I thought she felt the same as me...
@xmanofsteel69 (458)
February 16, 2007 5:03pm CST
The day before Valentines day, my girlfriend broke up with me. She said I never changed since we started going out...which was over a year ago (which is not true, might I add).
I always tried to get her to go to the movies with me, play games with me, go for walks, anything...but she didn't ever want to do anything...so it always ended up her going on msn and me just sitting there watching, or we'd pick a random movie that her brother would want to watch and we'd sit there and watch that. Either way, she'd never want to do anything else.
I know this sounds really pathetic of me, but I still really love her...and I want to have another chance. Does anybody know any way to get a 2nd chance? I always try to help her with anything she needs help with, but so far she's still ignoring me. I just...I really don't want her out of my life.
Has anybody else experienced this? A serious relationship (it was serious before she stopped wanting to go do things with me) being broken up on Valentines day, or right before it? This has happened to me twice, so far...I just wish it wouldn't happen again...
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29 responses
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
16 Feb 07
It is very heartbreaking. I know how you feel. I had a true love, he was the man of my dreams. I would have given him anything in the world to stay with him. He ripped my heart out the day before his birthday. I tried everything to get him back. I told him that I would be there for him always. Its been almost year now and he wont even talk to me. I wish I knew some magic for you but I don't. If someone doesn't want to be with you, then they wont . I'm sorry for your pain. I do know how it hurts. I still hurt sometimes. Not like I did at first but there are times when I read his love letters to me and cry. I cant seem to let go of them.Good luck to you and I hope things work for the best for you.
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@xmanofsteel69 (458)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
I hope it works out for me, too...but right now...I can't see anything but her. I can't get her off my mind...and I don't even have the guts to change my picture...scared that it might be the last chance I get to see her happy with me...
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@skeletor1017 (30)
16 Feb 07
Yeah, I know how bad that hurts. My ex-husband left me when I was 5 months preggo and it nearly killed me. I put up with his stuff for 4 years and still only wanted to be with him. Then I got tired of being his doormat. It will take time, but the best thing is to move on if she is really not into the relationship anymore. Let your heart heal and then go find someone who appreciates you. A relationship is when both parties strive to make it work, not just one side. It doesn't work one sided, I know. Good luck.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
17 Feb 07
i agree. one sided relationships never run long. it should always be worked together by the couple involved. it's not easy to let go of someone you love. but if it's the best for you and her, then it should be done. love hurts, true. but you'll heal in time.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
17 Feb 07
aww I am sorry to here that. I have been hurt myself around the holidays a couple of times a day before my birthday and 2 years ago my ex husband left me 2 weeks before Christmas. I feel so bad because I have been there and it's a bummer.I hope things get worked out if not then hopefully you will find someone better
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@MiLaw8 (74)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
I symphatize with you experiencing such situations. There are lot of fishes in the ocean. You just have to be patient in fishing out whose really the best for you and that will love you in return. In my opinion, you don't have to return her in your life. I think she does not care for you because if she will, she would be able to see the real you and all the things you have been doing. Please.... go out and date... Just take one day at a time and you will see things in different perspective and light.... 8)
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@vampireprincess (86)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
This might hurt a lot, but she's no longer into you. Winning someone back if that person opts to be single or to be with someone else is futile. You have to let her go, xmanofsteel69. Set her free if that is what she is asking for. If you're meant to be together, she'll eventually find her way back to you someday --- but not now. Give her a break, otherwise she'll end up hating you.
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@bluekisses06 (140)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
i can tell you this from my personal experience...This guy broke up with me and i kept asking him to get back with me...this drove him away even more...Then I decided to let it go and stop giving him undue attention. In just few weeks, he started missing the attention that i was giving him anf desperately want it back. Don't think if your ex is pretending to not care about you're doing and your general well being, then they're fine. It keeps running like a wild hurricane in their heads too. So let them be. If you've treated them nice and good, they will soon realize that the world is not great without you. Let them realize the true value of your attention. This is a wonder which works evry time.. try it..Goodluck hope it works...
