Feeling the Kiss

United States
February 18, 2007 10:50pm CST
What do you feel when you kiss someone? Is it the same if you do not like the person? I've never been into kissing because I don't feel anything... is there a way to change this?
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5 responses
19 Feb 07
when me and my boyfriend kiss, i find that i dont really think of anything...i get lost in the moment...we kiss alot, even after 20 months. we always kiss each other as soon as we see each other and when we leave each other too...i just know when i kiss him, i realise how much in love we are
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@glenry86 (211)
• Australia
19 Feb 07
a kiss is ment to be something special, unless you out with mates and having a competition to see who can pick up the most chicks in the one night, which is a lot of fun, but anyway the kiss is a great way to say I LOVE YOU, if you like some1 im sure you will feel happier or closer to them after the kiss but if your doing it just cause your bored or for sh#ts and giggle wont mean anything.
@masoud02 (176)
• Oman
19 Feb 07
I have always beleived if a woman agrees to kiss u means u automatically qualify for the bottom!
• United States
20 Feb 07
What does that mean?
• United States
21 Feb 07
Being a woman, I totally disagree with that.
@ravenx (31)
• Romania
19 Feb 07
first kiss is special...then...nothing special..all the same :)
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@apple20 (39)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
it feels like heaven...i should advise you to go on to a kissing if you love that person..you will not feel the sincerity and true meaning of kiss if you didn't love the person..You have to loved the person first and if you already do that it is easy for you to feel what im exactly telling...
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