@western_valleygirl (1363)
United States
February 18, 2007 12:50pm CST
California was was my home, for almost my entire life. And, there really is no place better, there is everything, you would ever wish to see, green grass, tall mountains, abundant forests, vast deserts, and cities with bright lights. Where I live now, is also beautiful, even though it is a different state other than my home California, but it not where I have always wanted to live. I have always wanted to live in the wilderness, in a small town, where there is fresh running water for fishing, swimming, and just having fun. And places to hike and explore nature. Where, you feel peaceful and can enjoy the view everyday from your own backyard. Some small town in Montana, or Colorado. I have discussed this with my husband many times, and just yesterday we saw a place on TV, that has some of those characteristics, but I did not know where it was. He also likes nature, and wants to be somewhere where our neighbors are not "practically in our backyard," so I have hope that we will live there someday...but, Arizona is beautiful also, and I am enjoying the different environment (I will probably regret that when summer rolls around and it is 125 degrees), but the different flaura and fauna is a nice change.
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58 responses
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I live in Michigan, in a rural setting, which is mostly pleasant. I experience all four seasons and everything in between. I have wrestled with where I want to build my dream home. I like some parts of northern Michigan, especially on Northern Lake Huron. That is one possibility, except I don't know if I want more winter weather.
I have been to Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and New Mexico. I loved them all. I am in love with the west in many ways. I want to visit Montana and Idaho and a few others. I don't want to live in California or Florida. I would rather live outside of a small town, close to nature with some wilderness, mountains or hills, a river, and generally moderate weather. I don't want to be around tons of neighbors either. I can understand your feelings on that.
I have been to Kentucky and Tennessee, and North Carolina, all states that I enjoyed. Eastern Tennessee in the Smokey Mountains was very nice. Even Maine, Vermont or New Hampshire are great too. My problem is that I like so many places, it is difficult to pick just one. I can stand for some winter, but I don't like the excessive heat.
I would suggest that over time you travel to a few other states and get an idea of what they might be like. Of course, you can't tell a whole lot by just spending a few days or weeks in another place. I don't know, maybe it is better to use a process of elimination. But the one thing that concerns me about moving west is the water situation. At least here in Michigan, we won't have a freshwater problem (hopefully). In some ways this is tormenting trying to make a final choice. But it is fun and it will be for you if you decide to look elsewhere to live.
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I live close to Lake Superior! LOL What a small world. :)
@poohandchocolate (348)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I like living in California, but not in this city. I live far away from all my friends and family. The weather is always really nice around here. Just gets too hot in the summer. I wouldn't want to move out of the state, just in the same city as my friends or atleast closer. There are places I live visiting but not to live. Like s.f. or L.A. I like living in a quiet town or city. Safe enough to raise a family.
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Hopefully you will get to move closer to your loved ones someday. It's hard to be in a different area and still visit as often as you like or just when you feel the need to. :)
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I really do like where I live. On 43 acres, solar and wind powered home, a large garden spot that I can enlarge. Space for our critters too. A 13 acres of woods. A creek and 1000 feet from the road. Don't even need curtains. All the wild critters have not acted bad yet so we are happy about that. Can't imagine living anywhere else and only can hope we get to rebuild this summer and return to a contributing member of society lifestyle. Hope for us!
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
18 Feb 07
That is wonderful, that you are able to live sufficiently, and also have the space to live freely. And make your little part of the world of luck and thanks for the inspiration.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
18 Feb 07
Hi there Western Valley girl. I live in Dublin which has been my home for my entire life. Dublin has changed a lot in recent years and I retain an affection for it despite feeling very hemmed in here!
|There is poor planning so the phenomenon of Urban Sprawl is very much in evidence. There is also little evidence of nature where we live and the weather is crap apart from June to August. But I still like it!
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Yes, Dublin is pretty hectic and busy...that is a lot like the major cities in California. If I lived in Ireland, I would move to the little towns, that look like the place I am describing, that I would like to move to here in the U.S. However, everything comes in due time. I love Celtic music also, so I would enjoy Ireland. :)
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@Sawsen (793)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I really love where I live. I live in a little city in northern california, and the weather is really great. Unfortunately though we have a lot of people from the bay area coming in, so a lot of prices are sky rocketing, and there is a lot of traffic. Regardless of all though that, I really like where I live. The people are nice, and I always feel like I'm home.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
18 Feb 07
That is nice. I love California also. And, yes there is so much crowding going on, because of the bay area movement, which is raising the prices of homes in most areas. But, if I ever move back to Cali, I will want to live somewhere north, where there is more wilderness and less people.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I love California. I might not ever leave. But if I did I would move to New York City. I want to be in broadcast journalism and either hollywood or new york will do.
Why do I love California? Oh the beaches, the weather (usually). I love Orange County better I miss it! I wish I could go back. I am still getting used to being SO close to the ocean.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Weather wise, it's okay, a little cold at times, but hey, at least there's 4 seasons here and they're only sometimes all at once. tax wise, i'd love to move, maybe a state over , like maine ,vermont, close-by but less governmentally encumbered,(MA.)
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
I have visited California and Arizona, but only in a few areas.I remember being impressed by the spectular scenery, particularly in Arizona.
I live in Adelaide now, and I am happy being here.
It is a city of 1 million people, stretching from north to south along the coast.
Our beaches are magnificent.
Adelaide is surrounded by the hills, providing an attractive background.
There are many beautiful national parks, both within the city and on the outskirts. Our favourite is Belair National Park.
Although I wasn't born, or brought up in Adelaide, I am happy to live here for now.Partly for our Childrens Education, and also most of our Family live here.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
I don't know how I managed to post this twice, it was accident. I received an error message, so I back tracked, and redid my comments, not knowing the opriginally was posted.