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@xmanofsteel69 (458)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
A lot of other people have said this already, and I'm starting to think it's the way I should do it...but I guess it does make it a bit hard, as I ALWAYS talk to her. I'll most likely still talk to her through msn, but just normally...or at least I'll try. Would that be ok, or should I just leave it be all together?
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
17 Feb 07
I am so sorry to hear this. i find it cruel to break up with someone the day before or on valentines day. The decision to break up is not something that comes over night so she has probabky thought about it for some time. and she could have broken it of before.
I am sorry that she did, but if u think that she might still love you therte is a chanse that u will get back together - However the fact that she never wants to do anything - is that soemthing u can live with forever?
I think u need some time alone to really figure things out. usually when u take that time, things change and u might see thatit was for the best - If not, then go and try win her back!
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@toyboxer04 (353)
• Malta
17 Feb 07
All relationships need good conversation. Mostly during the rocky periods. My partner and I talk many times seriously and for long hours. I don't expect him to change anything, and neither does he. We just accept eachother as we are because we both make that little so much needed effort to get along well together. For example I don't like visiting his mother frequently and he knows. So we just agreed that once I kick his shoes from under the table - that is the time to leave! I go there with him just because I respect him and know it is important to him. I am sure that when I do that he appreciates me more! I end up much better than tell him that I am not visiting his mother with him. I make the effort and he does it too.
Is your girlfriend romantic? If she is not romantic, probably valentine's day does not mean much to her and she doesn't mind leaving you for that special day. If she is romantic ..... that is another story........I would not try to get her back. I will give her time to think and if she is meant to be with you she will come alone. Especially if this is the second time she did it. Give her some time alone so that she can realize she cannot live without you and not just come back to you because you asked
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@kabella50 (309)
• United States
17 Feb 07
well sad as you sound this may happen again and that's not all bad.Look,we all want love but life is a journey and has many roads leading to a destination.That means that everything that occures along the way are experiences,experiences that we need to help us grow.People that we will meet and mingle with along the way are meant to be a part of our lives,not all of our lives.Someday on your journey ,hopefully you will gather all you've learned along the way and prepare for the day when the right one comes along.You then can use all that you've learned along the way and create for you and your love a better life,together.don't fret over what wasn't yours to keep.When the right person comes your way,they will stay,just be sure you are ready to receive such a love.
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@irreverent (68)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
If she doesn't want you anymore, then let her go. It would be good for both of you. Find someone else who will reciprocate your feelings instead of trying to pursue one who ignores you. You deserve a girl who will love you the way you love her. Love is not a one-way street.
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@mikncas (73)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am sorry to hear this, and what an awful time to chose to spring this on you. I don't have any advice as to how to get a second chance with her but, I think instead you should consider finding someone who will appreciate you and wants to be with you. It is hard to lose someone we love that we are serious with but sometimes we just have to move on there is someone out there that is waiting to find someone like you... Good Luck
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@jbrowsin66 (1321)
• United States
17 Feb 07
1. Doing this the day before Valentine's Day was rude.
2. You shouldn't have to "change". She should love you "as is".
3. She should be willing to do something YOU like some of the time.
4. You still love her because you probably like being part of a "couple" and because you haven't experienced anyone better yet.
5. If you want her back, don't do the chasing. Make her come to you.
6. Don't settle for less.
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@alegend (37)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Time to move on. Lots of fish in the sea. The worst thing you can do is degrade yourself by trying to force yourself uopn her. If you ignore her now and pay her no attention she might realize her mistake. If you continue to kiss her rear she will loose all respect for you and you will never get her back.
Straight forward answers straight from the hip!
