commercial cartels in pushing it on the population, and promote it as a remedy for the very disease that it causes - osteoporosis! All the little old ladies will keep right on chugging the stuff down until they end up crumbling in a palpitating sodden mess down into their graves. But don't take my word for it -do a check of the incidence of osteoporosis across the nations of the world and compare this to the incidence of dairy consumption.
In summary, eating plants isn't murder because plants don't recognise the concept. Eatng spiders might be, but that's fully justified given their generally homicidally psychotic tendencies.

@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
There you go, THAT'S the spirit!
Sorry to overwhelm you with my English, but it's not my preferred language.
Why do so many people take themselves so seriously?
Let's see now, what has lots of *'s in it and begins with an "f"...
Why exactly should the knowledge that plants occupy a different plane of consciousness annoy you or anyone else for that matter?
Fact is, they do - as surely as night follows day. And as surely as the Sun is a big, black and very SOLID ball (which it is).
I've already stated in plain (albeit breathtakingly eloquent) English that "murder" is not an issue when dealing with food. Our current circumstances are a direct consequence of humanity's wickedness in the time before the Flood, in which time (as I'm sure you know) humanity was exclusively vegetarian and FORBIDDEN to eat meat, but after the Flood the reduced abundance of the world dictated that humanity thenceforth has been permitted to indulge the practice.
And as also stated, we reduce our longevity in proportion to the extent that we feed our bodies improper fuel. Yes, our bodies are tremendously adaptable, and will accommodate and attempt to utilize just about anything that is stuffed through the cake-hole. But humans being omnivores is a condition of behavior, not design. If one chooses to be strictly technical about the subject and assess precisely what the human gut has been designed for, the conclusion will be that the natural human diet is raw fruit and vegetables - just like orangutans.
Now, that doesn't mean that the Global Gut Sheriff will come kick in your front door when you sit down to a big steaming meal of animal produce. But it doesn't change things either - it is what it is, and we are what we are.
If anyone chooses to be vegetarian, it might be on grounds of compassion for the animals, or a basic good health choice, or for religious reasons. But "murder" doesn't come into it, when the reduced abundance in the world permits sustenance of humanity by animal supplementation.
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
16 Feb 07
SAY WHAT ? Excuse me little bird brain....BUT :
1)I really didn't started with you f*** *** ***** ***** eediot now did i?
2) You are using "elevated" terms to prove what?English ,for me ,is NOT a language that i was born with(so i appoligise for that) i learned and i am really not using high-elevated terms to prove that i CAN'T PROPER ARTICULATE/WRITE (like you just did)!!!!
3)You didn't read the whole thing now did you?I ,for instance, am trying at least to see what everybody has to say about that without making them stupid for their arguments brought forward.(sorry for not replying to everybody but i'm on the other side of the planet and my computer is SLOW and OLD)
4)Diversity DOES create disputes (don't think you've ever been in one)because of the human nature...but we can solve that through TALK and SHARING an OPINION.but i sincerely don't think that you managed to SEE that people shared DIFFERENT opinions here right before your eyes.
5)Excuse me ,little Darwin....ever heard of the term "phylosophical speaking" ????? do you know what that is?.
6) see more related studies (or go to school to learn some things in biology)concerning the fact that humans are...get a load of this Eistein :OMNIVOUROUS (we can actually , and DO , eat both)!
7)What the hell are you so upset on milk?(you are talking more than Enciclopedia Britannica volume...ps i didn't start a topic either on milk issues (i was asking a question ...regarding people just like you ,who bother me)or to get a fight out of it.
8)lighten up and do us all a favour...don't write...i'll donate that cent for you from my acount.I am very serious.
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
17 Feb 07
Overwhelming...not a chance.Useless yes...but if it fuels your little complexes...Don't start with your beleifs of the Flood here because it's not proven and it's offtopic and stupid to clami that people before did that..Did you lived in those times to claim that?I beleive in history not a man made thing.ps:floods do happen but to know that it was world wide...then they had very good messaging sistem or surveillance.i will not respond to you anymore ( i think i prefer talking to a 5 year old than with you.by the way...kids do make better sense than you did.Adieu
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
27 Feb 07
At times I do not understand why these days some get so angry at the ways animals are slaughtered. I believe in this modern time animals die quicker during slaughter, than back say in the caveman days where many animal's deaths would be long and carried out, with hunters running them down and in some cases would have many spears stuck in them before dying. I think better things could be said about animal rights activists if they went after more of the sport hunters, than slaughter houses. I'll always love animal, but I'm not vegetarian. I know which battles to fight and which are better left alone, cause in my opinion slaughter houses get it done with quicker than most sport hunters do.
