Why can't I function? Depression or laziness?

@LovingIt (5396)
United States
October 13, 2006 5:21pm CST
My house is filthy and I hate it. Every day I say I'm going to clean it up, but I just sit here and look at it. I've been diagnosed with depression and am being treated for it. Sometimes I think the drugs are harming more than helping me. I can't get out of bed in the mornings. I can't make myself go to bed at night. I can't make myself go anywhere. I can't make myself clean up the house. I can't even make myself eat. What should I do?
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42 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Oct 06
Most people who tend to call you lazy, have never been there... so they usually would not understand Depression, and a lack of will power in your life to get anything done. I know I had a Severe nervous break down 14 1/2 yrs. ago, so I remember Severe Depression really well. I have learned to move on from this, and get myself motivated and find things I enjoy. But that does not mean things are easy. I still have my rough days. You need to maybe take things one Step at a time. Maybe choose like One day do up all your dishes, Next day, mop your kitchen floor, and straighten up the kitchen. Next day, do all your laundry, and make sure all dishes are clean again... etc. Just find small motivational steps in getting your house cleaned, and you will surprise yourself in what you can do.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
21 Oct 06
Thank you! This has been the most helpful bit of information anyone has given me and I'm seeing both a psychologist and a psychiatrist!! I think I'm looking at everything to be done and it's overwhelming me. It's been all I could do just to get out of bed and now that I'm ready to do more, I just can't seem to do it. I think this idea of just focusing on one thing each day may very well be the key. Thank you so much!
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@econger (164)
• United States
27 Oct 06
You're not lazy, and those that think it is that simple just don't understand clinical, long term depression(something they should be thankful for). I understand what you are feeling like, it is a struggle for me to even keep my room moderately presentable-- and that's all I'm responsible for around here, my room and my bathroom(renting space in an apt). One would think that wouldn't be so difficult, but... it is. I also have difficulty both getting to sleep and getting up in the mornings. I'm constantly tired(probably because I cannot get enough sleep). I want to sleep in the middle of the day. The only place I go is to work, and even that is difficult, but necessary, else I'd be living in a cardboard box. I often forget to eat, I'm never really hungry anyway. Doesn't help that there are entirely too many serious issues going on in my life at the moment. It seems no matter how I try to help myself, things only continue to get worse, and I begin to wonder what the point is. What medication are you on? How long have you been on it? My experience, and the experience of people I know, has been that most depression medications have a limit to how long they'll do you any good. I was on Zoloft for nearly 3 years even though it stopped working after the first 6 months(it also made me gain an obscene amount of weight). Xanax worked nicely, but that was only because it made me so out of it I didn't care about anything. It's also highly addictive so I couldn't remain on it for any length of time. Currently I am on Wellbutrin, which has done me fairly well. In the beginning it really improved my mood and I lost a significant amount of weight. It's been nearly a year though, and it really isn't doing much for me anymore. I am considering asking about upping my dosage slightly to see if that will help any, at least temporarily. Do you get any physical activity, like going for walks or something fairly simple? It's not a long term solution but it can help improve your mood at least for an hour or two here and there. But I do know it's hard to get motivated to anything at all as well(were it not for my job, I'd do a whole lot of not much most of the time). Hope you can find something that will work for you, I know how hard it can be.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I can tell from your post that you really "truly" do understand exactly what my problem is. I'm on Lexapro and Topamax right now. I was also on Wellbutrin until a few weeks ago, but it was doing nothing for me, so I quit taking it. My psychiatrist switched me to Cymbalta a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't gotten up the courage to have it filled and try it yet. It sounds so much like Effexor and I had a terrible experience with that one once. My family doctor suggested adjusting the Lexapro dosage and trying that first, so that's what I'm doing now, and I think that may be the answer. I've also started taking Lunesta at night and it's wonderful. It helps get me to sleep and I sleep soundly. I was afraid it would make it harder for me to get up, since getting up is already a problem, but I've found just the opposite to be true. I was having awful dreams at night before and just not getting good rest. Now I feel like I've actually slept in the morning when I wake up! I think I may finally be on the right track here. I hope things work out for you as well. Depression is no fun at all, but it's not the end of the world either. It's just a pain in the rear!
