By Makena1968
@Makena1968 (682)
United States
February 19, 2007 9:02am CST
I was wondering, recently I had to end a relationship, and one reason I had to end it was because my partner smoked, alot..and I don't, at all. I just couldn't take the smell of the cigarette and cigar smoke, it made me smell bad, what to speak of how bad it made my clothes smell, and how bad it made my partner smell. I just didn't want to get close to them. Anyone else ever have this problem? How'd you deal with it? I've decided that I'll never get close to anyone who smokes regularly, as even if I can tolerate it in the beginning, after awhile it just gets to me, and I can't deal with it anymore.
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61 responses
@AuthenticPeach (283)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I understand where you are coming from completely. My boyfriend smokes and although its not a regular thing I hate when he does it. I hate the smell of the smoke, his breath,and the sent that it leaves on his clothing and in the car. We get into these spats over it and maybe I'll be posting this discussion in the future if he can't drop that disgusting habit.
@essilem (286)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
There area myriad of reasons on why you ended the relationship right? Not just because of his smoking? I guess his smoking habit kinda got to you. I also do not like the smell of smoke it sticks everywhere, i hate it most when i just showered and am exposed to second hand smoke (which by the way is more dangerous).
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Yes, there were lots of reason other than his smoking, and he did try and quit when we first got together, because he knew it was hard on me to deal with. I mean, you know how people make all kinds of promises when they first get together, to each other. But his addiction was so strong, he just gave up after awhile, and I guess he thought I'd get used to it, but I couldn't. It was just one of many reasons why we both had to go our own ways.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
you said it just one of the reason so you mean to say there is another reason why you like to end the relationship? if the smoking is the reason you can make him change, tell him about it that you dont like it. im sure he will respect that but of course yo need to help him get rid of it. its not that easy since it was already in his system and im sure it will be very difficult for him to do that but if he really love truly he will do everything just to please you.
@teamfreddy (150)
• Mexico
19 Feb 07
I agree 100% with you. I made it a rule to evaluate any friends or/and any deeper relations. Don't worry about it too much. Look at it from the point of view taht the ones that smoke are addicted and/or have a problem in what to do with their hands.
Bottom line: when the person smokes, they are not welcome at my home and I won't hang out with them.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Lol one of my daughters has a sign up in her kitchen it says "if your smoking in here youd better be on fire!"
@country45_99 (160)
• United States
19 Feb 07
first of all DID you know he smoked when you started the relanship?an why try to change someone after you start?i was married 20 years first time an she tried for 20 years to change me,maybe thats why i hate her today?when you get involved with someone you take good with bad.
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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I think her friend should have gotten her a book on how not to be judgemental.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I never meant to judge anyone...I used to smoke along time ago myself. It's just that I had a hard time dealing with the smoking..not him.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Well, I smoke. So obviously that wouldn't bother me. My mom on the other hand hates smoke. She is allergic to it and can't breath around it. Her boyfriend smokes. They live together. But she makes him go outside to smoke. Ther is no smoking in her house at all, no matter how cold or rainy it is. When they go some were, he smokes before they leave and once they get were they are going. No smoking in her vehicle either. Of course, he dont really smoke alot. But that is how she dealt with it. He simply dont smoke around her.

@dixielol (1579)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Yeah, they live together in her house. So she pretty much just told him from the beginning that there was no smoking in her house or in the car. I guess since it's all her stuff (car, house) he just knows he cant get by with it. It's probably got alot to do with the fact that he dont smoke alot either. Like, I dont hardly go anywere with my mom because I hate to ride with out smokeing. I smoke 2-3 packs a day were as he only smokes about 1/2 pk.
@surajben (262)
• India
19 Feb 07
If your love for him is true you should not leave him just because he smokes. He only smokes but dont you know that he loves you a lot. So the best solution to this is you can ask him to prove his love for you by asking him to quit smoking for you.
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@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
We did talk about him quitting, and the poor guy, he tried, he did. But he'd been smoking too long. So he gave up. I tried to tolerate it, and maybe I could have, if there weren't other factors involved. I didn't leave him for his smoking alone, there were other problems. I've learned my lesson, however...I can't be with someone who smokes is ok...I just hope I don't meet someone I go loopy for who smokes...maybe I could just date them, not live with them.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I don't judge people buy their bad habits. I don't smoke any more but I also don't go around on my high horse and tell every smoker how terrible they are because they smoke.
