"Customer is always Right" Is this still true nowadays?
By xanjvill
@xanjvill (88)
February 16, 2007 11:36pm CST
I'm into a gasoline station and we try our very best to give customer satisfaction. But times are hard right now and though we want to add personnels and services our financial state just can't afford it for now. Because of this we often receive rude remarks from customers about them having to wait. We usually apologize for their having to wait but sometimes it is so hard to accomodate rudeness. Like when customers shout and give offensive personal comments or bad mouth the crew. I mean, if a crew member acknowledges your presence and wave at you to wait while they wait on another customer won't we understand? I mean, we can comment if the crew members are doing personal stuffs or just being lazy but if they are waiting on other customers who arrived first shouldn't we wait patiently for our turn? Is patience no longer a virtue amongst people?
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47 responses
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Unfortunately, the more technologically advanced we get, the less patience people seem to have. Many seem to think that their time is most valuable and have less patience. It is becomming a problem. On the other hand, many companies have also thrown customer service right out the window and don't even have the decency to acknowledge a customer like your gas station does. I think people just need to relax and be patient and companies need to make customer service a priority. I'm sorry people are so rude to you and your coworkers. I wish more businesses would be as courteous as your station.
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@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
People seem to have a major attitude of entitlement these days, to the exclusion of all others. Common courtesy and respect have gone out the window to accommodate the endless needs of the self-centred ego. It's all about me, me, me in business transactions, even with those people who may not be like that in their personal lives. I try to always treat service personnel with due respect and remember that they are human beings with feelings and not robots. The treatment of people who work on telephones and from call-centres is even worse. Customers seem to think that because they can't see a face, that the voice on the other end doesn't belong to a human being with feelings. I used to work in customer service both on the phone and in person and I know that just one rude customer can spoil your whole day. How can it not? We're human. I am no longer in customer service for that reason.
@xanjvill (88)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
You are so right... I even have this crew member who cried because a customer threatened her. I mean, will you even harm someone just because they couldn't attend to you faster? And regarding call centers, I have this one friend who was a call agent and the caller told her, "you are so stupid, are you a Filipino?" That was really discriminatory. And for someone who is into discrimination nowadays are more stupid than the people they think are stupid. Don't they know that call agents has their own guidelines to follow? Anyway, the end of the story was that, the call agent was not reprimanded because it was really the caller who was wrong. But the call agent did quit the job after a few months.
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@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
17 Feb 07
Customer service is a very difficult field to be in and I believe the people in these fields do not get paid nearly enough to put up with some of the crap they have to deal with everyday. I think that if companies paid a decent living wage then customer service satisfaction would increase dramatically. As it is, where's the motivation to continue to give fast, friendly, efficient service when you get paid peanuts and have to endure nasty people who are the centre of their universe? Very little, especially when you can go and make just as much or more in a factory.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
21 Feb 07
In this gotta be right now fast pace world, no one knows how to wait their turn. I see it every week in line at the casino. It is usually older people that do the most complaining. I hear things like "They are so slow tonight. Why haven't we moved in the past few minutes. Look at all those empty tables why should I be waiting." I almsot laugh when I hear this stuff and cry at the smae time. Complaining about it won't make them seat you faster. They are going as fast as they can. I know they may have empty tables but it means they will be filled soon and then you will be closer to eating. I just want to turn around and yell CHILL OUT!!!!
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@babyjane (1390)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
I disagree about the thoughts customer is always right. Because of the fact that customer now is so abusive that they always value with them the thoughts then they will demand and demand. But now, i always observe that the clerk now are so snubbish, that they are not prioritizing their customer coz they are busy talking with the other clerk. Mostly on the mall.
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@buy4less234 (1)
• Nigeria
17 Feb 07
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@zhetto (163)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
I have worked in customer service for all of my career and have studied customer service and I have come to believe the customer is not always right. But its not a case of the customer is right but convincing the customer they are infact wrong because they will see and hear only what they want. There is a saying that goes "one person with a complaint is likely to tell 9 other people about their experience". Alot of the time we give in to the customer's demands because we want to keep them happy.I have worked in a furniture company who's furniture came from overseas. Some customers waited anything up to 6 months for their furniture and were very frustrated. I can understand their frustration too but these delays were due to shipping delays on the water and hold up in customs. We copped alot of abuse over the telephone and just had to nod and smile and try to work something out with the customer. Customers are not patient at all. They are demanding and wont leave you alone until they have what they want. And the longer they wait, the angrier they get. But as customer service officers...their wish is your command, no butts.
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@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
17 Feb 07
No, the customer is NOT always right! Retail and foodservice workers are people too, and we deserve to be treated with just as much respect and consideration as any other human being! I hate how people think they can treat us like crap just because we're wearing an apron or a nametag. I understand a customer being upset if their service is unsatisfactory, but even that can be dealt with politely. Please, people...treat others how you'd want to be treated if you were behind the counter.
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@paulnet (748)
• India
17 Feb 07
In customer service you are trained how to handle different kinda of ppl. as this is the part of your job you have to deliver your services how rude your customer would be? You can do nothing bcoz he's paying you for the services. But morally its wrong and steps should be taken if someone is really rude and playing with your dignity.