Sorry about that.
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@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I have just moved to the town where I live now ..I hate this little hick town we don't have a nice clean little town atsmospere here...I love florida and wouldn't live anywhere else except maybe Ky. I love it there as its beautiful ..but I don't know if I could handle the winters there ...burrr... so I guess I will stay here for another year or two and see what developes here...
your dream is a nice one I hope that you and your husband can realize it one day soon ...keep dreaming !!!
dream it belive it ...
@jugnujunaid (349)
• India
19 Feb 07
I follow these lines - 'There's no place on the earth better than your home.'
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I agree. I've lived half way around the world in two different directions and still ended up settling down where I was raised. :)
@simplysue (631)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I live on the outskirt of our small town. I like it because it's 5 minutes to work and the grocery but I still have a descent size yard and woods to walk in across the street. I've got the best of both worlds in my little homw. :)
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@mona07 (24)
• India
19 Feb 07
I live in the 'city of joy',Kolkata.A city that lives life to the fullest everyday.Busy life,noisy streets,pollution,numerous buildings,scanty greenery,ruthless life style, are all characteristics of this city.But one might think that with so much of adversities how can someone love this city?Well,let me explain that.Kolkata aslo has another side,which reveals its beauty,its famous monuments like victoria,play grounds like maidan,everyday rituals that gives the chance to our traditions to breathe in this twenty first century.Celebrations like durga puja,is something that makes Kolkata more beautiful.thus this is the reason why I love this place so much.
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@tennesseemom (62)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I was also born and raised in California (northern). I don't think I honestly appreciated it until I married my husband and moved to a small town in east Tennessee. I've been a Tennessean for almost 3 years now; and I ache to move back to my native California.
We welcomed our first child into the world last year; and I see now that California would be a better place to raise her in terms of cultural enrichment, education and recreation. That is my opinion, and I know others disagree.
Tennessee has beautiful wide-open spaces, reasonable living costs and friendly people....but I think when you are raised in someplace as versatile and diverse (such as California) you are bound to experience some degree of culture shock going elsewhere.
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@maninesan (10)
• India
19 Feb 07
hi western valley girl.every one loves their own native place than any other.its a real fact.i also from a small town with lot of lakes and i am in polluted city.the circumstances will definitely changes.for that we have to adopt.
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
Although I have never left Canada and there is a ton of places I want to visit through out the world I am really happy with living in this country. In my opinion there could be many more places int he world that are way worst then they are here. We got good health care, pretty safe streets and housing, and schooling isnt to bad. Dont get me wrong we are not perfect here but we do have it really good up here I think. We got beautiful sites, amazing cities, rich historic value here, tons of wildlife and most people are really friendly to a point. Also Canada is a pretty diverse place to live and I enjoy it. Sure it cold at times but despite what everyone thinks we dont not live in igloos here!lol And yes some of the stories you have heard about us drinking are true but thats not everyone. Also Canada is the home of basketball and hockey 2 of the world's biggest and most watch and folowed sports on the planet. I love Canada and think its a great free place to live.
@x3temptationx (677)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Well I guess where I live is okay, I wouln't have chosen to live here but its not bad at all. I live in a city in Michigan, not too much to do here though. We have crazy weather which is what I don't like, one day last year we had snow then a couple days later it was the hottest day of the year. The winters are horrible, so much snow I can never get my car up and going. The summers are great though, when its not raining everyday lol. I would prefer to live somewhere hotter that doesn't have snowy winters , maybe down south.
@Tenerifelynn (575)
19 Feb 07
I live in Chorley, Lancashire in the UK, have done for the past 8 years, although I like the small town itself winters are very icy and not good for my health.. There is a plan in place to eventually move over to Tenerife where the weather suits my condition! I try go out there most winters as out there it has an all year round sunny climate. Hopefully within the next 2 to 3 years if all goes to plan
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@PiperCharmed (457)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
i love australia. living here has given me a future som many people in my family never had a chance at getting. i am thankful for this country
@diexxx (39)
• Bulgaria
19 Feb 07
I really love where I live. I've lived here in Varna,Bulgaria all of my life and I've travelled a lot. This is the most beautiful place for me[of course it isn't but for me it's the best]. Here I have everything that I need:freedom, nice people and sea.I'm sure that this is not the best palce for living, but I'll understand it when I grow up:)
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@ItalianBarbie (1)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I think the place you are describing is Montana. I am originally from Missoula Montana and there is no place more beautiful and open, than there. Mountains and creeks. Rivers ("A River Runs Through It" was filmed there right outside of Missoula), Beautiful lakes. My family still lives there. They are in Florence which is a small town maybe 8-10 miles right out of Missoula. My parents have a log cabin as well as my sister and her family. Gorgeous. My moms closest neighbor is close to a half mile away. My sisters, about a 1/4 mile. You have the stunning Rocky Mountains. Pine trees and fresh air. Lovely in the summer but can be rather harsh, in my opinion, in the winter time. I guess thats why I live where its warm, Arizona. A little too warm in the summer though. Really. But summers in Montana are humid and hot too but not like Phoenix, as you soon will know. There is no getting use to the crazy hot weather in Phoenix. No way. My kids love it but they loved Montana and the snow too. lol. If I moved back to Montana I would live out on Flathead Lake or Seely Lake, although mosquitos are bad (or use to be 10 years ago when I was there). I can't take Montana Winters but I still love the feeling I get when I see those mountains. So huge and absolutely amazing. You would love it there. I hope this helps. I will be there this summer. Have a lovely day!
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