@econger (164)
• United States
28 Oct 06
It's great that you are at least getting more decent sleep, I think that is something that can really make a difference(to an extent anyway). I've heard of Lunesta, I may need to look in to that. My only real "solution" as far as getting any sleep has been to take benadryl practically every night, but I have found I've gotten used to it and it doesn't make me as tired as it used to.
• United States
1 Nov 06
Can you get a friend to help you clean or maybe hire someone once or so a week for a few hours until your well enough to do it on your own? you probly feel completely overwhelmed. Here is *BIG HUG* for you. It is important that if your on meds that you take them exactly as directed. Have you had a switch in medications recently? Sometimes that can throw a person off for a bit. Just clean a little bit at a time. Try the tips on flylady.net i think it is. I wil say that for myself I do clean on a regular basis and sometimes when I am stressed it can be a form of therapy because I feel like I am getting something done and I will blast the music :)
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Right now I'm unemployed and in the middle of a lawsuit over being illegally fired from my job, so have no extra cash to hire anyone. I'm embarassed to let any friends know what a mess I've let this place get in. Yes, that's the problem, I am overwhelmed. Yes, I have switched meds. I'm hoping I adjust to them soon! If I don't I'm going back to the old ones, I think they worked much better! Unfortunately I hate cleaning to start with, so it's not very good therapy for me. I am doing better since I first posted, though, and slowly but surely, I'm getting the house in better shape. Thanks so much for replying to my post. It really helps a lot just knowing there are people that understand.
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
24 Oct 06
sounds like depression to me maybe they need to change your meds don't sound like them ones are helping.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks. You may very well be right.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Hope everything works out for you and you get to feeling better soon
@cybrgwlf (78)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I can relate to what your going through as i have dealt with depresion for most of my adult life i am now 44. People that dont uffer with depression really dont understand, they think you can make yourself do things if you really want too. And thats just not the case sure somethings you can but not everything. it sounds like you have major depression and you need some professional help, just taking meds wont help you also need some therepy. I am always depressed to one degree or another but i have learned to live with it, some day are worse than others, some days I can function others i cant. I wish the best for you. if you dont get the help you need it will just get worse.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Thank you so much for your comments. It's so nice to hear from those that truly understand what I'm going through. I went through my first episode of major depression about 15 years ago, but I got it under control and was even able to go off of the meds. I thought I was over it for good. WRONG!! At least when it hit me again about 3 or 4 years ago, I recognized the symptoms and got help for it sooner. It's just been a long slow haul this time, unfortunately. Like you said, I have my good days and my bad days. I am getting therapy and am on medication both. I just started the therapy more recently. It does seem to be helping. Hopefully really soon I'll have mostly good days. I'm hoping the same for you!
• United States
2 Nov 06
You are depressed. How long have you been on the antidepressent? It takes about 6 weeks before you start feeling the affects. If it's been longer than 6 weeks, check with your doctor and maybe you need something else. Not all antidepressents work for everyone and sometimes it's a trial and error thing. Depression just won't 'go away' without intervention and help. See your doctor again and make 'depression' point #1 to discuss. The other things may work themselves out if you start feeling better. Good luck.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I've been on the one for almost 3 years. He is switching me over and I've just started on the new one though. Thanks for your help.
• India
31 Oct 06
it is signs of depression consult a doctor and do meditation or yoga regularly
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Thanks. I am seeing a doctor for this. Hopefully this thing is going to be totally under control soon!
