Would you like to give lift to a stranger?
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
February 18, 2007 5:35am CST
I do not know about other countries, but in India, taking or giving lift is quite a popular phenomenon. On his way, one can always manage to find, a few people standing, a couple of meters ahead of him, with great optimism shining in their eyes, and their thumb, proudly pointing towards the direction you are going. I have seen that, they do not mind, if some of their requests are ignored. Like true optimists, they keep on trying, as if they know, that sooner or later, they will be on their way, comforting themselves on someone's Two-wheeler!
The definition of lift in the 'travel context' would be, providing transportatic assistance to one or more persons, usually during emergencies, without expecting any favors in return. The emergency may range from empty pertol tanks to punctured tyres to even lack of money. Some of them like to save their bus fare, while others are in a too much of a hurry, to wait for an auto rickshaw, a taxi or a bus. So they like to take chances, like to convert every possible opportunity they see coming on their way.
Most of the 'lift takers' are students or service class people. Often, I come across small kids, who do not have money for their bus fare. Then there are hawkers, generally selling newspapers, and they need to shift from one 'churaha' (square) to another, and they too, can be seen asking for lifts.
The tradition is that the males largely dominate the 'lift taking community'. I have not seen many ladies asking for lifts. And as a rule, no female will ever ask a male to give lift. At best, she will request another woman on a Two-wheeler to help her. This rule holds true vice versa as well, and I have not seen any exception to it till date.
Most of the time, people take lift, I drop them to their desired destination, they say 'thank you', I smile in return, and then, we go out way. Sometimes, we have a little chat on the way. Communicating with different people, with different backgrounds, different age groups, getting to know different views, and ideas.. its a great learning experience in itself.
But then, giving someone a lift is not a party at the beach side. It could be extremely risky business at times, as you have nothing to gain but everything to loose. You might end up giving lift to some anti social elements that might rob you out of your money, vehicle, jewelry, and even ... life. This is one of the major reasons why people avoid giving lift to strangers, and I respect their sentiment. However, I do not have had any bad experience, and I generally like to look at the brighter side of life.
As far I am concerned, giving lift to someone is an intuitive decision for me. I generally give lift to people, if I could see their thumb gesture well in time. Sometimes, I stop, even if I go past a few meters, and I can see the lift takers, coming on to me running, with each step of theirs sounding more enthusiastic than the other, with a big thankful smile on their face, as they comfort themselves on the Two-wheeler. I am constantly repeating the word 'Two-wheeler', as generally, one does not ask for lift in a Fore-Wheeler/Car. The only exception to this rule can be seen in rainy season, when people do try to get a lift in a car to avoid the rain, and their wish is generally granted.
To sum up, lift giving is an act of satisfaction for me, as it feels good to help someone selflessly, and to see smile on their face, and gratitude in their eyes. In fact, in a busy life of ours, where one hardly gets time to do something for others, it feels got to do little things like these - they give a nice feeling somewhere inside me.
That's it from my side. Now let me hear something from yours as well. How is 'lift trend' in your country? Do you often give/take lifts? Do you lie to do that? What is your stand on giving/taking lifts? Do you have any interesting 'lift-giving/taking' incident to share?
If yes, you're most welcome in my space....
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64 responses
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I have picked up many a traveler..here we call them "hitch hikers" and though I have since been counseled not to for fear of danger..I had never run into any danger doing so:)+
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
18 Feb 07
Good to know that, you had pleasent time 'lifting' people:)
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@rosie_123 (6113)
18 Feb 07
We do have "hitchhikers" in the UK, but personally I woud never pick them up, especally if I was on my own. A woman alone should never put herself at risk locked in a car with a stranger - especially a male stranger who is stronger and bigger than her. It is asking for trouble - robbery/car theft - or much worse. ikewise, I would bever thumb a lift that way myself, because you never know who may let you get into their car. Here we read horror stories all the time, of girls who hitch lifts (possibly students, and those with no money), and then end up raped, and murdered. I know it is a sad indictment on our mocern society, but there is no way would take the risk.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
18 Feb 07
I live in the UK and giving hitchhikers which we call them in this country is a very very dangerous activity and shouldn't be recommended, you don't know who you are letting in, they could be pyschos or wanting to mug you or worse! They may look innocent but they can quickly change. I have never picked up a hitchhiker and equally so I would never thumb a ride myself. It is far too dangerous in today's society.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Here in America it is a gamble if and when we see a hitchhiker. So many times it has turned bad when a good doer is deprived of their car and money. We are slowly becoming less interaction type people since so many are the bad guys. As it turns out the driver can also be the problem for those that hitch hike, you could end up not where you wish to go and possibily ever. Intuition is a good thing to use if you are attuned to it. Could save your life.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
18 Feb 07
I can understand what you are tryong to say. I know, its not safe for ladies to give lifts.
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@pbarjatiya (163)
• India
18 Feb 07
I dislike giving lift to the roadside people this is because its not so that they can pay the fair for their travel its just to save that amount of money. When the cases like kidnapping and robery happen regularly this seems to be a risky job. Might be you havent come across such problem or anyone of yours near or dear ones thats why you dare to give the life but i cant risk it.Its not that i dont want to help people but still what if someday i need to price for my good deeds it will be my dear ones who will have to suffer at the end.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
It's something that is really frowned on here. We've been told over and over that only axe murderers will hitchhike. So, I never pick up hitchhikers. I guess I should never say never, because our city buses were on strike, and there were hitchhikers all over the place, becasue there was no other way to get around. But, in general "lift giving" is not something I will generally give to strangers.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
18 Feb 07
No I would not. Sadly our world is full of thieves, perverts and wierdos. It the city there are buses available. On the highways too dangerous but if I in the countryside where everyone pretty well knows each other then I suppose I would.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Here in the US, you are taking your life in your own hands by picking up people. We can it "hitchhiking". There are so many instances where the "bad" people look for lifts or give them and then will kidnap, rape and/or murder you. It's very sad that you can't trust people anymore. It sounds as if your country has a good thing going. Of course, as you said, there will always be the anti-social person here and there, but sounds like it is safer in your country than anywhere here in the United States. I would never give someone a lift and I know I would never ask.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Many years ago, I used to pick up hitchhikers all the time, and also hitchhiked with my boyfriend quite often. Things have changed a lot since then though. Hitchhiking has become a lot more dangerous these days so we all have to be more careful.
