How to maximise earnings at Mylot

By twix
@teison2 (5921)
February 16, 2007 4:48am CST
I am very new to this. How do you make the most money here? I am mainly here to take part in the discussions, but I'm curious as to what you do to make the most money from it. getting paied to do something i really enjoy is exellent!
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8 responses
@gotcho0O (1257)
• United States
28 Jun 07
You don't like you're new to this. You have had 2996 posts. I'll be reading some comments here, I might get some tricks.
@gotcho0O (1257)
• United States
28 Jun 07
You don't look like you were new to this. You have had 2996 posts. I'll be reading some comments here, and I might get some tricks. ( I need to fix the first sentence. And there's only one comment so far plus mine. You might want to check some discussions related to yours for some techniques. )
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@gotcho0O (1257)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Ooops, I didn't notice that I was in the second page lol. So you do have lots of comments so far. ^_^.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
28 Jun 07
I was pretty new to this on february 16th - when I strated the discussion (ยจ,)
@stdrst (471)
• Bulgaria
26 Jun 07
I really don't know, too. Is there somebody who can say it? I found that making comments on the blogs can maximise your earnings.
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
28 Jun 07
well I have been here for a few months and the first month I only came on once or twice a week and made only a few cents each visit but for the past month and a half I have been coming here a lot and spend most of my day here and the most I made was $1.47 the trick is to post a lot of pictures try to reach the maximum everyday and post a lot and make your post long thats what gets the most money.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
16 Feb 07
1. Participate in mylot actively 2. Hard work with dedication 3. Post quality discussion topics 4. Post descriptive responses in good number 5. Bring in more referrals.
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• India
25 Jun 07
spend more times it . discuss more new topics. reply 2 discussion in long sentences. bring newly or different topic so that many reply can increase ur earning.
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• Malaysia
18 Apr 07
I had a similar discussion topic. 1. The first key is QUALITY post. 2. The 2nd key is the Quantity, the more the better. 3. Rate the post/response. 4. Upload image.
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• Brazil
18 Apr 07
Also I am new here in myLot,more I know some tips that I will go you to pass.So that you it can gain in myLot!It is to answer and to create discussions, you answering to discussions it will go to gain money that goes is accumulating, and to each person who to answer one discussins done for you.As much the person will go to receive for being answering,as you also it will receive fo Having bred discussions.
@jamz82 (1860)
• Italy
16 Feb 07
write - the art of writing. We have to improve it, and mylot is a good way to do it.
The tip is replying as much as you can and post lot of discussions. when you reach 500 posts start to add images in your replies so you can earn more. When you write response try to write as much as you can, about three or four lines. I hope this could help you!
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• Philippines
16 Feb 07
If you have a regular job, I mean 8 hours a day, you can't maximize your earning here for you need to spend a lot of time here responding to discussions and starting your own discussions too because the more posts the better.