Should we legalize Marijuana?
By ElCangrejo
@ElCangrejo (33)
February 16, 2007 5:29pm CST
I keep asking myself this question over and over..
You see, the powers that be seem to think of Marijuana as being dangerous, enough so to prohibit the growth and use of the useful plant.
To me, it seems anyway, that everyday 100s or maybe 1000s of people get hurt in alcohol related accidents... And of course there's those different types of medicine that have horrible side effects..
So where's the logic in banning a drug that brings about feelings of euphoria, without any long term effects (that I know of), besides maybe helping to guard against alzheimers, and maybe the momentary short term memory loss (but if you keep it to small doses, that's not even an issue either), when we have a drug that kills more people, is more detrimental to the family, and causes WAY more issues in society.. When all the people who smoke pot do is sit on their couch, watch a movie, or just talk crap for a few hours? They aren't hurting anyone.. And you never hear of a violent attack made by a person high on pot.
Not to mention it could have many benefits.. I've read quite a few studies on the matter and it does seem that it could possible have some long term health benefits as well.
So.. What say I? Legalize it, let the people have their moment of sillyness, without the consequences of not remembering the evening or suffering a raging hangover before going to work the next day, possibly building your next automobile being so hungover that he loses a few screws?
What do you think?
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1 response
@jan1972 (80)
16 Feb 07
I believe that it should be leagalised for everyone. I agree with all the statements that you have made, but would like to add that I have a family member who suffers with MS, many other people I know with MS get a great deal of relief from their symptoms through smoking pot.
My relation will not try this to help ease her pain as it is illegal. If the governments will not legalise it, then they should fund more research into its medical use, as many people are in the same situation as my relative, desperate for the relief it could bring them, but too scared to break the law.