Wal-Mart...good or evil?
By blueskies
@blueskies (1186)
United States
February 19, 2007 8:01am CST
In my small city, we have a small Wal-Mart store. Wal-Mart hasn't seemed to have had much of an impact on local businesses, but they did drive the old Kmart store out. Now, they want to build a supercenter. The alarming thing is, they have already built a supercenter 12 miles away on the same highway, and are proposing to build another one 13 miles away on the same highway in the opposite direction. Do we really need 3 Wal-Marts in a 25-mile radius? What do you think of Wal-Mart's businesses practices. I'm a bit concerned that they are coming very close to having a monopoly on retail business in much of the United States. I found this very interesting article that I wanted to share:
How do you feel about Wal-Mart? Is there one in your town?
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45 responses
@cristlegirl (817)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I worked for walmart for a while, and I would have to say one thing about them, they are grabbing up cheep land! that is why they are moving into small towns and building close to each other. They want the cheep land.
Personaly I think that if they get too many stores too close togeather there going to cause problems there own stores. I really don't think they look at the population of a place when they build, just how cheep the land is.
I personaly am not too worried about wal-mart running out small business, because the trend of people shopping in big all in one place business is starting to fade, many people are going back to the small business for there everyday needs, the only thing wal-mart has done is make us buy everything at once, we don't eat freash food much anymore. Now though people are starting to eat better and want freash food. walmart has it, but who wants to go to walmart everyday?
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@cristlegirl (817)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I'm sure it is diffrent in every town, the town I am in is very small, it's actually still a village, and there are still many small stores still open.
As for your boycott, hey whatever works for you! my father boycotted k-mart and he says that is why they had problems, he also had a boycott for wal-mart, it was funny because the only time he shopped there is when I was with him and could use my discount! (even then it was only twice.)
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Ihope the small business can survive long enough to be there when the people decide to come back!!!! In my small hometown there is now NO competition for WalMart...they have driven every single independent out of business and now the people are freaked out because they have NO choices...but in the beginning they thought it was all innocent and WalMart was just offering them better prices...and more options! LOL...I personally will not shop at a WalMart...I think their business practices are MORE than questionable...but I won't rant any longer...I just make my little one person stand by never giving them one penny of my money..I understand those that have to shop there and am not judging anyone for doing so...We all have our lines in the sand....this is one of mine!!

@brokentia (10389)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I posted a discussion a long time ago asking if people thought WalMart was trying to monopolize the retail business. Most of the people didn't think that they were monopolizing. But I think that is WalMart's goal. With all the Super Centers and separate grocery stores...I am sure they will start opening more separate services. LOL
WalMart opened a Super Center and then a grocery store on the same road not even 2 miles down the road. Then Albertsons lost so much business that the store in between the two stores closed last year. Now we only have two choices for grocery stores...WalMart or Reasor's.
My fear is that when WalMart dominates enough, they will increase their prices that everyone started to shop there for in the first place. THEN..people will not have much of a choice. Because other businesses will have to raise their prices also to make up for the loss of business to WalMart...but WalMart will still be cheaper. What a vicious cycle! LOL
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
19 Feb 07
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Wal-Mart moved into my area about 15 years ago, opening small stores. Those small stores drove out the other small general merchandise chains in my area, such as Ames and Kmart. Now, they are turning all the small stores into supercenters, which will really hurt all the smaller grocery store chains. It just seems so predatory to me.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Walmarts are going to be how 7-11's are here sooner or later...
There is guarenteed a 7-11 on just about every other block..
I've also notices Walmarts try to move in on small towns..and drive all local businesses away...
Where I live there are 2 walmarts within 10 minutes from each other..They aren't Super Walmarts, they are walmarts with the frozen food isles, no fresh foods in this one...It does have a nail and subway in it though
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@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
7 Mar 07
It's funny that you say that because we don't have any 7-11's. Lol care to share? Haha jk.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Wow, what you said is pretty extreme. I don't know why any place on Earth would need three Supercenters in that small of a space. I mean, the whole point of a supercenter is that it supposedly has all of your needs, right? So people should be willing to drive an extra 12-15 miles for one. They shouldn't need three within a radius of like 35-40 miles. It just doesn't even make sense.
