Backaches while pregnant...

United States
February 16, 2007 12:32am CST
As am typing this, am sitting on a heating pad trying to get rid of this backache and the pain in my tailbone. I am just 4 months pregnant and I think it is too early to be having them. This is my second pregnancy but during my first, I had them but it was on the later stage...which I had to go to a chiropractor for adjustments. I was also thinking probably it is just because of the weather. But do you usually have backaches and pain while pregnant or I am just prone to this?
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32 responses
• United States
16 Feb 07
Well as a mother of 5 i can tell you this is completely normal. And with all pregnancy's, things vary. People have morning sickness the whole time with one pregnancy, and maybe only once or twice with another. Same as aches and pains. Some of my pregnancy's were terrific and some were horrible. It varies with your body and your baby. I know its a pain (no pun intended) but eventually it will get better. And just think, in 5 months you will have a beautiful baby and you'll forget all about the aches and pains it took to get them here. Good luck with your pregnancy!
• United States
16 Feb 07
Thanks a lot for the comment. This one is just starting out early and when it is worse, there are times I walk like a just so stiff. And yes, you are right, 5 months will pass by so quickly and I am just so excited.
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@haroont2 (101)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Feb 07
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• Indonesia
16 Feb 07
• Australia
16 Feb 07
Congratulations .....Try sitting on a big yoga ball at home, when your in the car try a rubber ring (blow up cushion) the other thing that we get in Australia is a belly belt, it is an elasticated band that is adjustable and helps to support your growing belly and take the strain off of your back, i hope these sujjustions work for you, and goodluck with your baby
• United States
16 Feb 07
Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into those and also wherever I sit, I got a soft pillow with me to help me out.
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• Australia
16 Feb 07
Like the others have said it is a normal pregnancy thing, not that that will make you feel any better though, i broke my tail bone at 7 months pregnant due to a car accident and the Dr told me to get the rubber ring, it is hollow in the middle so it takes all the pressure off of your spine and tailbone . It can be taken anywhere as it is only slightly bigger than a dinner plate and you can blow it up to the desired pressure
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• United States
16 Feb 07
Ok, I will look online for that rubber thing because that is one of my worries, my tailbone. After I had my first baby, I don't feel the same Thank you.
@shila07 (514)
• Bhutan
16 Feb 07
Congratulation to know that you are pregnant, you are so lucky and blessed to br pregnant. During pregnancy, same thing happened to me too. I have consulted doctor and advised me to be warm always, she said, its normal and sometimes due to cold weather. Be warm and rest. Iam sure it will help you. Best wishes till you deliver.
• United States
16 Feb 07
Thanks for the comment and the wishes. I think I need lots of rest too especially going thru the whole day chasing after my toddler. She keeps me in my tippy
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
16 Feb 07
i had it with both of mine but my first was worse. i was at 95 lbs before becoming pregnant at 19. i gained alot of weight and got up to 150 something. i had alot of back pain. i think its pretty much normal but if you are really worried about it id call your doctor and talk to them
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• United States
16 Feb 07
Judging by the response here...I guess it is just pretty normal. I had aches too with my first but never this early. I definitely will ask my doctor when I see her on my next appointment.
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@mcaf1970 (140)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
yes, i had that before but on 8th & 9th month it's normal. specially the premature contraction. gosh, so painful. do you drink milk? milk is rich in calcium & calcium is good for the bones. it helps to strengthen the bone. while typing & sitting on a heating pad, try to put a pillow on your back to feel more comfort & sit up straight. try to go to your ob-gyne & have it check. prevention is better than cure.
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• United States
16 Feb 07
Yes, I am one of those milk drinkers. I just love to drink milk. You are is normal on the late stage of pregnancy coz of the weight of the baby...that is what I had on the first pregnancy. But this one started out early. Thank you for the comment.
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• Denmark
16 Feb 07
Hello and congratulations ! In the beginning of my pregnancy I also had a lot of pain in my tailbone, it just went away after a few weeks, and I hope it will be the same for you. The advice of my midwife was to have a pillow between my knees when I slept (you have to sleep on the side for this) and when I was standing for a certain period of time I should exercise by balancing my weight from the front of my feet to the back of my feet, not sure if you see what I mean there... was actually good for me to do that so may be your doctor will advise that too! Have a beautiful pregancy ;)
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• United States
16 Feb 07
Thank you. I definitely will do that pillow thing because I love just pillows around me...but then for now, my toddler is in bed with us while waiting for her "big"bed so she occupies the whole bed. Me and my husband are on the side of the bed clinging and trying not to Thank you for the comment.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
Oh wow you are only 4 months along. What does the doctor say? It sounds like the baby could be lying on a nerve. I know sometimes they move around and it can make you uncomfortable but I wouldn't think you should experience so much pain just at 4 months. Usually the last 2 months are hard because it's difficult to sleep and you feel so big and uncomfortable. I don't know what else to tell you except talk to your doctor and see what he suggests because you certainly do not want 5 more months of this. Good Luck.
