Is it wrong to introduce computer to children at a very young age.???

February 17, 2007 3:19pm CST
My daughter showed her interest in computer at a very young age - since she was 1 year old (she's now 4 years old). I'm glad that she interested in this technology. And I start to introduce her educational interactive games (alfabeth, numbers, etc). She really enjoys it. As a parents I'm proud of her. Most of the times she amazed me on how fast she can learn and how good her memory is. But unfortunately her school discourage her. They have computer but my daughter not allowed to play with school computer. Just because they think she's to young and they afraid that she might pushed the wrong button and that will make the computer somehow crashed. Do you think my daughter is really to young to learn computer??? while some grown up sometimes didn't even know how to turn the computer on.
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50 responses
@cf1016 (227)
• China
21 Mar 07
In my oppinon,it is not wrong to introduce computer to children,my son also showed his great interest in computer.His only 5 years old now.But I feel pleased to see he do what he likes to do ,and I can teach him do something will be helpful for him .When he grew up ,he will find that I am great!
• Netherlands
23 Mar 07
Yes, for me also nice to know that my daughter interested in thing that I also know and that we can do it together. And it will be usefull for her in the future, too.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
19 Mar 07
If used approiately it is a good thing
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• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
Yes, Indeed. I agree. I think the school should also think that way instead of come up with excuses.
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@nannacroc (4049)
17 Feb 07
As long as the child is supervised when using the computer, I think it's a very good idea to let them learn as soon as possible. My seven year old grandson is very good at using the computer, he started when he was about four. He is only allowed about 2 hours a day and is always supervised especially if he's going on th internet. Children start to use computers at nursery now so it helps them.
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• Netherlands
19 Feb 07
komputer - technology
Thank you for your comment. At home, I supervise her. In case she has some questions or found some difficulties and we played together. But at school with 30 children in one class, it is kinda difficult for one teacher to supervise children than wanna learn computer. But I still think it is unfair to discourage her to learn one step ahead from other children. It is not like she´s going to sit in front of the computer the whole day.
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@nrnotrare (631)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Hello apkapbar..... What employment opportunities will be in demand when she grows up ? Being used to and educated about computers will be to her benefit. It will be children like her that learn at a very young age that will be developing the next generation of computers. Tom
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• Netherlands
25 Feb 07
Thank you for your respond, I really appreciated very much. Sometimes, I envy my daughter and children nowdays (in positive way, of course) that at early age has the possibilities to learn high tech. I certainly will try all the facilities and opportunities that we have to give my daughter a better future.
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• India
8 May 07
hi apakabar. my son is just 1 and half and loves to be at my pc always. he would move the mouse here and there or even scroll it and burst it laughter on looking at the changes on the screen. i have some videos for ryhms, cartoons etc and unless they are played it becomes sometimes to feed him. i don't any thing wrong if there are being made aware of the computers at that though they actually dont know what th heck is all the machine about. i agree some schools don't allow kids to use the computer on their own. but just press a button or two isn't going to crash the system anyway.
• India
8 May 07
oh ;( its not a story pal. pure reality :)
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• Netherlands
8 May 07
That's exactly what I meant, that the school just have to give a solid reason...not blaming by pressing the button will crash the system. I guess the computers that placed in my daughter class is just to impress the parents that the school care and has some technology (more like part of class decorations to me). Anyway.....yes, kids love it when they see the mouse in screen, just like magic.....I certainly would love to see him burst it laughter, lovely isn't it... Thank you for your sharing your story !!!!
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@tatzkie (644)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
for me teaching computer to children at a very young age is perfectly fine.... i think the future is far more sophisticated than what we are now. starting young is an edge.
• Netherlands
8 May 07
That's true....the technology is keep on growing and moving...nothing is new. Maybe in couple of months but then will come another technology that more sophisticated. Hummm....I like the way you said it....starting young is an edge !!! Thank you for your kind respond !!!
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@tatzkie (644)
• Philippines
9 May 07
your welcome. keep the discussions going! good luck!