We have more than one Wal-Mart around here, but I don't think that they are that close together. I've never thought of them as trying to have a monopoly over other businesses in the area, but i'm giving it more thought now after your story.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
20 Feb 07
3 or 4 Walmarts in a 40 mile radius is nothing for the midwest. I grew up close to Springfield, MO (population about 150K) and there are 5 Supercenters right inside city limits. There are also supercenters in 4 of the towns that touch Springfield. And within 25 miles no matter which way you go out of Springfield, you will find at least one more. Where I grew up, I could go to 23 different supercenters that were all within 60 miles of my house.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
19 Feb 07
k-mart has been on the way out for 5 years their just doing it slowly,hey a man had a good idea and he's putting it to use,the food selection is alot cheaper than publix,win-dixie or whatever you have in town so why pay higher prices?everyone complains about wal-mart if you don't want to go there don't,i still go to the little guy's in town for some things because i live there and i give them support,and some things i go to walmart for,why travel 10 miles if there's a walmart close by in your section of town,i'm not preaching for walmart like i said someone had a good idea and their putting it to use the american dream
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I have to say that I do shop at Walmart, but not too much. Sometimes it is easiest to go in there because I know they will have whatever it is that I am looking for. I live in a small town, too. We have a small Walmart, here and a Super Walmart only 10 miles down the road. Another Super Walmart another 13 or so miles on down the road, too. They announced just a few months ago that they are going to close down our small Walmart in my town since the Super Walmart is so close. This SUCKS! I go to my small Walmart a lot for different things. If I need a bday present or pullups, I run to my small walmart...get in and get out! I am SO mad that they are going to shut my walmart down. A lot of people are mad...there was a petition going around, but haven't heard anything. I think that the super walmarts can be good, but why not leave some of the small ones? And, if people would just GO to their local small businesses instead of running to walmart for everything, this problem wouldn't be happening. It's just people are in such a hurry these days and want to get all their stuff done in ONE place. I am the same way...don't get me wrong, but I REFUSE to get groceries at Walmart! Their meat is HORRID!
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@jjyager (3)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Walmart is a good store. Sam Walton founded Walmart and he was a good man. I believe he would be disappointed to see how his store has progressed throughout the years. Walmart is really good for their low prices. Their reliability has been going down. They used to carry more name brand items that were of good quality. They now sell things in their own brand with lower quality, but always lower price. I believe if it takes a few more cents to buy something of not being the "Walmart" brand, then it is well worth the money.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I do think their business practices are a little on the evil side. They came nto our town and Kmart left. Some of the little businesses have left, due to not being able to compete. After Kmrt left, the prices went up!! That tells me that they want no competition, but then the prices will go up.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
20 Feb 07
We did have a k-mart but they went out of business when we got our supercenter walmart. I like our walmart because we dont have very many places to shop around here. The other stores we have is wallgreens, and the dollar store. So I am glad we have a walmart.
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@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Walmart always seems to be in the news these days. I know a lot of people have complaints about Walmart taking over as a monolpoly. The reality is they are able to do this because despite people's opinion of Walmart, alot of people shop there. The bottom line as long as people continue to shop there, it will continue to build more stores.
@agfarm (930)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I wouldn't say evil, just unethical and very uncool.
WalMart dis-places already thriving businesses and just tramples everything in it's path. And let's not forget the issue on Unions. That's just really immoral.
For a lot of individuals the Unions are what protects individuals
from many forms of discrimination. WalMart blatently dis-regards all of that, as if you should be grateful to them for coming to your town , tearing down homes , which could have been converted to Women's shelter's or Other forms of Safe-haven for Needing individuals. And putting up five-Miles of Crammed grocery Isles , and
Sloped parking lots , where every shopping Cart from the entire store.....Rolls into your Car!!!
