Lian Yun gang , a beautiful pearl in JiangSu province

February 17, 2007 10:42pm CST
Lian Yun Gang ,to most people ,is a rather strange name for it's not a very developed city. But I would like to introduce to you with enthusiasm. Firstly, it's a tourist city. There are many famous tourist spots there for example the FRUTE AND FLOWER MOUNTAIN,which is known as the hometown of the famous MONKEY KING. In 2006,the World Tourist Organization choose LianYunGang as the branch in China to hold the World Tourist Day. Secondly ,it's potentiou to develop in the furture. The new major of Lian Yun Gang said that Lian enjoys many advantages and it's the only vergin land in Jiangsu. I can't agree him any more. The aboundant Silicon and other resourses there make it a very promising city. Thirdly, it's comfortable for people to live in. Now the housing price is a nightmare for most of the Chinese, but the price there is not very high, but from 2003 the price is increasing step by step. Although LianYun Gang is not my hometown, I have been lived there only for 4 years and will leave it this July, I can,t hide my like for it .So I wanna introduce it to those who wanna try a new tourist site in China.
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