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@nvtellan (1907)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
I don't really think its wrong to teach your child how to use the computer or even use it as a learning tool. Teach and guide her properly on the benefits of the computer and she'll grow more advanced than the rest of the kids at her age. As for the school policy on not letting a child use a computer, the least you could do is comply with it. If it's not part of your child's curriculum and not included in the tuition fees then leave it. But remember this, a computer can be both beneficial for her mental growth and at the same time may be hazardous to your child's health particularly on her eyes so always be there when she's toying with it.
• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
That's a good idea of yours. I'll ask the school if the computers they have in the class is part of children curriculum or not. I can't stand starring and glued to computers for hours and hours, therefore I won't let my daughter too to spend time on computer more than what's necessary.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
8 May 07
I don't think it is wrong to introduce the computer to children at a young age. It is important that they learn it! But supervising them is also important. They need to know the proper usage and so on.
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• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
That's true, they still need supervisor when they using computer. And I'm trying always sit next to my daughter when she start using computer to help/ explain things that she doesn't understand.
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@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
8 May 07
computer is fine, but introuducing the internet is not! internet is not suitable for younger age not unless you have parental controls in your pc that limits them accessing websites thats not good for them. internet consist a lot of adult stuff and they cant understand on their age and needs guidance..but learning how to use the pc is just fine...someday, they will have to use the computer and its best if they know about it on the early age.
• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
Thank you daryljane !!!! You know exactly what I meant !!!! I'm glad that some computer provided that ability to limit some access to website that we don't want children to enter. I have set that limit to our computer and it need password for it. Of course I guide her as well.
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@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
19 Jun 07
My son is three years old. He likes computer and can plays it better than my mom. He has a talent for it. He can learn it very fast. I don't think he can make a computer crash. What I am concerned is it may be harmful for eyes. Especially he is so little. So I try to let him avoid using it for a long time.
• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
Wow....your son also on a fast lane. Way to go mom !!! Amazing isn't how fast children learn things nowadays. That's true, and agree that we have to make sure they won't stay too long in front of computer screen.
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@lankie (477)
• China
9 May 07
Every coin has two sides.But i do think a kid should not start touching the computer at such an age.Not only the computer is a radioactivity itself but also your kid is a growing one. Just make sure he or she is not addicted to computer when they touched it older.
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• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
Thank you for your advice. As you said....every coins has two sides. I'll try to make sure that she won't addicted to computer and make sure that she'll use it properly. Thank you for your nice respond !!!
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• India
8 May 07
i think its bad to permit a younger age like 1 to 8 yr childs behind of pc............ its very bad for their eye , mind, brain.........
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• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
I do appreciate your opinion as there are always too side of everything. Some said it is very bad, but if I look back how much my daughter learning from it...I would say..go for it, only I have to supervise and guide her. But you are also right if they'don't use it properly.
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• Philippines
9 May 07
i think it would be better to introduce computer to children at a very young age. i dont think there is a problem with that. the only thing that you have to keep in mind is to set some rules at to strictly implement them(such as hours spent on computers and others), just make sure that you teach them the proper use so as to prevent unexpected damages(keyboards getting wet, what to press and what not to), you just have to make some rules, well,posting the list of rules near the monitor would help but you have to remind the children to read it first before they use the computer and make them understand what you have listed. as for the internet, you can have some parental control such as the ones offered by some programs(norton parental control). i think you can also restrict the websites that they can visit through your computer's internet options.
• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
Well said matrix !!!! Well said !!!! thumbs up !!! I love the way you answer to my discussion. I fully agree with you and I have nothing else to say except, thank you and well said !!!!
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• Philippines
19 Jun 07
I am no child physchologist, but I think children should only be exposed to computers once they have mastered writing, reading (including comprehension) skills. I have seen children who knows so much about computers but can barely comprehend a simple written instruction. For children knowing how to use the computer is good, but there are certain skills they need to master first before they move on to computers.
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• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
Of course, they have to have some balance. I think I do understand what you meant. Some people that so comfortable with typing with their fingers tend to get lazy to write. I certainly don't want that to happen to my daughter. We did learn her alot of things too besides computer. So far, I'm glad that my daughter hasn't got any problems with doing both. Anyway, thank your for sharing your opinion, I do appreciated that !!!!