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@gramskaren (661)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Yes we have walmarts here one is 15 miles one direction and the other is 19miles the other direction. The one that is 19 miles is a super walmart and the other is not. They are going to build a new super walmart at the one 15miles away and where the one is now there is a grocery store right next to them and this is a small town with 2 grocery stores already and don't need another one. Will break one of them for sure. I only shop at walmart when I have too. I shop at the local grocery store cause walmart is really getting out of control. I think people should quit supporting them so much.
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@bigman000 (18)
• United States
20 Feb 07
i think wal-mart is evil becuase how can u make money and have such low prices i think they get all their merchandice from the sweatshop below the wal-mart headquarters where little asian kids get paid 5 cents a day THEY ARE EVIL
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@eminyone (113)
• United States
20 Feb 07
We live in between a couple of walmarts. the one in london closed the odd lots out of business, it was only opened for like 1-2 years. the one in springfield closed and the opened two on both sides of the old one.. i think that the only store your going to be able to shop at is walmart eventually. i dont like walmart, they never really have anything on sale or clearance. There clearance is like taking 50 cents off the regular price. Thats not much of a clearance!!
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@vanderbom (1)
• Brazil
20 Feb 07
wal-mast buy big market on brazil and monopoly on small cities!!!
market bougth: BIG, NACIONAL, BIRD, REAL and outhers =(
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@leopardxtasy (2426)
• United States
19 Feb 07
why is everybody talking about walmart being bad i thought everybody liked this store everybody i know shops there and im trying to get a job there so i dont get it
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
19 Feb 07
i read the article.an i found it to be very interesting.walmart is just takeing over everywere.i live in a small town with one regular walmart an they are getting ready to build a supercenter here also.but i want my kmart back."it went out of business because of walmart".i think walmart are tring to over power themself.i think they should pay employees more money.instead of building more walmarts.they are also wanting to tell suppliers what they can an cannot do.suppliers should up their price on walmart.i hate shopping at walmart.l like kmart..
@comedyaddict (772)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
I think walmart is as close to evil as you can get for a store. There are the obvious problems of abusing employees, and forcing the smaller stores out of business, but the bigger problem I see is that the quality of products at a lot of stores (not just walmart) are essentially crap now.
To many customers do not know the difference between walmart junk and a quality item, so they buy at walmart because it is a little cheaper. Now the other shops that have the quality products do one of two things, lower there prices to match walmart and risk their business because of it, or buy lower quality products to stay competitive.
The other problem with them is their buying process. I remember seeing a documentry a while back, where walmart only buys the cheapest they can find. If no-names TV's can make a tv for $1 cheaper then a Panasonic, etc, then they go with no-name TV's. This sort of buying can't be good for anyone but walmart...
Anyways.. enough from me.. :)
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Why do people hate them? I have NEVER gotten why! There is a K-mart right by one in my town. My current location has more than we did in our old city. We have at least 3 and they are within about 10 mint of each other.
I LOVE Wal*Mart. They have better prices then even Target. I shop there weekly. I'd love a supercenter. I love great prices, and the people are friendly.
Like I said, I dont get why people dont like them. I personally love the store. And the prices rock! You can get virtually anything there!
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
I would think it would chiefly depend on what part of the city the Wal Mart is located. In our case out here the store is along a main highway and easy to see for people not familiar with the city and traveling by they'd definately be encouraged to stop because there are various other stores as well, however the store is outside the towntown core by a long distance. We do have taxi service but no buss run. Therefore I can see anyone who doesn't drive any longer it would be ideal to have a Wal mart lets say closer to the mall, as people are often able to aford a taxi and this would give everyone a chance to shop Wal Mart. So Yes I think two stores in this case would be ideal but there's no need for more than 2 and for small towns one may be enough depending on location. This is just my opinnion. Personally I Love Wal-Mart
@Transformed (1259)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Walmart isn't that bad. There is one in my town and seemingly every town in America. It seems like if you don't have a Walmart, you aren't really a player. Anyway,I think Walmart is great. You get products for really cheap prices, thus saving money and everything is there. I don't think Walmart will have a monopoly. There are still many high-end stores in parts of the country that Walmart wouldn't attract a clientele for. I guess the only problem with Walmart is that they don't pay their workers enough. With the money they make, Walmart could probably afford another $2-3 hour and not feel it.