• United States
31 Oct 06
I'm right there with you. I have serious depression too. I did go to the doctor to make sure there was nothing medically wrong with me too and they didn't find anything so it must be the depression. I hate when people look at me and think I am just lazy (like my husband and my dad). It's not that I don't want to clean the house and do things with my kids I just don't have the energy. I can barely take care of myself half the time. There are times I don't feel like doing anything for anybody. I do the bare minimum that I can most days. I feed the kids and I feed and change the baby. That is it. I don't have the energy to do more. Half the time I sit at the computer and just stare at the screen because trying to make a coherent thought to post on a message board takes too much energy. It is awful. I look at the mess around me and cry because I want it cleaned up but I can't make myself get up and do it. There are times I tell myself quit be lazy and just do it so I get up and start cleaning and 10 minutes later I am so exhausted I can't continue. I just go lay on the couch and the house is even more of a mess.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I think that's the worst thing about depression -- the fact that so many people either don't understand it or don't believe that's what it is. It just really hurts to have people feel that way about you, you know?
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
30 Oct 06
Depression Hurts
It sounds to me like depression. I know what you're going through, I've been depressed for over 5 years. It's a tough thing to get through and what's even tougher is that people will never understand what it's like unless they suffer from it. I hope that you can recieve the help that you need and things become easier for you. Sorry for what you're going through, just remember it makes you a stronger person in the end.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
31 Oct 06
Thanks for your comment. I think you are right. Unless a person has experienced it they just do not understand what it feels like to be depressed and certainly do not understand the inability to function. It's something they just can't comprehend. I think you are right. This is and will continue to make me both a stronger and a more compasionate person.
• United States
28 Oct 06
Depression can be absolutely immobilizing. I remember before i started into therapy and on medication, i could sit in a chair knowing i had things to do but it was as if i couldn't move. the suggestions you have gotten to just try to tackle one thing a day are good ones. some days just getting showered is all you might be able to do. make sure that you find a way to reward yourself when you do get something accomplished. even a small reward like just being proud of yourself. medications can be tricky. i have been on many different meds and many different combinations before we hit on the right ones. it's important for you to remember that meds take at least two weeks before you will get any effects from them. also,therapy can be very helpful. Good luck to you.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thank you! It's so nice to hear from those that truly understand.
@stori1 (331)
• United States
31 Oct 06
depending on how bad you are you may need to take the medication. You can also take a more natural approach by seeing an herbalist could help. I'ts obvious you feel overwhelmed. I say this because I am on medication. It's been 15 years for me and only within the last 3 years have I felt better because I made sure I was working with a doctor who is willing to try differn't things. I have a friend come buy once and a while and cleans for me and I pay her about $20.00 or so just whenever I have the extra cash. You definately need intervention and counceling. You also need your family to rally around you. I will pray for u
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I am getting counceling and am taking medication. I did switch doctors about 8 months ago as the doctor I was seeing is now my son-in-law. I did so at his request, as he felt that it was no longer ethical for him to do so. My current doctor has changed my medications, and I really think I was doing a lot better before. However, there have been life altering events since that time as well, so I can't say for sure it's the new doctor or the medication. I am to the point, though, that I may beg my SIL to treat me anyway, as I really believe he is the best doctor anywhere around. The one thing I do know is that I'm going to beat this thing. I've been fighting it now for 3 years and was getting very close to having it licked when I switched docs. This is not something I enjoy or intend to live with the rest of my life.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
29 Oct 06
It's so easy to feel overwhelmed! Just take it a little at a time and know that you won't be able to fix everything at once. Just choose something little, like emptying out the garbage cans and take the garbage out. Let yourself feel better that you did one thing, then it'll get easier to do another thing. Just take it one step/one chore at a time. Or, set up a schedule. Like on Monday, you clean the living room. On Tuesday, you clean the bathroom(s).etc. It will help! It'll get better, honey, just hang it there. And, if your medication doesn't help, ask for something else. There is a lot to choose from as far as medications go!
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Thank you! I think keeping myself from being overwhelmed is half the battle here.
@twmoores (566)
• United States
29 Oct 06
After reading what you wrote it sound a bit like depression, maybe you should talk to a doc. If it happens alot it could be a chemical imbalance.... but the only way to know is to talk to a doc. We all go through spats of depression, its how we come out at the end that makes us who we are. Hopefully you will be ok, If you ever just want to talk you can email me here. I am always up for making new friends.:)
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Thanks. Yes, it is depression and I am being treated for it. I'm very slowly, but surely, seeing improvement.
