Does your dog have any funny habits?
By jeggie
@jeggie (99)
February 18, 2007 7:48pm CST
We have 3 dogs in our household, all of which have very different personalties. All of them have funny habits. One of our dogs, who is a golden retriever always gives us his sign when he wants his walk. He sits on our sofa, with his head looking out the window, and doesn't listen or answer to anyone. He just sulks. Then when someone gets up and gets the leads out, he goes crazy! He is quite funny, he acts like a human sometimes. I was just wondering whether any of you have any dogs (or other animals) that have some funny habits?
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45 responses
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My dog was always funny :) I taught him how to "knock" on the door when he wanted in and out. He also used to be hooked on dog treats to the point that we couldn't even open the cereal cabinet where we kept them without him running over immediately.
I think all pets have funny habits, but if you think about it so do people :) That's what makes each person and each pet unique!
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@jeggie (99)
19 Feb 07
that is quite a neat trick! Our dogs just bark when they want out. We have a special cabinet where our dogs treats are kept as well, and they know it too. Our cat food is also in the same cupboard though, so they go crazy everytime we feed the cats, lol. I agree with you though, all pets do have funny habits, it is what makes them who they are, and not like every other cat or dog. Thanks for your comment.
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@ky1119 (698)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I have a 4 year old cocker spaniel that we took in about 3 months ago or so. She's a hoot. We are her third owners and somewhere along the line she's been in a home with a doorbell. If one rings on tv, she goes nuts, barking at the door like someone is trying to break in. She does the same thing when the microwave goes off. The other day I was watching Family Feud and every time the buzzer went off, she'd jump up and run to the door and bark. She also brings us her leash and drops it at our feet when she wants to go out. She sleeps with a ball tucked under her chin. I could go on and on about Sophie's antics. She's a riot.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Feb 07
i had a dog just like your retriever before. loves to walk and gives a sign all the time when he wants to get out.
i have a puppy. she's 4 months old. and she always tries to get one of my slippers and hide it under the kitchen table. i always have house slippers and wear it all the time. and i get amused when she takes it off my feet and hide it under the table. i end up hopping around with one foot. maybe she just wants me to play with her. and so, i do it after she gets my attention.

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Feb 07
yep. could be. haha! i am sure it does not smell since it rubber! lol. but maybe she just wants to get my attention. and since i cannot live without my slippers on, it's the best way for her to get my attention right away.
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
19 Feb 07
i have a 5 month old Chiweenie pup who does a little dance when she needs to poop and whimpers when she needs to pee. It's a great warning system. i also have 4 cats, and they all have fun personalities and their own little quirks. my cat, Lenore, plays fetch with crumpled up paper. She chases it, plays with it, then brings it back to you. It's great!
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@nascar_girl_4jr (315)
• United States
19 Feb 07
ABSOLUTELY...this is hilarious actually. I have a Pom-a-Pug, who is 2 and a half years old and she sucks our thumbs. It started out with only my daughter when she was a baby. Now she is my suckle baby. She will literally jump, claw, and scratch to get to your thumb. I literally have caluses on the tops of my thumbs where she suckles on my thumb all day. She messes me up on the computer sometimes too, because she is clawing at my thumb that is on the mouse..We are sending the video into Planet's Funniest Animals and Funniest Home Videos
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@ashcas (55)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I could write a book about all the things that our dogs do. We have two, both mutts. Stormy is 2 and about 35lbs, Tank is 1 and about 50lbs. The first thing that comes to mind is that Tank gives Stormy "piggy back rides" LOL They love to 'fight' and at one point Stormy always ends up getting on Tanks back (like a t) and Tank will walk around! it is so funny. They do it all the time and me and my husband always laugh. LOL
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@aryana24ti (309)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
We love dogs, actually we have 3. They are all have different personalities. One is a labrador retriever, every morning my dad usually get up early to jog. And he always make my dad awake every morning by kissing in his face and he pull my dads pillow. So sweet! And the other one is a white terrier, every time we go out, he barks a lot because he wants to go with us, he loves to ride in a motorcycle and he really enjoy it to the point that he dont want to get down. And the other one is a german shepherd, it makes me laugh always because every time i sit beside him, he always front his cut tail in my face, he wants me or us to touch it, i dont know why but hes like that. Dogs are all sweet in their own different way.
@jan135 (535)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
I have 2 dogs and the eldest one is just over 2 and is a pitbull terrier. The youngest is nearly 1 year old and a shar-pai (wrinkly dog)
When the pitbull was younger up until about 1 year old, she used to dance around her dinner and any treats we gave her before she would eat it. Really funny to watch.
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@all_am_rejects (57)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My dog a Labrador-retriever T-bone does something like that. T-bone would take his dog treat and through it in the air. Then when it hit the ground he would dance in circles around it and jump up and down. He would repeat this several times until he through it in the air and cought it in his mouth. It waz so funny everyone would just watch him even his brother Diamond would watch it waz great!
