A Bad Case Of Fatal Attraction
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
February 16, 2007 9:25am CST
What would you do if your daughter brought her boyfriend home and when your daughter was out of the room their boyfriend made a pass at you? He is extremely good looking and young. You know that if you told your daughter she might not believe you or even accuse you of moving in on her boyfriend. How would you deal with the situation and what if you actually fancied the boy? Would the age of the boy make any difference (obviously over 16) Would you ever accept the pass he made at you?
This can also be the case if it's your son bringing home his girlfriend...
What would you do in this situation?
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33 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Regardless if I thought he was cute or not, I would NOT accept his advances.
For a couple reasons.
1. Because he is my daughter boyfriend! I would never want to do something like that to break my daughter's heart. Because once she finds out what a cheating butthead he is, she is already going to be heart broken.
2. I have never been attracted to men younger than me. It is just my personal preference. Sure, I will comment that the guy is cute or has pretty eyes or something. But I would never go beyond that because it is just not a personal preference.
Would I tell my daughter?
Yes! My daughter and I have a good enough relationship that I KNOW she would believe me over him! But if for some reason that she did not want to believe me, I would let her alone on it until she did learn the guy was a cheater herself. Because then I know she would come back to me believing me.
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@stateroad (730)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I would feel strange. I would feel bad for my Daughter.
I would put her boyfriend in his place and not let the attraction go any firther. I would ask him does he want to be in the room when I tell her what happened. I would let him know that I am definetly going to tell my daughter this wether he liked it or not. I would tell my daughter calmly and hoped that she believed me. That would be the biggest problem that she does believe it happened. I think if you do not tell then you are covering it up and allowing it to happen. The problem is if he does it to his girlfriends Mother then he can do it with many other women and never care. I almost did not answer this post because I am not a Mother but I am an AUNT and this happened with my niece'es boyfriend. So I just substituted my niece as the daughter.
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
If it was my daughter's boyfriend ..... I would encourage her to keep going out with him knowing she was pretty safe and he wouldn't make a move on her ....... seeing as how I am her father. Don't have a son ..... cannot comment personally on that one. My partner just said to me that if any young thing made a pass at me she would immediately book her into psych ward at local hospital ...... partner thinks a young girl would have to be crazy to do that.
Seriously I would bring the person down to size with a couple of words ..... then later in private make small talk to my child about his/her friends ..... how special this person is to him/her ...... and hope they wake up before it is too late.
If they cannot be faithful while still in the boyfriend/girlfriend stage ..... there is no hope for them in the future ..... once had a wife ... now ex .... who ran around after we got married. Wouldn't want it to happen to my child for sure ..... so the aim would be for her to get rid of him.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
17 Feb 07
First I'd put lover boy in his place good. Then I would tell my daughter. Hopefully she would believe me over him. If she did not believe me at the time I told her, I wold at least have planted a few seeds of doubt. Sooner of later, the louse would make another wrong step (they always do) and when it came out, my daughter would remember what I told her and have enough sense to get rid of him. I might also be inclined to have a little confidential chat with one or two of my daughter's girlfriends to get their input.
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@Naomi17 (624)
16 Feb 07
Thats never happened but a similar thing happened my sisters boyfriend came on to me and no i didn't want his affection and felt embarassed i was only 15 and he just grabbed me and tried to kiss me lol my sister walked catching me kneeing him where it would hurt most! So that was the end of that romance, we did laugh about within a few minutes of him leaving he was good looking but a total sleeze!
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@Tenerifelynn (575)
19 Feb 07
LOL I would react in the same way too! If he is dating someone I knew I deffinatly would not date him! After all how could I when I knew the guy belonged to a family member or my best friend. I could not live with myself if I took the guy!
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
17 Feb 07
What is more important to you? Your daughter or a fling with some teenager? For me personally, I would never do anything to betray my daughter's trust. My main concern then would be for my daughter and how I wouldn't want her anywhere near this creep! Think of it, if he makes a pass at you while dating your daughter, imagine how many other women/girls he's making passes at and also sleeping with. He sounds like a player!
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@weemam (13372)
24 Feb 07
If this ever happened the first thing I would do is pick up his white stick for him and offer his guide dog for the blind a biscuit lol,in all honesty If this ever had happened to me ( I have all boys but I know what you mean ) I would tell I hate lies and always have , xx
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
17 Feb 07
I don't have any children but if I did I imagine that I would just ignore his passes as being a cheeky young guy. I wouldn't go bothering to tell her about it and I sincerely doubt I would be interested in a boy.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
17 Feb 07
HOLY CRAP!! no...big no no...never date your daughters boyfriends...if you want to see your daughter, don't do it. how i would handle it, hopfully my daughter would beleive my judgment and listen, if not, i'm confronting the boy because if he's willing to do that, he ain't going to be true to my baby girl. then i would tell my husband and he'll probably laugh about it, but i would never be attracted to my daughters dates. just a BIG mistake and you're just asking for trouble right there.