@Lushlie (572)
• United States
28 Oct 06
You stated in one of your comments that you have some other topics that you should probably bring up with teh doctor. You should bring those up right away and maybe the doc can figure out why it bothers you so much. Coming from experience you may not think something has do do with your issues until the doctor tells you how he views it from his side. ANd then it will all make sense.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
This is the topic I hadn't spoken to the doctor about. I felt there were more serious issues going on. I have spoken to her about this one now. It does help to get everything out in front of her.
@reader (707)
• India
28 Oct 06
LovingIt, the moment u realise u have depression u r half cured, so cheer up. still u have half way to go n it may seem very far, nevertheless u will make it. u need two things 1 a doctor of body- to treat ur body with medicines, that u r aleady having. 2 doctor of mind - it is very cheap n easy, just go to ur church or sit at home n call him, GOD - he will be there for u at all times. if u don't feel like goin to church u can pray in ur bedroom, kitchen or living room. b assured even a moment's prayer will do wonders for u. pray irrespective of whether u believe in its efficacy, or even if u disbelieve in prayer. if u can't pray, don't worry, those to whom u have mentioned ur troubles wud have prayed for u, u will b well soon. i look forward to the day wen u will post here saying u r much better.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Reader, you are so right! I already have a personal relationship with my God. He has brought me through some horrible times and He will see me through this as well.
• United States
28 Oct 06
I too can relate to this...I am 29 years old...4 kids from the age of 10 to 8 months...been married for 10 years...no family close by...have a very hard time getting up in the morning and staying up...once I do get up am only up for a couple of hours and then I am ready to go back to sleep...and in the few hours I am up I get very little to nothing done as far as cleaning goes...I do work in the evenings part time 4 hours per night 20 hours per week...I dont enjoy going to work...I get very little time with my husband as a family unit and a couple...I get very lonely, bored, cry a lot that comes and goes, the crying was really bad after I had my last baby...I was diagnosed with post partim depression...before I had gotten pregnant my family dr had put me on Xanax for anxiety and depression...after delivery and a week or so at home after having baby I was on something else by my OB dr...now I am on nothing...some days are good as far as feeling "happy" and some are bad...but everyday I have the got nothing done delima also...then when it seems I have made progress in one room...and I move to the next room...when the kids are home or get home from school...and by the time I get home from work at 11:00 pm or later...it is a mess again...all for me to do over again the next day!
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I so feel for you. It's the pits isn't it? Have you considered counceling? I'm doing that now and I think it helps just to have someone to talk to about it as much as anything. If only the talking would get my house clean. It seems that there are a lot of us with this same problem. You must really feel overwhelmed with 4 kids that young.
@bfa731 (409)
• United States
28 Oct 06
In my opinion your best option is to try and look for something that can help motivate you to do these things. Look over your life, find a purpose and reason for waking up to help motivate. Try and imagine all the good things cleaning your house would do and how you can motivate yourself to get it done. I would also talk to your doctor because your medication may be effecting you also.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thanks for your comments. They were helpful.
• United States
28 Oct 06
I had depression. It was a nightmare. Thank God for pills.
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
You are right about pills. I can't imagine going through this without them.
• United States
28 Oct 06
its depression, if medication isn't helping you you should find some private or group conseling
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thank you. I'm doing both the meds and the counseling now and I'm doing much better. I'm not 100% yet, but I am improving.
@deeds14 (815)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I know how you feel! It's hard to say without meeting you, but I would definately say that it is depression. There is no "cleaning plan" that would be good enough right now, because that's not the problem. The problem is that you feel so sluggish and that it's not worth it to do anything. You deserve to feel alive and amazing! See a doctor to make sure it's not something physical, but definately see a therapist and take medication. I did that, and it changed my life. It takes time, yes, but you're worth it.
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thanks for the comments. You are right and I'm working on it. It's getting better.
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