A Titles Importance!!!

@ronita34 (3922)
February 17, 2007 10:00pm CST
Has anyone stopped to think about the importance of the title of our posts here?? A title can mean just as much when it comes to writing posts that will get a lot of responses!! I believe that all in all a great title will always draw people in and this is an important factor that i think that alot of us tend to forget about when we are beginning our posts. I just thought that i would bring this up as i for one am always drawn into others posts more so because of an exciting title rather than one that is not appealing to me! What do you all think?? Do you feel that a good title can help make a good post here?
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54 responses
@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
18 Feb 07
It's true, a good title can help to draw people's attention. I give importance to titles because only through the title we can get an idea what about the post will be. So, from the title itself I would know that the discussion is from my interest or not. Personally when I post a new discussion here I always come up with the title first. After that I start to elaborate the idea.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
We think exactly alike!!! I do the exact same thing and not only here but also with my writing and poetry in general!! I always think up a good title and the rest sort of just flows from there!!!
• United States
18 Feb 07
It is true. If the topic caption does not attract my attention, it is almost a guarantee that I will not open the full topic up to discover its true potential. On the other hand, if the caption grabs my attention, I will take the time to open the discussion up and give it my honest opinion. Much like I am doing now!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
That is awesome and yes i agree with you and the main reason that i posted this is for those that have a hard time getting alot of responses to their discussions as i think that if they worked a bit more on their title that they would get more responses just from that alone!!
@patgalca (18273)
• Orangeville, Ontario
18 Feb 07
I agree. I title of a discussion is just as important as the title of a book or movie. I get bugged when someone puts a question in the title and then repeats it in the text. That shows no originality. The title should also have at least one tag word in it, don't you think?
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I agree that the question in the title thing can get somewhat annoying at times! I think that the title should draw one into your discussions which of course is where your questions should be!!
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
18 Feb 07
Yes, although I got one highly miffed person who told me to shut up about an "Anti-Scam Site" because it wasn't an "anti-spam" site... Bit rough when people write your typos for you. As for excitement, I think some titles could use a bit of work. The text message headers leave me cold as do the techhead titles and the purely provocative variety. I did a post titled "Are You A Duck? Why?" and got several earnest responses explaining that they weren't ducks. They read the header, but not the text of the discussion. Eventually I did get a duck, but it took weeks. We cater to all sorts here...just not enough ducks...
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I actually read your post and i remember exactly what you are talking about here .... LMAO!!!! I am glad that i was not one of those ... Hmmmm or was I .... ROTFLMAO!!! God Bless and thank you for sharing a laugh here !!!
@yanjiaren (9031)
18 Feb 07
yes and i a rrying to work on that lol..i wrote a similar post a few days ago about titles..looks like we are like minded souls lol..i will work to improve mine..i need to i know..
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I think that your posts are perfectly fine and i for one always enjoy the ones that i can get to it. On this note though i will also say that there is always room for improvement and all we have to do is decide as you just did that we need it! God Bless and keep up the good work! I agree with you also that great minds think alike or at least in my words ... LMAO!!
@Fishish (696)
• India
18 Feb 07
yes it does make a difference. and also a good title is the one which describes what the post is about. some titles are so misleading. in fact i feel at times that i haven't myself been able to give a good title to my discussions. a title should be catchy and exciting. i dont even bother to read the discussion if the title is not appealing enough:)
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I have seen it happen to ME. At least, I assume that is what happened. I posted a discussion on a certain topic, got no responses, someone else a month later, same idea, tons of responses. i will also say that I started mine before I had any friends here, and I also allow for the luck of the numbers being online.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Truly how you write can draw a reader and therefore a responder in. Also who you associate with can be a factor in getting responses. I tend to find the ones with some coherency the ones I pick to anwer. Of course if they are a friend I will translate if need be. Like headlines, the good ones catch your eye.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I agree with you completely. It's the same principle as the title of a novel; some seem to captivate you and you will look at the book when you otherwise may not have even picked it up. There have been many very clever and creative titles used here, and I am sure that they have helped to generate a lot of responses. This is a good point to bring up. I am not a creative person by nature, as I'm sure a lot of people here are not. I tend to be more factual and black-and-white in my thinking, so it is more difficult for me to think in an abstract and creative way, but it is something to definitely give more thought to.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
I think that titles are important and bring more viewers and responses. When a title is interesting I am more likely to respond to a discussion and when the title is in question form I tend to bypass the post even though I have posted discussions in question form myself. They don't seem to have as many responses as an interesting title does, but then that's the luck that I have had. I have found out that the titles that contain statements are better than titles that ask questions so far. It also depends on the interest of other users whether or not the discussion will receive responses no matter how interesting the title might be.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Titles can be important. And they can be misleading. I agree, overall, a great title can get more response.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I totally agree with you...I'm very careful of how I word my topic, something catchy always tend to work for me...especially titles others don't have... Yes, something eyecatching is always a plus...Almost like trying to sell a item..lol
@jerpogz13 (283)
• Antarctica
18 Feb 07
a title is very important here.sometimes i depend on the title when it so appealing to me i must respond to it.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
18 Feb 07
The title is the most important thing to attract people to your topics. + maybe a good photo. The title need to stir some kind of emotion in me to make me want to check the post out. It can make me curious, angry, happy etc
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
18 Feb 07
yep. the title might not say really the full thought of the discussion. but it's the most intriguing part and the most attention catcher in a discussion. a photo is always a plus., too
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
18 Feb 07
i always like intriguing titles. seems like even if the discussion posted was so long, i just wanna read them all just to see why the title was like that. sometimes, they are funny actually. it's a nice way to draw attention from people. nice trick which i don't find nothing wrong about.
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@dave_lie (1474)
• Indonesia
18 Feb 07
yes, i believe that title is the most important part in a discussion. Title is the summary of our discussion. It will enabled other members to comprehence your discussion easily. title also allows us to stay sticked to our topic. Despite i know and practiced the importance of title, i only had few responses recently. What is wrong. I really do not have any idea on it.
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
18 Feb 07
That is the one thing that we first look at before we enter a discussion, but I do read what follows to make sure that my thoughts are on the same wavelength as the person who posted that discussion.
@Aloeli (398)
• Portugal
18 Feb 07
yes title it's important because i only wrote when i see a title that matters me
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18 Feb 07
Well i try to title my discussion accordingly to what it relates to. I do try to add catchy titles but it isn't the end of the world in my opinon. It possibly would help to get a few more responses but having said that if people would read a discussion then they make not just judge a book by it's cover. (to sorta say) I think titles can help but it's not something i'm going to go out of my way to do. After all the effort goes into making decent discussion and the title can be basic and work. Kudos! (random thoughts but honest) ~Joey
@zipzipzop (419)
• China
18 Feb 07
I agree. A title is a very important thing.