I'd like some constructive critisism.

United States
February 17, 2007 6:31pm CST
I'm the owner of a small site, www.quadium32.com It isn't very much, mainly a site for playing games and recreation, although there are some money making oppertunities, and also some tools that make doing things easy, or a tool to play pranks on your friends, or to access certain sites (such as mylot) at work or school if they are blocked. Buuuuuut, anyway, I would very much appreciate it if you guys and gals here could check tell me what I should do to make it better, or your opinions on the site. Also if you like it, i'd be glad to know that I'm making some progress. It doesnt look the best, but I coded it from scratch myself, so I feel proud of it, in a sense.
2 responses
• United States
18 Feb 07
I think it's great that you have set up your own site and your profile says your only 16. Kudos to you! I would suggest changing the color scheme a little bit. I found a site that has a lot of free webmasters tools. It also has a lot of useful information about HTML. Just let me know if you're interested.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
18 Feb 07
Firstly, well done on taking the step in creating a website, it is not easy, and you've have done well, but the colour scheme does need to be changed, as mentioned before, it is too overpowering, sorry but the red is too strong, try to go for lighter colours which are easy on the eyes, like blues. Try also to add some images to make the site stand out. Remember you want people to return, so the first page has to be a good impression. Fill out the page more because you have only really used 1/3 of the front page. I'm sure you're continuing to improve it. The hardest part is done, you've got your website up and running. Have a look at other websites to see the layout, look at sites which are similiar to yours, you said it was for playing games, look at other sites which are also offering games to play, how do they lay their site out, look at their source code to give you an idea of the javascript and html coding they use! Best of luck to you and hey, it's not easy, far from it.