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@mybigcrazyworld (1)
• United States
17 Feb 07
If you are in the service industry like I am, you have to ignore rudeness, if you do not, it will get you down. Some people are always having a bad day and just want to find someone to take it out on. What I try to remember is, what if no one showed up, how long would we have the job, rude or not at least you have customers. It does not matter what we think people are going to be rude, dont let them mess up your day, let them be an idiot alone.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
18 Feb 07
I agree although some people that work can be rude also. Like two weeks ago when I went to Walmart the cashier got a additude with me. I can't do things so fast I have ms and my body isn't as fast as everyone else'e anyhow she acted rude because it took me a while longer to get everthing I had bought up on the cash register then she complained becaUSE I bought something that she had to search for and then when I went to look to make sure I had all my bags she says I already but everything in the buggy I look young but my body has pain. i am starting to hate to go shapping because of people like her. But I understand you too because I use to work at Walmart and and other places and you can't help how busy it is.
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@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
18 Feb 07
The customer seems to never be right anymore. I have encountered some rude, crude and down right offensive customer service people. I actually asked one if the customer wasn't always right and he told me, "No. The customer isn't always right." Just like that.
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@denden (802)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
i think that patience is no longer a virtue to other people because i notice sometimes that people not easily get mad. and i can say also that some employee now dont respect their customer and i encounter that kind of situation and starting from that day my patience to the employees are shorter.
@merkava (1225)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
Not true. It's ok to be professional about your line of work but when the customer starts abusing his "privilege" then that's where all gloves are off. I've seen this a lot of times in fast food and exclusive restaurants where the customers tend to belittle the staff. I worked in the fast food industry myself when I was just 15. Customers should know how to say things in an unoffensive manner otherwise they'll be asked to leave the establishment. Equal rights are still imposed here after all.
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I hear you!
I was in customer service for many years, and we had (as a joke) a sign on the wall that said "Bad planning by YOU does not make it an emergency for ME!"
It does seem like people have less and less time, and thus also less time to be polite and kind to people in the service industries. At the same time, they want MORE for LESS money, so companies end with situations like yours where there is not really enough staff to serve people-- simply because there is not enough money.
I was always taught that you get in line and wait till it is your turn. If you don't want to wait in line, you plan to go to the office, or shop, or whatever, at a time when they are not so busy. It is like the bank-- I KNOW the bank will be busy on Friday during lunch, because that's when people got paid, and are going with their pay checks. So that's a really BAD time for me to take in my jar of change to be counted.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
18 Feb 07
Yes it is still true but the customer should also be treating the people serving them wiht the same respect adn kindness that the person is serving them with.
I fyou do not like the service you are getting then do not go there and if a customer si rude to you or your peopel try to resolve it or kindly ask them to take ther ebuisness else where because other customers see a disagreement adn think the person is gettin hosed adn will also go else where jsut incase they think they are getting hosed adn jsut do nto know what or how it is happening.
A good rule of thumb is treat others how you wanna be treated no matter if server or customer
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@enchantedleppard (1541)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I can understand your frustration and I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes. I think alot of people are just rude, impatient, ignorant and in a hurry. I wish more people would slow down and realize its time to enjoy life and treat others with respect but I fear that will never happen. Good luck with your job! I know it takes a lot to put up with some people.
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@raeleighb (384)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I know what u mean. I am a waitress and I experience this often. When there are not enough servers on the floor it takes longer to get to people (especially the ones who seat themselves). and it takes awhile for the food to get out, dont get me wrong there are some ppl are great but others are so rude and see that we are busy.
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@ag_abscruzmd (2283)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I believe that the statement, "The customer is always right" should be changed to "The customer is to be treated right". This means that if the customer has been treated in the proper manner (and as you've said, has been asked in the right manner to please wait), then I guess the customer is not supposed to complain anymore or be rude to the service people. But if the customer wasn't treated right, then we can say that he/she has every right to complain. Speaking of patience, I think not a lot of people still have that word as part of their vocabulary.
@poojith_6c (68)
• India
17 Feb 07
Todays Market is all customer centric... As companies spending 60% of their revenue on marketing the trend is to give the choice to customer as He/she would be the final person to receive the services. If you do not value the customer or if there is no customer it would be similar to King of A Kingdom without people to rule... So I would Say Customer First and he is always right.......
@krusty1 (68)
17 Feb 07
tell me about it! i work in reatail and as im a supervisor i sometimes have to deal with complaints etc. no matter how many times you explain something to a customer and no matter how politely you put it, they always kick up a fuss adn insist they are right! the other day, one of the mangers explained that she wasnt able to have a refund on something and for a very good reason. the customer picked up the charity box and threw it across the counter! wot the hell is wrong with ppl!
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@opinca333 (44)
• Romania
17 Feb 07
Sadly but patience is no longer one of human kind virtue.In nowadays people are stressed more then ever society is changing faster an there is no place for patience.I believe that the customer is not always right there should be mutual respect!