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@destroyer (784)
• Pakistan
19 Feb 07
Hey we have the same dog! my golden retriever is 1.5 years old and when ever he in the mood to play he stands up on his hind legs and jumps around the house! thats his signal for play time! he keeps jumping up till one of us decides to play with him or atleast pet his head!
@foxfirethree (150)
• United States
19 Feb 07
We have a dog (about 60 lbs.) that likes to play "cookie hockey" with me. When he comes in from his walk, I give him a cookie. He proceeds to throw it across the rug and I have to push it back to him with my foot (and act appropriately enthused), whereby he throws it back a couple more times, and eventually he decides to take the cookie and go lie down and eat it. Game over!
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
I have a Maltses and she's the best dog in the world. Everytime I have my bath she jumps on the back of my recliner, puts her front feet on the top of my head and sniffs my hair for a few seconds then she walks over my shoulder then comes to rest up tight to me in the chair. The other thing she always does is when we go out for supper we tell her we're going out for supper and she has never missed, we come home and my husband sits on the couch and I go to my recliner. Our girl goes running to my husband right away. She walks up hubbys shoulder and down his chest just far enough to shove her nose in his shirt pocket. Who says dogs don't understand she knows daddy will be sure to have a little piece on meat for her. She is definately our best friend. TAKE CARE..Grandmaof2
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@mywords18 (645)
• United States
19 Feb 07
oh yes he is one of a kind, he loves playin hide n seek and specially whn hez is hungry he pushes his eating pot so hard that it will swing in the air like baloon though he is small cute dashound but in disguise, he is very ferosious and naughty to play with i simply love him hus name is choco.
@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My dog has seperation anxiety. We are her 4th owners and we are pretty sure she was abused when she was a puppy. Everytime we leave she gets real depressed and licks her paws. The second she hears the garage door open she starts whining and going nuts. She will go and get her toys and bring it to you and then she will talk to you for about 5 minutes and want all of you attention. This is why we usually bring her everywhere we can with us.
@jeggie (99)
19 Feb 07
awww that is quite sad. We used to have a dog like that, it was a rescue dog and had quite a few problems. It is great that you have stuck with her though, as most people (as it looks like, as you are the 4th owners) would give up because of too much hard work. i say goo on yer :)
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@HappyHeathy (27)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My dog wakes me up in the morning just to lay in my spot on the bed when I get up. He sits on the side of the bed and barks loudly until I get up. I can't get him to stop.
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
20 Feb 07
i have a new puppy at the moment part golden retrever. very playfull as all puppys are .shes only eight weeks old .already she has a bad habbit that im trying to stop her from doing with no luck .every morning she comes in all excited to see me and bites my toes owch not impressed shes got little needle like teeth so we are fighing over this new habit she has im trying to stop her shes trying to continue it but ive told her im bigger than you so im the boss but she just wont listen lol
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
Our Dalmation Cross has some funny habits. He loves to eat lemons. Two years ago, he was banned from playing with any kind of balls, as he had torn the cruciate ligament in his leg. Consequently he substituted lemons off the tree for balls. He has chewed off the lower third of the lemon tree. He doesn't just play with thewm, but chews them up. He also loves to drop lemons in our swimming pool.If the filter is on, he watches the lemon float ropund and round the pool, then he leans ovr the edge and tries to grab it.
@babysusie18 (231)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
Our dog has this habit of jumping our 8ft gate just to go out. And she flirts around all the time, like sniffing our butts and play around. It sometimes annoy me.
@pinstikfartherin (75)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My Daschund will literally "dig" your head (arm, leg, whatever) to get your attention. Sure, it hurts sometimes when she gets going, but it is so cute! Sometimes I hide my face just so she will start it up with those short little legs.
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@Giggles88 (542)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My dog is very unique to me at least. She constantly has to be beside you. She will follow me anywhere and everywhere and when I sit she has to be on my lap. She's not a small dog either, she's a boxer. She also knows exactly when we're suppose to be home so if we're late she literally punishes us for it or if I leave early she'll try to grab my sleave and tell me I can't go. She's the sweetest but clingest dog and I love her for it.
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@Jennif3r (12)
• Italy
19 Feb 07 dog is female, and sterilized.. yet, almost every day she comes close to me, gets to stand on her back feet and scratches my arms, like if she wanted to ask me something..when i turn, she immediately grabs my leg and.. humps it!! O_O
She's totally addicted to it, and i can't understand but she does it JUST with me, none else.. does someone have an idea on what it may be? It seems like if she's faithful just to me, and that's SO hilarious!
@chileman (967)
• Australia
20 Feb 07
Well I don't have a dog but our budgie has a funny habit. We like to reward him a few times a week by giving him celery leaves, whenever we do and he sees them coming he gets very excited and makes a funny worbling sound. When we put them in he fights with them first, then starts to eat them but the habit he has picked up is when he's finished, he puts some of the leaves in his water bowl, we can't figure out why but every time he finishes we find them in his water bowl the next day!