Back then, I never thought twice about picking someone up if I saw them walking along the road. I live in a rural area and most hitchhikers are locals, so I knew most of them anyway so it was just the natural thing to do.
I rarely hitchhiked alone, usually with my boyfriend. We had no car for much of the time we were together so if we wanted to get to town we either walked 10 miles or hitchhiked. We usually started out walking and hitched the rest of the way.
We never had a problem either hitchhiking, or picking up hitchhikers... but that was back then.
Would I do it now? That depends. When I see a hitchhiker now, I slow down enough to see if I recognize them. Many times, I do since I live in the same small town, so I will stop.
Sometimes I don't recognize them, but I can see their broken down car so I will often stop. I don't mind giving them a ride a mile or two into town to get gas for their car. It's been done for me lots of times.
I think it's really sad what this world has come to. I hate that there are so many people doing such terrible things that people have learned not to trust each other any more... but I don't blame them. I am probably more trusting than I should be, but that is just my nature.
YOu are the one who must decide whether or not to give or take lifts. The important thing to remember is that if you are going to give or take lifts is that you be very careful. It can be dangerous, and we don't want anything to happen to you.
@indianjassi (76)
• India
18 Feb 07
In this modern world, you cant trust anybody. Of course there will be people who are genuinely in need of help, but then there are also thieves and hooligans looking to loot you. So better be safe than sorry. Its your life after all, and that comes first.
• United States
18 Feb 07
I am a romantic and would like to be able to pick up some random hitchhiker and find him to be a really interesting person, have an intellegent discussion with him, then never see him again. Unfortunately, that is not how it works, so I don't give lifts.
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@abhifriend (17)
• India
19 Feb 07
well i dont know bout bigger cities but in smaller ones like jamshedpur,we sometimes end up making friends as a result of giving/taking lifts.here we usually stop to give lifts to the aged who sometimes walk to their destination. we often go out of our way to even drop people to their destination.
Initially i wasnt into giving lifts but i learned my lesson the hard way one day.a person asked me for a lift and i declined as i didnt know him and someone else gave him a lift.later on reaching home i found that his destination had been my home itself.he had recognised me and therefore asked for a lift.it was that day that i realised that giving lifts is after all not that bad!!!
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@mini_simonetta (28)
• India
11 Mar 07
I give lift to starngers if they are in any emergency and have no other option except me.But i will surely avoid giving lift to strangers.As I dont trust people so easily I will surely prevent giving lift to strangers.My friend had an embrassing experience when she gave lift to a stranger.And when i got to know about that situation I avoided giving lift to strangers and i dont requset strangers for lift.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
18 Feb 07
You hit it right on the head when you mentioned the anti-social element. My opinion in the U.S. is that anyone who would either seek a lift or give a lift is taking a big chance. Either way you could put yourself in grave danger.
Of course you might argue that it depends who wants a ride. We gave a lift to a grandma one time that had gotten stranded at the ariport without a ride. If you are driving along the road and there is a rough lookin' dude wanting a ride - you might think again.
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
well i did gave a lift to a stanger ones and shes now my fiancee...but ask me now if ill give a lift to a stranger...i dont think so,ive heared news of hitchhikers killing the ones who gave them a lift...not to mention innocent looking robbers wholl pounce on you the least you expect it.peace!
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
18 Feb 07
Well in Australia today it is against the law to hitch hike but years ago about 30 I used to hitch hike to a lot of interstate places I found it was great and it was cheaper and I meet a lot of wonderful people this way, mainly it was with the interstate trucks, they knew there way short cuts and all and would stop off at some of the greatest rest-rooms in the country as these men due to this is the job they are treated a lot better than others, so we could not only receive a better meal but showers and all I travelled to three different states when I hitch hiked it is just unfortunate that we can no longer do this legally in my country today.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Don't get me wrong, I love to help others out. But if I drove, I would not give a lift to almost anyone. It's too scary, in this day and age. Just the other day I read a story that someone posted here on the site about a random shooting that went on inside a mall. Someone killing others for absolutely no reason. It really makes me sad. i wouldn't even want to be out walking the streets at night - or for that matter, even in the day, if i were alone. I know that I don't live in a high crime area, but I would still feel wary. So I would certainly not feel good about letting a stranger into my car.
@moumitamazumder (817)
• India
18 Feb 07
It is difficult to answer. Whether I would give a lift or not, may depend upon the situation, weather conditions etc. Otherwise it may lead to danger. anybody can cheat, rob or do any harm.
If I get a man/woman, in a heavily raining day or night, in a deserted place, where it is hard to get any conveyance, then may be I will help th person out of humanity. But then also I will have some fear in my heart.
You can never be sure about a stranger, it's always risky, yet worth risk taking at times of crises.
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@LeXDei (209)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
In my country, giving a lift is very uncommon. The saying that you should never trust stranger is remembered by everyone. Can't blame them though for there were really a lot of news about selfless offers like these which ended up in tragedies. For me however, I am really glad whenever I am faced with the opportunity to give somebody a lift whether I know this person or not. But I also admit that I am really very careful in assessing the character of the person in a very limited time. AFterall, it may be my very own life that may be at stake.
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