• China
16 Feb 07
you dont expect to see the exact things you saw on your first pregnancy in your my second pregnancy i used to have lots of waste pain and back can get rid of it by taking a pain relief tablet that does not contain caffien or better still always go for a massage or ask your hubby to do it for you it helps.Good luck
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• United States
16 Feb 07
I am looking into going to a chiropractor because with my first, I usually went for adjustment. I wish my husband is so good with massages as I am, it would make my life much better because I just love massages. My husband do the "fingertip" massage and having a background in medicine, will pinpoint all my pressure points. Not my cup of tea Thanks for the comment.
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
17 Feb 07
It might be because you had already been thrown off during the first pregnancy. Usually during the second everything starts coming sooner. If your leg starts to go numb consult your doctor because the baby could be on you nerve causing the back pain. Good luck and congradulations on the baby. Hope you feel better.
@superbren (856)
16 Feb 07
i was just saying in another post that during my third pregnancy with my son the pain in my lower back was excruciating. it lasted all the last five months but came and went. noone gasve me any explanation and i still have a weak back eight years on. i would say to you to find out all you can about it and what you can do to relieve it as i had to eat my meals standing some days and i had to be hauled from my chair when i did sit down. i think it was the way the baby was lying all the time. just make sue you get it seen to and good luck with your baby.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I had backaches from about 3 months on, they would come and go. in my lower back, near my hips. i think its just your body making room and getting itself ready for growing and having that baby :) but if you are worried you could always go to your doctor to find out of everything is ok.
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• United States
16 Feb 07
I will definitely ask the doctor or visit a chiropractor. My tailbone part sometimes is the most painful and I guess the body is just making room for the baby. I am just glad that am not the only one who got this aches early. Thanks for the comment.
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@heartie (59)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I think i can give u some suggestion as i'm mother a beautiful girl baby...i had back ache when i wa sin seventh month pregnant...u that the bellly will be bulged...i heard most of my friends complaining abt back aches even in the third month...they had discussed with the doctor itself..what they r saying is it is completely normal to have back pain durin gearlier stage of pregnancy... U entered into the second trimister reight?...u can definitely feel back pain...If the pain is not tolerable..dont hesitate to visit doctor..bcz they know everthing... But mostly...back pain during pregnancy is totally normal.. Congratulations on ur pregnancy.. Enjoy motherhood!!! dont forgot to eat well!!!
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
i just to say do not work hard at home just keep it relax and drik anmom
• United States
16 Feb 07
I wish I could but having a toddler, resting is like a foreign word or a Thanks for the comment.
• United States
17 Feb 07
I have 2 sons and in my second pregnancy i also had a lot backache. Maybe the tailbone pain could be due to a larger baby than your first one. Pregnancies after the first tend to yeild bigger babies.
@astromama (1221)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Hi. I am 8 months pregnant and have been having bad backaches for a few months now. I have a lot of hip pain as well. What I have found is that it's not as bad during the day, when I'm walking around and active, but as soon as I settle in at night I start really feeling it! The one and only thing I've found that helps is an excercize called 'pelvic rocking'... what you do is get on your hands and knees, with your back straight.. be sure you aren't curving or dipping your back, you should look like a table. Now, isolate your pelvis and rock it back and forth, it kind of looks like you're pulling your butt in and then sticking it back out! Just your pelvis, your back shouldn't move much. This excercize strengthens and stretches all of the tiny little muscles in your lower back that are hard to reach with massage... I'm taking birth classes, and they say this excercize produces more benefits than any other excercize for the pregnant mother. They're really easy to do, and don't take a lot of time or effort, but the results are great! I do about 40 a day, and I notice it's the only thing that makes my lower back feel truly 'stretched'.. massage helps relax my back, but the pelvic rocking actually strenghthens and stretches all those tiny muscles. Good luck, and I very strongly suggest you give this a try for a few weeks... it's the only thing that helped me!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I had them with my 2 pregnancies, but much later...perhaps you might want to mention that to your doctor next time you visit.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I had them with my 2 pregnancies, but much later...perhaps you might want to mention that to your doctor next time you visit.
@Starline (681)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I have never been pregnant so I don't know.. but I get scared of having kids when I hear about the problems. Morning sickness! backaches! :( I hope you feel better soon.
• United States
16 Feb 07
I had them from day one of pregnancy. I had to go to the chiropractor from about 3 months until the day I delivered. That was the only thing that helped. The further along I got, the worse they got and I got to the point that I almost couldn't walk until I went to the chiro!! Hate to hear you are in pain!!! Hope it gets better!
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
Having just given birth recently myself, I think that this is pretty normal. Unless the pain is unbearable of course, then it might suggest something serious. In the meantime, maybe you should avoid strenous activities.