@Married2aMarine (1273)
United States
February 16, 2007 11:18pm CST
I'm so excited! My husband is coming home from Iraq in 2 days!! He has been away for 7 months. I'm planning a surprise homecoming party for him. I think the hardest thing during this deployment is for him to miss out on so much of our son's life. I know a lot of people don't understand why he wants to be a Marine and why he would want a career that sends him off to wars and be away from his family and loves ones for long period of time. A lot of people have this quote or bumper sticker "Freedom is not free" but for me, this holds more meaning than a civilian. We've had to make many sacrifices as a family because of this. While he's gone, we've missed celebrating many events together. I've had to be both Mom and Dad to our young son. A lot of the things that people take for granted daily...it's special for me. For the past 7 months, I've not had him to wake up to, hear his voice everyday or felt his touch. I know the homecoming is going to be sweet. And this separation has made us appreciate each other and all that we have together SO much more. Can you tell that I'm excited??!! :) I know a lot of people don't agree with the war in Iraq but what do you think of all the soldiers who are there and all the families they leave behind?
7 people like this
27 responses
@gottogogirl1956 (115)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I am so happy for you that you will have your family back together. I am a Daughter of a Marine. My father is 77 and is a much of a marine today as he was at 17 years old. It is in his blood and part of his soul, it is a huge part of who he is today. I was 10 when my father spent 14 months in Vietnam. It was very hard and we missed him a lot. My mother encouraged us to work together to get things done. Money was tight and the strain of missing our dad was great. I don't remember that we had a homecoming party, but I know having out dad back was one of the best days of our lives. You are right that Freedom is not free! Today our military is voluntary. The brave men and women who stand up for this country have chosen this path to follow. To fight for the freedoms of all of us. To do what it takes to keep us safe. We may not have chosen this war and this fight but it is happening none the less. To serve is not only a personal sacrafice for the service person but for their families as well. It is a privilege and an honor to fight for what is right, for what we believe in. We are lucky to have the dedication of this countrys military because without it things would be a whole lot different. I wish you a beautiful homecoming. You are more fortunate than a lot of family who lost their loved ones. Your husband is lucky to have your faith in him. Your sacrafice and dedication to your family. Your love and support will make all the difference in the world. Good luck.

@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Sometimes I do fear for the live that our son (and future children) will have to live. It cannot be easy growing up as military children. He's still young but I know it's going to be harder for him when he's older and missing his Daddy more each time he's gone. Thank you. We had a lovely homecoming. My greatest joy was seeing how well our son has bonded with him in no time at all!
@limitup (324)
• United States
18 Feb 07
"I was 10 when my father spent 14 months in Vietnam"
Please thank him for me. Vietnam and Korean veterans got a terrible reception when they got home. Hippies called them "baby killers" and spit on them after watching their friends die. Just disgusting.
My father was also in Vietnam, but I was not born yet, nor was he married. He told me he couldn't imagine having a family and have to deal with going to war. He didn't know how guys like your father could handle it.

@nafeesa_mohd (281)
• India
17 Feb 07
i dont know what to say about marine life, war and freedom... but i can see that your husband is coming home after a long time.... feed him properly... love him lots.... see ya....
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
hahaha! That's what he's asked from me too..feed him lots and love him lots!
@annettenasser (2992)
• Kuwait
17 Feb 07
you should be really happy, its so nice to know that your husband will be coming home safe and sound from another horrible war. hope that the war will be over. you should give him a big party and be happy to be around him once again.
@not4me (1711)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Congratulations! I'm glad he's coming home safely. :) My husband is in Iraq right now and left only two weeks ago so we still have a ways to go. Luckily he's an air traffic controller so he has a relatively safe job and I get to talk to him on the phone a few times a week and I get E-mails every 2-3 days. It makes the separation better, especially for our two girls (6 and 4).
He's been in for 17 years and this is his first deployment to Iraq. I think it is perfectly acceptable to be against this war as long as you are pro-troops, and that goes for everyone, not just those with connections to people in the military. It's the right attitude, I think. I'm a former Marine as well. I was in for 8 years and got out about 4 months before 9/11 happened. I'm actually quite thankful because I don't know what I would have done if we were both deployed to Iraq and at least one of us wasn't around to be with our kids. They have plenty of grandparents but there is no good substitute for the real thing. We have been separated before - he was in Japan for a year before we all went over but this is different because of the danger factor.
