Can you do anything "supernatural"?
By Thomas73
@Thomas73 (1467)
February 16, 2007 5:35am CST
My friend Sunshinecup stated a funny discussion about having a useless talent (, and that got me thinking...
I have somehow a useless talent that people may see as supernatural: I can heal burns and warts. This particular ability was inherited from my father who, just like me, doesn't believe in the supernatural but still has this 'gift'.
This phenomenon certainly has a perfectly normal explanation that hasn't been properly investigated yet. How about you? Do you have any unusual ability that most people would call "supernatural"?
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27 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Feb 07
I don't think it's supernatural, but I know when the darn phone will ring! It drives myself as well as hubby nuts. No matter what I am doing, I can stop and say, "the phone" and sure enough, it rings.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
16 Feb 07
OMG wait, I forgot all about that. I always know when the phone is going to ring when my husband is on the other end. Sometimes I just know and I turn my head to look towards the phone and it rings.
Also, my husband knows when I'm under duress. I try not to bother him while he is at work but sometimes I run into an issue that has me completely upset or totally flustered and he will call and ask, "What's wrong?" He only does this when I'm having a serious issue. He's called himself out on it and we both think it is cool. I don't know when he is having a hard time though, I just know when he is going to call.
I wonder if this is just a crazy coincidence of if two bonded people really have that 6th sense. I know that when two women are best friends and live together, after a while their periods sync up and stay that way. While that is more physical, I still think it is pretty heavy stuff.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I'm not sure if I believe in the supernatural, however it is the only explanation for people such as yourself who have special "gifts" of healing powers. I read in one of your replies that warts disappear after you rub them in a matter of days. That can only be explained by some supernatural power, as I know how difficult it is to eradicate warts, even with burning them and using strong acid treatments. I myself don't seem to have any supernatural abilities, which is OK with me because it would probably freak me out! I worked with a doctor who is a medium, and I have always enjoyed talking with him and discussing his experiences and abilities. I guess that I would have to correct my initial statement and say that I do have "some" belief in supernatural powers, and I would never say that they do not exist. It's an interesting phenomenon, for sure.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
16 Feb 07
Tsk tsk tsk Laurie... I'm glad you're not a scientist. With your reasoning, Fleming would have attributed the suppression of bacterial growth by a mold to a supernatural phenomenon! ;)
I may not know how my 'powers' work, but I am certain that there is a perfectly rational explanation. There are no supernatural phenomena, only natural ones that we haven't understood yet.
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
It's a pity that I'm nowhere near Switzerland, otherwise I could have made an appoinment with you Thomas. Since you have mentioned your ability to heal warts, I have a terrible problems with warts that I've already consulted with Dermatologists but the fees to have them cauterized are "supernatural" in themselves. You certainly can make a fortune here.
Anyway, I feel I can see things that are going to happen. The problem is, it's only a few minutes before they do actually happen and no way to avoid them. Most of these things are negative too. I have no rational explanation for this and it is never my intention to find an explanation anyway. I'm much better off without this.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
16 Feb 07
I have healed warts on a few people who'd already tried to have them cauterised and for whom this method had failed. Maybe I should move to the Philippines and start a business there. ;)
As for this ability to see things just before they happen, this may be linked to the feeling of 'deja-vu'. You can find an attempt to explain it there:
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@yanjiaren (9031)
16 Feb 07
well i have been told i have a very strong intuition and always get premonitions for other people..i warn them in advance and if they take my advice then fine..but i don't know if that could be deemed supernatural or not what do you think Thomas?
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@TheHermit (98)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I had a period in my life of extraordinary synchronicity that lasted for several years. I thought I was going insane. I wrote it all down in my blog recently:
It's about love at first sight, soulmates, 80's music and movies, and fender benders.
@Demonsbane (30)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
It's not a case of supernatural abilities, It's a case of believing. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Keep working on it.
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@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
16 Feb 07
I had applied for a job at a convenience store where one of my good friends worked. Friday I went in and told her about how I had dreamed the night before that I had landed the job and that we had an armed robbery. We both laughed about it.
That night, the store owner called me to come in for training on saturday. I was supposed to work until 9 pm saturday but decided to stay until the end of the shift because the next day I would be working my first shift alone and wanted to know how to close up the store. At 10:30 pm we were robbed - the night of my training.... The only armed robbery ever to occur at a convenience store in the history of my home town. Small town of about 1000 people
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
16 Feb 07
soundlike a cool gift :-) All healing is good =)
I actually used to dream "true" dreams when I was a kid, and I dreamt something not very pleasent and afer that I think i kind of repressed this gift coz it never happened again!
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@krishkorp (427)
• India
16 Feb 07
I don't know if its supernatural or what i really have something weird that signals me on avoiding a situation that otherwise would have been very bad for me.I do taake it seriously sometimes but neglect it too sometimes which results in lot of negative things that follow.Anyways that have been helpful for me and my love in past.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
16 Feb 07
I would not call such a talent useless...
You could help a lot of people with that.
I never forgot what happened to me when I was about 10 years old. I had been to the beach the whole day and my back got very badly sunburnt.
I was staying at my grand-parents and was in bed for several days... feeling sick with a very sore back.
One day, my grand-mother brought in her next door neighbor and asked me to stand up and remove my shirt. That woman put her hands on my back for a few seconds... I felt a current going through me... and I was cure. I put my shirt back on and went to play outside.
Now that is spooky...
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Mt best friend's the one with supernatural powers! Lol..I'm kidding. Hm..*considers* I wouldn't call seeing things people don't normally consider real a talent.
Maybe being able to put myself into someone's mindset without even knowing them? I've done that a few times, but I credited it to the fact that I'm a writer..and being able to think the way my characters do's helped alot.
