Do you believe internet love? share your opinion and story

@Yokiou (49)
February 16, 2007 12:26am CST
Do you believe internet love?Maybe somebody had try to love,but distance is a problem.Do you believe to find the true love from internet?share your opinion and story
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3 responses
• Canada
16 Feb 07
Yes, I believe in internet love. I'm one of the success stories, and it all happened so unexpectedly. I met my partner three years ago on the internet. We met in a chatroom we both frequented and gradually we became closer till we realized there was something between us. I lived in the UK and he was in Canada. I flew out to Canada to meet him and we hit it off instantly. I stayed for 4 weeks, flew back to the UK for 6 weeks to get my affairs in order, and then flew back out to Canada. We haven't been separated since. Today we're more in love than ever, and we're planning our wedding which has been set for the 12th of April 2008. Internet love CAN happen. I'm proof of that.
@Yokiou (49)
• China
16 Feb 07
WOW!Congratulate you!It's a romantic stroy.You are a lucky girl.But you will go to Canade?or he stay in UK?
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I have already moved to Canada to be with him. I am indeed a lucky girl. :)
@FreeBits (17)
• Ethiopia
16 Feb 07
Yes, I do. I met my wife in a chatroom. We lived on opposite sides of the planet. But after a lot of work and sacrifices we got married. We have never been happier. So, just remember, love is EVERYWHERE. Here are some lyrics : "...I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes. Love is all around me..." and an old one: "...Love will come to you, until you try to chase it..." So my answer is ... if love is everywhere, why can't it be on the net? It's become another dimension in almost everyone's life. (Well, atleast to those of us that are connected.) Cheerios!
@Yokiou (49)
• China
16 Feb 07
Thank you~Wish that you and your wife happy forever.^_^yes,love is everywhere
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
Hi Yokiou! Welcome to myLot! I'm happily married for 12 years and I was not one of the couples meet in the internet but I do believe that no matter how situation you meet your someone special even it is thru internet but the love you had for each other is true then I can say that relationship will last until they see each other in flesh. In our local documentary episode here in our country there are some couples who really meet in the internet and ended in marriage because as the famous songs "Loves moves in mysterious ways" and internet love is one of it.
@Yokiou (49)
• China
16 Feb 07
Thanks your response.I think internet love doesn't true,if they are married,some problems will appear.