When my husband returns home I don't think I will throw him a party or anything. We've been married for 7 years and I know he would rather have peace and quiet and lots of time to catch up on sleep. A lot of spouses make a big to-do as soon as they get home but I think I have a different mind-frame being a former Marine myself. I just want him home safely. :)
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I'm glad I can be a stay at home mom to our son. I try to make it as "normal" and sane as possible whenever he is gone. But it's true...nothing like the real thing. It's wonderful to have him home and see him playing with his son. hahaha! I know how you feel...but he was actually very happy about the whole homecoming do and loved every minute of it! I'm just glad I can do this little bit for him to celebrate him coming home to us. Things are finally settled down with his family gone and it's just us and we're enjoying the sweet quiet moments together :)
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Not to rain on your parade, but I just came home from a memorial service for an Army sargeant who wasnt lucky enough to walk off the airplane from Iraq to his family. Count your blessings everyday and realize how precious life is with your husband at your side. Blessings oin you both!
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I know. I'm very blessed to have my husband back alive. I know many who don't.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Congrats!!!! My hubby was in the navy and was deployed while our son was just a little baby. I still remember the homecoming like it was yesterday, so exciting! My son recognized him because we had pics of his daddy up everywhere. It's so sad about how many families that are left behind. I wish you good luck with the adjustement, it's so weird but I think you know what I mean, it's strange to have a husband living with you after all that time. It took us awhile but we got through it ;) Congrats again!
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I know we won't have a difficult adjustment period cos' this is not the 1st time he's away from us. During the course of our marriage, he's been gone so much on and off..I think I'm kinda used to it already! But I guess it's just a little bit different now that we have a son and that kinda changes the dynamics a little.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
17 Feb 07
It sure does, when my hubby came home last time I just left him and our son alone for awhile. If I was in the room, the baby would want me. So I let him spend some quality time. Now of course that he's older, he prefers daddy over me cause he does the cool guy stuff!
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
17 Feb 07
That is wonderful news that your husband will be coming home finally. Is he coming home for good or does he have to go back out after spending time with your and your family? I hope that you two enjoy every moment together as I know you both have missed each other very much. It had to be difficult for you and your kids to not see him for a long time like that. It would be hard on me too if I was in your position. I think the soldiers are all very brave for going out there and serving our country. I think they are doing a great thing even though they should not be out there. I would not want to leave my family to go to Iraq or the Middle East. I would prefer being with my family and being able to see my children grow up and be with my wife if I had a family.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I wish it was for good but unfortunately, no. He will be deployed again. But we just don't know when or for how long. Like with this recent deployment, we didn't find out till 2 months before the deployment. That's usually how it is. Pack up and leave. So, we just have to be ready all the time. And not take any time we have together for granted.
@cmccab01 (12)
• United States
17 Feb 07
thank you for sharing your husband with our country and freedom. sincerely, i appreciate not only his sacrifice from being away from his family and putting his neck on the line, but equally so i appreciate your sacrifice as a spouse. may he return to you and your family speedily and safely.
I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! seriously, i'm almost in tears at the excitement for you. may you never sleep apart again. and may the grace of God shine upon you, your husband and family for the selflessness you have portrayed the last 7 months.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thank you so much for your kind words. Unfortunately, we know this is something that is not going to last for long. There is word that he is going to be deployed again in Oct for 1 year!!! But as you have rightly said, at all times and situation, we know that God's grace will shine upon us.
@KetanGulati (579)
• India
17 Feb 07
Hey there I can sense the aroma of your pleasure..... and I can understand how you would be feeling... Having someone who is most nearest to your life with you after such a long time means a lot!!! but only those can understand it who feel it,, and they literally deserve the honour of having done with this hardship... i know it is not that easyt.... hats off to you..! I understand how it feels when we want to share the minutest of the things of our life with those we live with and rely upon... Congrats man!! And I loved thatidea of yours to throw a bash, and I guess he too would be loving it, but I would like to give you just a single suggestion, invite the least people in the party and don't give too mcuh time to others, let him too sense how much do you live him... Right?
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thank you. We had a wonderful homecoming bash. It was just close family members. Things are finally settling down a little and we're able to enjoy some quiet time together. It's nice to have him home again.
@red158 (333)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
For one I am not American, and I do not agree with the war in Iraq. But I respect the fact that your husband feels that he is doing what his country has asked him to do. I am excited for you that your husband is coming home to you safely.