But maybe it is a supernatural talent, I was able to predict how this guy -- who my best friend told me about after meeting him one day, would react and what he'd do around her. Complete with body language and how he'd say things. I never met the guy myself, but Jess later told me "It's really eerie how you do that", 'cause apparantly my 'hunches' proved very accurate.
That's the only thing I'd really call supernatural if I had to lable anything I'm able to do as that. Even though I'm unable to not believe in the supernatural itself, I'm still skeptical when it comes to believing new things which I haven't seen or heard real excellent proof of.
I always wanted to be able to heal people, so I'm jealous of your talent Thomas lol. Even if it was just little things, like cuts. But ah well.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Lol oh Goddess yes, THAT'D be the talent to top 'em all. Curing people of their stupidy..if someone could do that, they'd be a true superhero..going around..
"You will no longer be ignorant..go learn! Be free!" Lol
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I can predict, somewhat, what will happen in the future and this happens in my dreams. But the dreams don't seem to materialize into actual happenings until some years down the road. So it's a strange phenomenon that I cannot explain.
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@tmaster (6)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I really cant believe I'm even saying this in an open forum, but my GIFT I guess is that when I met or talk to people and just concentrate on their eyes, they somehow tell me the truth of what they are trying to say. Doesnt sound like much I know but what if you were confronted with someone you really didnt know and just foound yourself telling that person something you thought you couldnt honestly say in the open? Welcome to my world... sometimes its good, but just like everything else there is also a down side. Some things I dont care to know but Im told anyway....somethings bother me but I grin and bear it anyway... somethings scare me and Im not suppose to scare easy. But thanks to MYLOT i find I can help others as they help me [though sometimes they dont even know it!]
@beautifulleyes (1265)
• India
17 Feb 07
The below statement is evidence based on the knowledge that is presently known concerning these things. Yes, ghosts are real and they do share space with us in this life although in a different realm of existence. Orbs are also believed to be ghosts of people as well as other life forms.
Orbs are believed (by many) to be ghosts in the form of balls of light. They are life forms that travel in groups and are believed to be the human soul or life force of those that once inhabited a physical body here on earth. Psychics claim to talk to them on a regular basis, and ghost hunters encounter them quite frequently. It is said that they are those spirits that have willingly stayed behind because they feel bound to their previous life or previous location for whatever reason. Because of this obsession they tend to become similar to a psychotic human beings. It should be said that the majority of us when we die proceed gladly and willingly to the next level of existence after saying our quiet good-byes, which means we're off to the spirit world. Then again, as stated, a select few elect to stay behind because of a refusal to move on. Apparently the longer they stay behind, the harder it is to find their way to the next level, which again, is the spirit world.
@pennycan2 (251)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I dream in color. most people say this is odd and is a form of psycic ability. my husband also has dreams that come true. the only problem is that he doesn't remember them until it is happening. it's really weird. i also have repressed memories that have resurfaced as an adult. i have 2 memories that i can not place but know i have been there. i can see the house, the drive way and even the house next door. i remember being in an old country store when it shut down before i was born. I can't explain these things. This is a good idea for me to put a post of my own to have others help explain. You should open a business though if you have that ability to heal. I know here we use a "voodoo" ritual of rubbing a potato on a burn or wart and then burying the potato. for some reason the wart will go away or the burn will heal with no scar. some say it's the potato juice.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
19 Feb 07
Curing burns with potatoes is an old wife remedy that my mother mentioned a few times when I was a child. It could be due to the starch that breaks down into glucose, thus helping the healing process, but I don't know for sure.
Your story about being in a shop that closed before your birth is interesting. Although I have my doubts about it -- my name's not Thomas for nothing! -- it could hint at reincarnation.
Dreaming in colour is also indeed a strange ability. Thanks for sharing all this.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
Interesting..... I am not aware of being able to do anything specifically supernatural at will though I have had a number of supernatural experiences and have witnessed others perform many. My Mother's side of the family is extremely psychic and as a result of this it is an area that my Mother focuses on quite seriously. I did too at one time but have ended up caught up in other aspects of my life so didn't devote the time to exploring it as much as I could have. Who knows? I could have ended up with my own "useless talent" also??
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@alaguc (61)
• India
17 Feb 07
how do you touch..???well that is possible i have been healed myself and have seen many people be healed from more serious an enlightened master...and later his disciples.....i do not possess such agift but my grandmother is a healer....
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@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I know where things are, sometimes. Like, my boyfriend lost his wallet once, and I asked him if he had looked behind the bed. He replied that he had in fact actually pulled the bed away from the wall, looked behind it, looked under it, even looked between the mattresses, and it wasn't there. I told him to go look again, and it was there.
I've also been able to project my thoughts into other peoples' minds, but it only works with certain people...and it's not necessarily people I'm close to. I've had complete strangers reply to something I was thinking as though I had spoken it out loud.
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@bluewings (3857)
23 Feb 07
I am speechless at the moment.I've seen on tv people doing supernatural things and heard others investigating paranormal phenomenons but never came close to a person who could confidently claim of having such a God-gifted power.I've to say I don't have any of these.Oh! maybe if you consider being able to say what course things might take after a few months ,then I might just escape failing here miserably,lol.That power though doesn't work in stockmarket or should I say I've never mustered enough courage to try it there! So you can make out how sure I am of my gift :-P .Can you really heal burns as you claim? I mean like first degree burns without any medicare ?
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
1 Mar 07
Yes, first-degree burns (or maybe more, but I've never tried). One day, this kind of 'gift' will be explained scientifically, I'm sure. It's only a matter of doing the proper research.
And you should try out your own 'gift' on the stock exchange. Let me know if it works and don't forget my cut for pointing this to you! ;)