baby baby baby baby!

@mccullar (124)
United States
February 17, 2007 10:43pm CST
ok so i have heard of people nowing they are prego, and dont tell anyone until they are around like 4 months prego why is that? do you think it matters? should they keep it a secret and if so why?
10 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
18 Feb 07
It is best to wait until past the first trimester so that in the event of an abortion, you don't have to back track. If someone knew you were pregnant but didn't hear you lost it, then they ask you how the baby is it would be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing. In my case I was newly divorced and in my late 20's. I waited until after the first trimester to tell my parents. I tried to keep it from friends but people you are around all the time are just too nosy, or they know the signs. The second time I tried to keep it quiet but my husband told his mother. I gave him a lickin' for that and, guess what? I miscarried. And I waited the three months again with my third pregnancy. But the cat got out of the bag on that. Not with my family but with DH's. It was Christmas and I was getting "Why aren't you smoking? Why aren't you drinking?" They asked me if I was pregnant and I denied it but they didn't believe me.
• United States
14 Mar 07
I believe what she was saying is the medical term for a miscarriage. Miscarriages in the medical field are also known as abortions or spontaneous abortion. Where the body has in some manner has aborted the baby.
• United States
18 Feb 07
In the event of an abortion? Why bother telling anyone your pregnant if you're just going to have an abortion, that's ridiculous. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage though.
@mccullar (124)
• United States
21 Feb 07
in the event of and abortion why would any one say something? if they already now they arent going to keep him or her. i think you only tell people when yo know your keeping your child. now i am sorry to hear about your misscariage its not fair! but telling and not telling didnt really change anything!
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I never told anybody till after my first trimester only because after my miscarriage the first time it was hard having everybody tell me how sorry they were. Not that it wasn't appreciated. But it was hard to handle. After the 3rd month the chances of miscarriage is almost none and just feels safer. Plus that is when reality really hits that you are pregnant because you start to feel the baby.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Yeah, my best friend was so excited, she told a bunch of people right away. And then she miscarried, and had to go back and tell them all. It was hard enough to miscarry, and then she had to tell people about it. Miscarriages are VERY COMMON. People don't realize just how common they are. Your first trimester has the highest risk of a miscarriage, this is why people wait until this trimester is over before they go public. I think it's very valid.
@mccullar (124)
• United States
18 Feb 07
yeah i think i'm with you on that i can feel your pain, and i'm sorry to hear that. but me and my mom had and arguement because my cuz had a misscaiage and she is 10 weeks prego, and she didnt want anyone to know. but now the whole family knows!
@nicky35 (747)
24 Feb 07
its because there is a raised risk of miscarraige for the first three months and it would be very upsetting to tell the world your pregnant and then have to tell everyone you lost it.
@mccullar (124)
• United States
27 Feb 07
yep thats what we have all been saying!
• United States
18 Feb 07
I believe the reason for not really formally announcing a pregnancy until after the third month is because some believe it is bad luck. Within the first trimester is a very delicate period. There's a huge risk of miscarriage. Personally, I have had 4 kids and have never NOT waited to tell of the blessings that were to come. I don't know how anyone could keep it a secret anyway.
@mccullar (124)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yeah me to i know its high risk during the first 3 months. but i almost lost my son at 4-5 months so it really does not matter when you tell people, i think it is just to avoid being asked about a child that you misscarie! i dont know. but thats what i think.
• United States
19 Feb 07
My sister is not telling everyone right away because she had a miscarriage. So she is keeping it a secret but everyone seems to know already. I think I can respect that. It's their right anyway.
@mccullar (124)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yeah my cuz is doing the same thing, but everyone already knows! but its what is right for them right now and this time!
• United States
18 Feb 07
I don't think it should be a secret at all about being prego... It's such a beautiful time in a womans life.I think she should share it with the world!!!
@mccullar (124)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yes it is a beutifull thing! and it is hard to keep it a secret!
18 Feb 07
It has always been advised to not tell everyone that you are pregnant, at last until you are 3 months as this is within a period when you can miscarry. Some women don't want to tempt fate or have the displeasure of telling everyone they have lost their baby is the worse does happen. However, I told everyone as soon as I knew, when I was only 6 weeks pregnant and luckily both my kids were fine, but I can understand why some women want to wait.
@mccullar (124)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yeah most of us tell people i think and most babies are fine. but there are the once that become little angels in the heavents
• New Zealand
2 Mar 07
I think and also know from experience that if things go wrong they don't want to get pepoles hopes up or their own especially if they have lost more than two in a row me i waited untill the third month as i only ever miscarried at upto 12 weeks
• Canada
14 Mar 07
Most people, as a general rule, don't make their pregnancies "public knowledge" until they're more than 14 weeks along. Reasons for this vary, but usually it is because: 1. The incidence of miscarriage decreases dramatically after 14 weeks gestation, so if the mother waits to tell then she doesn't have to deal with everyone assuming she's still pregnant if she happens to lose the baby...and having to tell everyone all over again that she is not pregnant anymore. 2. Pregnancy lasts for actually 10 months, some women push 11 if they are late or their due dates are miscalculated. Telling people that you don't really know too early can make it seem to them, and you, that you are pregnant FOREVER! Women don't normally start to "show" until the 14 week (3-4 mos) mark, either, and it's easier to tell people and have them "see" that you're a bit thicker around the middle! As you can see, it's not about keeping a secret -- it's more about convenience and the hassle of people asking about your pregnancy when it's not really their business. That being said, I started telling people I was pregnant when I was only about a month and a half along! I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it inside as I was SO excited, and if I were going to miscarry then I wouldn't be able to keep that inside it was same/same for me! Now I'm due any day -- and it does seem like I have been pregnant FOREVER!!!!!!
• Portugal
26 Mar 07
When I got pregnant the second child (I have a healthy little girl), I was so happy, it was planned and I couldn't wait to tell the world!! Nearly everyone at my work and my family knew early on, but then I lost the baby at 6 weeks, I was crushed and the hardest was telling people that I had miscarried, or when people would congratulate me and then having to tell them that it didn't work out, it was very hard. We will be trying again in a few months and I don't know how long I'll wait this time to tell people, I will be very happy when I get pregnant, but the worry of going through that again still sits in my mind.