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
29 Apr 07
I think we need to move our children carefully and cautiously into this computer thing. My son surprised me recently with some sites I didnt expect him to know, now am worried to leave him alone with my computer-actually i have just changed my password so that he can only access it when am around! Dont underestimate the fear that these young people could easily touch the wrong button!
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• Netherlands
8 May 07
yep, they are small but they are smart...hehehe. I remembered a story I've read in hotmail about a guy that left his computer and forgot to log out....later he find out that her/his child accidently won a car in an auction. That was nice, except that he has to pay for the end price....and he immediately explained to the seller that it was an accident bet..... Thank you for sharing your experience !!!
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
8 May 07
Computers and Kids - Computers are good for early learning.
I don't think there's anything wrong with introducing computers or any learning device to children. Kids nowadays are very receptive and easy learners and it's such a waste not to maximize their learning potential. Maybe the school was more concerned of children being addicted to computers like some are to TV, or playing with it is not allowed when they are having classes. Try to clarify was she wasn't allowed to use it that time. Computers, when used to teach children the basics, are actually helpful than harmful. Just be sure to regulate its usage so as not to be misused and abused later on.
• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
I do agree that children nowadays are very receptive and easy learners because I know my daughter is. Thank you for your sweet repond !!!
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29 Apr 07
As with so many things in life, I believe that moderation is the key. Computers play an integral role in life, and that only seems to be more and more the case, in future it may well be that the way in which we use computers changes in that we might do away with keyboard and have ultra mobile computers instead, who knows, but the thing is to have some grasp of the technology because it will be the thing that helps in all aspects of life. I think that we have to be very careful with children and protect them to ensure that they are supervised when using a computer and it is moderated to maybe only 30mins every couple of days or something, because there are dangers with PCs as well, I don't just mean the predators on the internet, but I mean the social aspect. Many children are growing up quicker and more independent minded today, and many of them lack inter-personal skills, we see that with the gang cultures and the like, and computers/games consoles/ television all have a role to play in creating that sort of culture. Responsibile parenting, in my mind, would encourage children to learn, as education is a key to life, but that it is moderated, supervised and time limited. Add to that the development of social interaction skills and I think it will help the child to be all rounded, and the computer skills will aid not just in typing or the physical things but as you point out in terms of alphabets and numbers, but we shouldn't forget the traditional means of books and the like.
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• Netherlands
8 May 07
I don't think the traditional way of learning means by book and the like will ever be erased by technology. We have to keep up but also value the traditional...., means balance too. Well said bananamanuk, thank you for sharing your thought !!!
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@beaniegdi (1964)
8 May 07
I think it is OK except computers damage eyesight. In England if you work on computers your employer has to pay for you to have regular eye tests. When using a computer it is good recommended health and safety to look away from the screen every few minutes, you need to bear this in mind and make sure that your child does this. You might want to think about getting some sort of anti glare screen to put over the monitor as well.
• Netherlands
21 Jun 07
That's really interesting about your employer has to pay for regular eye tests, I was wondering if we have such agreement here. Well, I also can't glue to computer screen too long as my eyes get watery and I'll begin to see thing double. Thank you for the tip. I'll certainly keep that in mind !!!
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@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
Computer - Kid using the computer
i give time for my grand daughter to use the computer for playing games, for some puzzles to solve, for mathematical operations, for drawing and coloring drawings downloadable from the internet. she ven played online games with other players from other countries. she can read some of the basic terminologies in computer operations. she is 5 years old. i let her use the computer for an hour or 2 in a day.
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• Netherlands
8 May 07 are a funky grandma !!! Nice to know that you support your grandchild to get use to technology and wisely use them..... Thank you for sharing !!!
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@vikki_p (256)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
for me, it doesnt matter if your child is still young as long as you will guide her always on the right things to do and on what buttons she shouldnt push.. it is really good that you introduced her to computers at a young age because children learn fast and it gives her a chance to explore new things that she will need in the future..
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• Netherlands
8 May 07
Thanks vikki_p !!!! I realized that and it did help her alot with learning...more than most of children in her class. Thank you for your kind words !!!
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