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@ghoenne (31)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
hey boy!! every one deserves a second chance!! But my advice for you is try to leave her like a few months or days, maybe she will need some space for your relationship!!Maybe she felt boring sometimes... Try to leave her like a few months or days then maybe one day, she appreciate how lucky she is that she have someone like you that love her truthfully..she may realized that she miss you and love you more than herself!! There's only one thing that i could say!!! "Maybe she love you more than you'll ever know!!! Dont give up for your loved one and Lets fight for love...
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
17 Feb 07
that;s a painful experience. i hope next valentine's day, you'll be happier instead of being sad and lonely.
anway, why not try on courting her again. like old school does. bring her flowers, write her letters. stuffs like that might sound "corny". but it still works.
obviously, you still love her. and if you want that second chance, you need to work for it. and well, if she won't take you back, it just means that it's time for you to move on in life without her. but still, give it a try. who knows? you might still win her back.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
Right before Valentine's day huh...that's gotta be tough especially after it had been going on for a year. Maybe she wasn't getting the impression of how much you really cared about her. Sometimes I find that writing a letter can get your thoughts and feelings across better than trying to say it vocally, I would suggest maybe sending her some flowers and a letter along with that. I hope that works out for you but if it doesn't, just remember that it wasn't meant to be.
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
I'm sorry you're having a bad time.
Maybe in order to get your girlfriend back, if that's what you want, you should try to do the thing she said you don't do. As in, change. Go out to the park for walks, do interesting things, be an interesting person. This way, you can try to be happy, and after a while, you could say to her, look, I really listened to what you said.
@xmanofsteel69 (458)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
See, the thing is, that's what I wanted to do. I tried to get her to go for walks and go to the park and all kinds of things. She's the one that said I should change and after I suggested all of the above, she didn't want to do any of it.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
Oh my goodness why didn't your ex girlfriend tell you before a whole year, I have never experienced anything like this before but it must be heart breaking for you, did you ever sit down with her and have a proper discussion about how you felt and whether she felt the same way about you, as to work out any relationship then you had best lay your cards on the table with her and hopefully then you can get back with your girlfriend.
@xmanofsteel69 (458)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
We always use to talk about everything. I'd tell her how I felt about certain things, and we use to have a serious conversation at least once a month, just to talk about things seriously. We really stopped doing that after a long while of being together...I guess we shouldn't have stopped =(...oh well, I guess...
@jhoanee (598)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
it is really painful if someone u love broke up with you. i know its hard the deal the pain and the memories that keep coming in your thoughts. i was also hurt before. i dont know but suddenly my exbf changes his actions, he didnt visit me at home as often as before. at first i thought he was just having a personal problem thats why i tried to understand. but time comes that he didnt want to talk to me, to the point of avoiding me. that time i felt the whole world had crashed on me and turn me into pieces. i was really really hurt before. i didnt even know how to cope up. i grieve, cried. luckily i have my family and friends who supported me. they tried helping me to forget him. the process was hard. its hard to let go someone you truly love, but if its not meant for you it never will. i prayed a lot asking for some help from god and guidance. it takes me two years before i totally forget about him. there are times i when i remember him i cried not bec i still want him into my life but bec of the relationship that was lost. and im starting to have a relationship with a someone who is great than him. he give me another hope in life, another chance to beleive in love. i just hope this will be the one for me.
so im telling you this to let you know that you are not alone with that kind of relationship. there are someone who might be worst than your relationship. its hard but you have to start the process of letting go. this is kinda hard but i will tell you this maybe she doesnt love you anymore that is why she decided to split with you. there are still lot of girls around just have hope. have a nice day to you!
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@exquisite07 (42)
• Nigeria
17 Feb 07
it has really shown in her act that she does not really love you,in what you just said your girlfriend is selfish and self seeking.she only choose the val's day to break up with you because she had wanted to dispose you for long.you on your part were still hanging on,if probably she will change,maybe what she expected from you in the relationship was not satisfying.you just said it yourself that you have not changed since you started the relationship.when you saw things were not really working out from the onset,you should have tried to talk one on one to her,i think it would not have degenerated into a break-up,if she really love you.