Do you have some few first aids tips to share?

First aids tips - First aids share some useful tips
February 18, 2007 3:17pm CST
As a mother there are some first aids tips that I learn during my college years as reserved officer in navy that that I can really apply to my 3 years old child. Here are some common first aid tips:FOR BURNS:Burns from fire or other sources of heat range from mild to life threatening. Some burns can be treated at home; others need emergency medical care. What to do: If you can't get the child to a hospital right away or must wait for an ambulance, begin this treatment: Remove clothing from the burned areas, except clothing stuck to the skin. Run cool (not cold) water over the burn until the pain lessen. Lightly apply a gauze bandage if it's a small first-degree burn. How about you my dear mothers and mylot friends do you have useful first aids to share to all the parents which will be beneficial to them in the future?
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18 responses
@ebo_bro (190)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
I just want to add DB to your ABC, D stands for danger, look for possible danger, example if your kid fell on a road, cars will pass. you have to remove first the patient off the street before treatment. B stands for blood. is their blood that really flows non-stop. if you dont stop blood, in a few minute you'll run out of it. so it DBABC for me :)
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
19 Feb 07
VERY GOOD ! Yes I was going to add that ,it's important to check if the location of the accident is CLEAR ,for example clear of dangerous chemicals (gas ,acid) or fire or electricity or deep water or dangerous animal etc . .The one about blood is also interesting ,although I already covered it in the C part of ABC (definitely not mine ,I was trained that way) ,however the blood deserves to be mentioned again because of the dangers of CONTAMINATION , like when the injured person is bleeding infected blood !
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
19 Feb 07
People who are in accidents should not be moved if possible unless there is experieced help ,especially the neck should not be moved ,because a fracture of the neck might lead to serious consequences .
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• Philippines
19 Feb 07
If danger is still present and you really must move the victim's body, make sure a collar is placed on the neck. If no collar is available you can improvise by using a folded newspaper or carton. Shape it like a collar around the neck then tape both ends.
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@ygkchaitu (387)
• India
19 Feb 07
Well for that matter, in my childhood i found my mother using many kitchen first aids which were quite effective. Bleeding due to cut can be stopped using sugar and it can be healed using turmeric but god it is so painful. For burns, first aid is to cool it off with normal water and let some running water on it for few minutes then apply a cooling cream. This should reduce the burning sensation and it is too modern. If you dont have any cooling cream then use milk cream.
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Hi welcome to myLot! This is a very handy tip and I really appreciate it!
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
Great discussion! I don't know that this would necessarily fall under the category of first aid but if your child gets a bee sting, mud helps to take the sting away. Simply grab some dirt and make some mud and pack it on. I don't know if there is actually anything in the mud itself that takes the pain away or if it's the fact that mommy/daddy just put dirt on the child that it makes them forget about it, lol
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• Philippines
20 Feb 07
That was really cool xxangelxx! I really think I can apply this one to my 3 year old son.
@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
ive got one very effective and its herbal..if you cut yourself then try getting some malunggay leaves..pressed it well so that that the juice will come out and rub it on the cut area..and presto the blood will stop flowing
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
That's right kabayan I once do that too! It was very effective but what is malunggay leaves in english have to search for the word lol!
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
my cousin who works in ER she said specially if you have babies at home, its best to stock up some benadryl. its anti-histamine syrup / anti-allergy to prevent further chemical reaction of what the baby got into his mouth or swallowed then its still best to rush them to the hospital. for adults i still believe its still a spoonfull of sugar to make an adult vomit that is for food poisoning.
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
great maimai my friend! I really love what the discussion keep going for it have some beneficial effect to myLot member who will read all the post and will keep it in mind. This would be of real help.
@220870 (249)
• India
19 Feb 07
When there is a cut and blood does not stop put turmeric powder over the wound. Turmeric has a tendency to clot blood and is antiseptic. For a person suffering from diarrhoea, roast star anise and powder it. Mix half tsp of this powder with honey and give it twice a day till the person recovers.
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• Philippines
20 Feb 07
I really don't know it and I was very thankful thank you share it with us. I can tell many will benefit from it. Thanks 220870!
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
19 Feb 07
I read this some time ago - If we are alone and think we are going to have a heart attac, we could try coughing. It will give a sort of heart massage so that we can have a better chance to call for help. It is always good to keep a cell phone with us so that we can call the emergency number.
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
That's right I read it also thru a friends email and that was effective way of preventing heart attack. Cellphone is a great help in all emergency cases that's why we really have to secure we have it before we leave our house. Thanks buenavida.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Apply cold sticky mud to bee stings on kids or animals to draw out the poison.that's all I can think of right now,lol.
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@ZowieR (940)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
taking no chances - rty
when i became a new mother, taking the CVR.first aid course and becoming certifyed is the only thing that put my mind at ease. you never know what missinfoirmation the internet will give you!!
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@ZowieR (940)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
when i became a new mother, taking the CVR.first aid course and becoming certifyed is the only thing that put my mind at ease. you never know what missinfoirmation the internet will give you!!
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
18 Feb 07
It is very important to learn first aid tips when we have children, What I did in regards to first aide especially when I cannot get to a hospital quickly when my children had a fever was to firstly take their temperatures and then once I knew what this was to then take off any clothing they had on and bath them with a cool cloth to reduce the temperature, as soon as I could then when I actually got them to the hospital they told me what was wrong with my child and I told them what I had done and in most cases they told me that I did the right thing and there was nothing else I could of done, I saved my youngest daughter many times by doing this when her temperature got to be close to 100 and more.
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• Philippines
18 Feb 07
That was one very useful tip you shared kathy and I really admire you for being a responsible mom to your children.
@rajikoshy (741)
• India
19 Feb 07
use wet cloth, damp cloth when the child gets temperature, never let the childs temperature shoot up
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• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Thanks this is a useful tip rajikoshy!
• Canada
18 Feb 07
i don't have actual take action tips. but what i recommend to every parent is to carry a first aid kit everywhere. we have a medium sized one that stays in the car or that comes with us on long trips. i also have a tiny little safty kit with just a few simple things that i always carry in my purse. i fill them up with the carttoon band aids cause that's what my daughter loves best. it's so handy to have something to clean off a scrap right away to avoid infections. so that's why i carry one everywhere.
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• Philippines
19 Feb 07
I really never do that! but I would really do it from now on and stuff some first aid kit on the car and of the travelling bag. I really knew there are lots of members who will benefit from this tip. thanks poppoppop111.
@ebo_bro (190)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
well sometime this things happens to us and sometimes we are alone or no one else knows fisrt aid. on e example i can give is in choking. first the prevention, do not chew more than you can and dont talk when you have something in your mouth. does it sound familiar? ever wonder why only humans choke? its because we talk when we eat :) now for the first aid. try to find something about a waist high, place your stomach on it,bend down and use gravity to put pressure like the hiemlich manuever.
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• India
22 Feb 07
i will have to recollect many tips
@suren2k6cse (2621)
• India
19 Feb 07
thanks for your tips ...
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@maru_047in (1007)
• India
19 Feb 07
good tips and in case of burns the injuries are very much dangerous and it might turn into infections too so i think so the first aid is very much necessary and every human being has to help the people when they are in bad health condition even if he is a enemy. That is my policy.
• Malaysia
19 Feb 07
i suggest all parrent must know and learn about medicine