How can I get my fiance to understand pasta is not bad for you?

@evolve (10)
February 18, 2007 9:32pm CST
I LOVE pasta but we rarely make it (maybe 2 times a month)because my fiance thinks it is bad to eat unless you eat it sparingly. I can see where he is coming from to a certain degree but I think it would be fine to eat more than we do. Any suggestions on how I can eat more pasta???
3 responses
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
hmmmm...let her read a dietary needs per day of a human being and search the dietary contents of your pasta(you know what i mean) or the best way is the two of you talk to a nutritionist...
• United States
19 Feb 07
ps... you are suppose to have 6-11 servings of bread and pasta a day.. It happens to be the most needed iteam on the food pyramid
• United States
19 Feb 07
show him that it does not have cholesterol.. which leads to heart attacks.... it doesn't have saturated fat which aso leads to heart problems.... hey and get this I am looking at spaghetti noodles right now (package) 7g protien per serving and 1 gram of fat.. it even has iron and folic acid... The hole no carb diet has caused alot of health problems on people