You should be proud that he is a Marine. As far as the bumper sticker, that is right freedom is not free.
Enjoy your homecoming, you both deserve it.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thank you. I'm not American either. Just married to an American. And it's not easy sometimes to see things as an "outsider" living the American life. But I do appreciate the opportunities that this country provides for me and my family and I'm very proud of my husband and all that he's doing.
@resasour (378)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I understand your view point. I was raised a "Navy Brat" and during my first 18 years i lived in 23 different places and attended 12 different schools. My father spent most of my teenage years out to sea, sometimes only being home a month in between deployments..
I used to look forward to him coming home. It was always a treat to go and watch the ship pull in and see him come off of the ship.
I am glad that your husband made it through his deployment ok and is coming home. Hopefully, he will get to remain at home for awhile before being shipped back over there.
I do not approve of the Iraq stuff, but I do support our troops and have the greatest respect for our military and their families.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
The homecoming was wonderful! Everyone cheered and screamed as the buses pulled into the parking lot. It was VERY emotional. I know it's going to be hard on our children to be raised as "military brats" but such is life....
@jhrcsr (348)
• United States
17 Feb 07
That is so wonderful! Please thank him for his service to all of us.
As for your question, I can't say that I do or do not agree with the war in Iraq, but I can say that there are many Americans sacrificing greatly for a cause that they believe in...freedom. And that their sacrifice is noticed and appreciated by many civilians whether they are in Iraq or deployed elsewhere in the world.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thank you for your support. My husband is constantly irked by people who make passing comments about how the US is wasting money in Iraq, killing innocent people, etc but yet, these people who make these comments have never been anywhere near there! So, his take is, unless and until you have been there to see what is actually happening over there, don't make judgements or comments! hahaha.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I don't believe in the war in Iraq, but I DO BELIEVE in the soldiers who are over there. I do support them, because they are braver than I am and they are sacrificing their time and sometimes their lives to fight for our country.
NOW, if our president starts a war, that doens't mean the collective armed forces agree or made the same decision. These are institutions based on following orders and doing what you are trained to do. And the men and women in Iraq are doing their best, and I do support them and do want them all to come home soon!
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That's so true. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the US is going to pull out of Iraq any day soon.
@zipzipzop (419)
• China
17 Feb 07
I wish you and your husband will be the homecoming queen and king. Enjoy yourself! But if mention of the solider, I think their responsibility is to defend their country. So leaving is unaviodable.
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thank you. Yes, I feel the same too. I think leaving now is not something the US can do as well. It's a case of having to finish what they started.
@countdown21 (111)
• United States
17 Feb 07
What do we think of all the soldiers and there families?
We love you!!!! Thank your husband (for my wife and I) for his service. We were in the Airforce a long time ago and I sit next to a marine at work.
Enjoy, God bless you and yours,
the moss family,
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
18 Feb 07
Yes I can imagine you are very excited. as I am sure he will be. but I am surprised that you haven't planned a private reunion with him first. If he is home for a while or for good there will be plenty of time for a home coming party. I can imagine that he will want to get together with just you guys as a family then the community that should be very grateful for his efforts, irregardless of their thought and weather they agree with the present government policy.
@stateroad (730)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I am so very happy for you. That is terrific news. I wish all the soliders and their Family's could all come home and never have to go back. I do not like the war or sending more troops over there. It scares me that this war is still going on. I may not be happy with the war but I always always have supported the troops and am grateful for everything all those soldiers gave up to fight and protect me.
@limitup (324)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Please tell him THANK YOU for me! I sometimes think that I am one of the few that actually supports our President and our efforts in Iraq. But all politics aside, even most of the anti-war crowd appreciates your husband's service, I'm sure.
Please either show him all of these positive posts or assure him that he is supported!
I wish people would thank my father for his efforts in Vietnam. God bless you.
@buzzman (171)
• United States
18 Feb 07
iam very glad to hear that he is coming home. i only wish that all of our pepole could come home. once again iam glad to hear about a home coming and most of all he is coming home safe. thank for telling everyone.
@mystic_0318 (937)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I'm so happy for you. I hope you spend every min. together. I understand how u feel I have family in Military and it is hard on the families....and when they were over sea that was the hardest...Just hold on to him for as long as you can...And keep God with you at all times and it will help you get through anything... God Bless you and your family and all the families ans soldiers out there!!