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
27 Feb 07
shhhhh..the vegetarians are watching what you're saying here :))
You've spoken a truth here.I admire your bravery.
Yes,i think that they should be more concerned about those sport-hunters or poachers than meat-eaters/slaughter houses.
But you mostly find this type of vegetarians i was putting in question not as animal rights activists but "the one who yells at you while you're trying to have a nice stake at an even nicer dinner".
I was just thinking...since my plants (i have a lot of them) seem to react at music...should i go at a restaurant and start screaming when someone orders a salad?That could have been my salad.The salad i've cultivated and "nurtured" could be EXACTLY THAT ONE!! oo my God..what a horror!!!
Thank you for posting here :)
@sunilkonda (1215)
• India
27 Feb 07
Where from you get the meat? does you grow meat like crops on land?
You have got meat by killing an innocent animal, thats y vegetarians call Non-Vegetarians as murderers..
Do you think that murder means killing only human beings..
Killing animals also i feel as murdering only..
@randomosity_prevails (1110)
21 Feb 07
I am vegetarian, and I don't view meat-eaters as murderers. It was my decision to become vegetarian, just as it was their decision not to. If other people are happy to eat meat, then that's fine. Personally, I don't want to, so I don't. My main reason is because I don't like the way in which the animals are slaughtered - I worked in the meat industry, and so have first hand experience of what happens at slaughterhouses.
Vegetarianism is, in some ways, healthier than eating meat, though it obviously has it's disadvantages. I'm anaemic, which is partly caused by my vegetarianism. I control this with iron tablets, and am happy to continue not eating meat.
I think that it is a moral decision, for most people, and some people just like to rub that in. Sort of like, 'Look at me, look how thoughtful and caring I am'. I don't really care if other people eat meat or not. It's not up to me to try to change the views of others.
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
21 Feb 07
I totally respect what you said there.being a vegetarian ..not blaming others for the choices that they made...and well for saying that you have problems with it...it can happen.Thank you for posting here and showing that it has it's bad sides just like anything else.
@hoz9991 (301)
15 Feb 07
Hello fellow meat eater. I eat meat and love it. I don't mind vegetarians. It's when they force their attitudes and methods of eating upon that really makes me mad. For this I believe they should be punished by having a raw sirloin steak rubbed in their face. I can understand why people want to be vegetarian, but I think when they choose to be vegetarian they choose to eat unhealthily. As an ending point to this argument I believe that all vegetarians should be forced to have their canine teeth removed. These teeth are here for a reason, and one reason only - to tear meat, and as vegetarians don't need them they should be willing to give them up. It also provides a great method of identifying vegetarians in a crowd of people. We are superior beings, start acting like one!
@navjitpahwa (112)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
hey i m a vegetarian..n i dont know what you r so complaining about...if you know the studies regarding just negative of vegetables why dont you read this...
u might get some of your answers...
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
15 Feb 07
Is it just me or vegetarian people write a little less words?(it is a joke !!!)whyy ooo whyy do you reaalyy need to tell me about your lifestyle???Have i given you any link that yells out loud : Why be a meat person ?NO.Leave our concepts ALONE!please!? how many of "us" started blaming YOU people for what you are?
@navjitpahwa (112)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
no the point is u r exaggerating the things not me...i wrote in very simple words why becoming a veggie can be health wise good...n u r taking it personally...i ve been a meat eater myself n my parents still r non-veggies n i ve no problem while eating with them even now..
Whats the harm in thinking about the benefits of vegetables?u wudnt be eating only non-veg throughout the day or r u?
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
15 Feb 07
ehmmm....you did saw the "it's a joke!!!!!!!" part now didn't you?Why are you so offended ? Have i grown offended for example when you posted that link?NO...that would be in a way stupid for me to do.And beleive me i know about vegetarian life style , i just don't need a "reminder" from everybody who think's that i'm wrong with my life style.thank you