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@SimplyJo (1694)
• India
25 Feb 07
oh jeez.. this would be a very tricky situation to be in. if this ever happens - i'll tell my daughter no matter what - without thinking about what she will think/or of the consequences - i'll rather be frank with her and tell her that her bf is a jerk rather than keep it from her in fear of what might happen.
@rosie_123 (6113)
16 Feb 07
LOL - well it wouldn't matter to me how good looking the boy was, I am not one of these women who is attracted to younger men, or "toy boys" at all. I would probably cut him down to size, and make him look a fool, with one comment! I definately wouldn't tell my daughter, because, as you say, she probably wouldn't believe me anyway, and it could ruin her self-esteem, but I would certainly keep a close eye on the situation. This boy is obviously not to be trusted, and not serious abut her, and will hurt her somewhere down the line, and she will need me for support.
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@smilingurvashi (1151)
• India
24 Feb 07
though i am newly married and don't understand much about parenting and can't answer what would i have done if such situation occured. but in one instance, when i was 19, i've seen a boy under 16 fall for me. he was my landlord's kid. it was bit weird but i handled the situation well. i always treated him like a kid and tried interacting less but my roommate used to make fun of it.the day i was leaving the place forever, his face was worth watching. he was all gone red and as if he'll cry.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I would not worry about age difference. I would also think it was very flattering but I would remind him in no uncertain terms that he is dating my daughter and if he hurt her in any way. he would fel my wrath. I can tell you that anyone who hurts my children do not enjoy my wrath. lol
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
23 Feb 07
No matter how attractive the boy was, he is still a child and I'm not the kind who would be attracted to a child. What would I possibly have in common with a teenager, other than my teenaged daughter, who he is going to hurt? First of all, I would put him in his place (no, not in the ground!). I would knock his ego down to size with a few choice comments, tell him to get out of my house, and then sit down with my daughter and talk with her about it. I would hope that she would believe me and see that this guy is no good and is going to hurt her, but it would be her choice. If she wanted to continue seeing him, that would be up to her. You can bet that I would be watching him, though. I don't think that it does kids any good to hide truths like this from them and to pretend that they didn't happen. Sooner or later they need to learn that there are losers out there, and they need to learn how to protect themselves from hurt.
@patootie (3592)
20 Feb 07
I reckon I would probably laugh out loud .. daft man .. why on earth would he want an 'oldie' like the Mother when he could have the 'plump and juicy' daughter ...
I'd call my daughter in .. tell her what just happened .. and then I would throw him out of my home ..
I don't understand how any mother could actually fancy a bloke her daughter was going out with .. or at least not while they were a couple .. that would seem like 'incest' to me ..
Of course if my daughter decided to carry on with the lad that would be her look out .. just don't bring him to my home again ...
Nah. it's not right .. and I doubt a relationship that came about in that manner would last ..
@ukchriss (2097)
19 Feb 07
Oh yes this has happened quite a few times in the past,
I have always just laughed it off and told them where to go and let my daughter and all our friends know what had gone on,
We have never had any secrets in our group of about 10 friends who we both went out with. The age range was from about 16 up to 36.
I think a young guy making a pass at his girlfriend's mother is an idiot and deserves everyone knowing about it.
In fact this has happened the other way round as well.
My daughter and I have always had a very good relationship going out together and having fun in the past, when she was living at home we used to do this every weekend.
So when any of my old boyfriend came onto to her of which a couple of them did! she would tell me and we would sort him out together!
Now, I get on very very well with my son in law, who is always messing around and flirting with me! I hasten to add its all innocently and in front of my daughter!
He is a very good looking bloke and he knows it, I've always said to him if he ever flirts with anyone else and messes my daughter around he Will have Me to deal with!
I would never do anything to betray my daughter's trust she always comes first and will always do so, no matter what or who…
As you know I only get along with one of my daughters, another has her own house and the third still lives with her dad.
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
Sick. And I would make a scene right on the spot. He'd be exposed within seconds. If questioned I would just keep hollering for him to get out of my house and stay away from my daughter.
@superbren (856)
23 Feb 07
no way , this would be the ultimate in betrayal. i would send him off with a flea in his ear. i think it would be hard to tell her though that her boyfriend made a pass.it is not uncommon though as my daughters boy friends (platonic ones) tell her i'm hot. cringe.she has a proper boyfriend now and i like him . he only has eyes for her thank goodness.i dont think i would fancy a young guy, i like mature men but if i did (quelle horreur)i would make sure i didnt spend any time alone with him. if she went to the bathroom i would go too ,lol.
@Tenerifelynn (575)
19 Feb 07
Ive had a simular situation years back when we went to visit friends in other parts of the UK, they where a married couple.. I was closer to her than to him! Well he decided when his wife went to work that he was going to make a pass at me, thankfully there was someone else with me at the time, so I had a witness to the incodent.
When the wife got home from work we just made the excuse we needed to get home a day earlier for personal reasons.. Niether of us felt safe in that house when someone elses husband made a pass at myself and my friend!
When we did get home we wrote to her explaining what happend and we had nothing against her, but we just felt it totally wrong for myself my my friend to be alone with her husband, and there was no way did we want to lose her friendship! Sadly she has never spoken to us since,