If you ended a relationship that you knew when you met him he smoked for this reason only you are a very shallow person. Love is something that happens and you love the person not how they look or what they have. If he made 200,000.00 a year could you over look his bad habit.
I don't think you liked this person very much to begin with.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I never judged this guy, I never told him how "terrible" he was either, because he wasn't "terrible" at all. He was a good person. Yes I knew he smoked when I got together with him, but being "in love" I thought I could take it. He also said he'd quit "for me, to prove his love." Well, that didn't last long, as you know how people make all kinds of promises when they are "in love." It wouldn't have made any difference how much money he had (this guy had quite a bit by the way), besides, it wasn't just the smoking, there were other issues at hand. We're still friends, today, by the way. I care about him, and want him in my life, because he is a good and honest person.
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
I had a relationship with a smoker before. I knew from the beginning that he did smoke regularly, but it didn't really get in the way of our relationship. I love him and accepted him along with his flaws and imperfections. I tried to remind him everytime to quit the habit because it might harm his health, but didn't really force the issue. It's sad that you had to end your relationship because of that. If you really love him you should try to help him get over the habit.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I did try to help him..he tried to stop, and I was right there supporting him. But after awhile he just gave up. I can tolerate alot of "flaws" in someone, I certainly have enough of my own, and I hope that someone can tolerate mine. But there were other contributing factors that ended our relationship. It wasn't just the smoking. We're still friends today, anyway.
@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I met My Hubby 6 years ago he knew I smoked back then.... He supported me through all this time and now I am smoke free! I think its a shame people are so caught up in the whole smoking issue, I guess you did not really care at all for him because it would not have mattered to you! Love is blind!
I think there could have been a comprimise on your part if you really loved him!
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I was willing to compromise..if he could've cut down some, if he would've smoked outside, not smoked in the car when I was with him, if he would've tried to stop...but he wasn't willing to compromise. He just assumed I'd deal with it. Anyway, there were other issues, not just the smoking issue. Love is indeed blind, that's why I thought I could deal with it. That's why he thought he could stop. But, when the "in love" rush goes away, reality sets in, and that's when the work starts. The compromising. But we both have to work at it..not just me.
@KwokFist (73)
• India
19 Feb 07
I totally hate smoking. I've never tried smoking and possible would never try it in my life time. It isnt worth it and if someone is doing it because he/she's stressed out or for getting high, i belive there are better and safer ways to do it.
I thankfully have friends who dont smoke around me and even when they do smoke they do it quite less and not in an addictive way. Either way i dont hand around people who smoke a lot and my friends are quite considerate to me.
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@arunfij (39)
• India
19 Feb 07
I do smoke but not quite a lot especially around my friends who are non smokers. I never smoke around my ladies either. They dont like it and i dont want to piss any one of them. So i keep my activity to myself.
@Lardiel (280)
• Romania
20 Feb 07
so you want to tell me you left him because he smoked? i mean that is such a not good motivation. you could come to a compromise. i mean you could of told him to smoke outside or something. and a good way to deal with smoking is to start smoking.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
20 Feb 07
You need to read some of my earlier responses to the same type of post you've made here. I didn't leave because of his smoking alone, there were other issues. When we first got together, he said he'd stop smoking for me. He tried, but he couldn't, or wouldn't, do it. He did smoke outside, for awhile, but then gave that up, too, thinking I'd get used to it I guess. People who've smoked a long time don't realize how it affects non-smokers. I've smoked before, a long time ago, but I doubt I could take it up again. You're right tho, smokers should be with smokers..then no one bothers the other with their smoking.
@soorajs007 (28)
• India
20 Feb 07
ya a good excuse ....
my friends excuse was that of over caring.....
@vampirestonez (1181)
• Pakistan
20 Feb 07
Well I am a smoker myself and all I can say to people is that I am not going to leave smoking because I like it, like me the way I am or buzz off. Now if smoking was the main reason you left him then it was wrong. But like you said that if there were other reasons behind the break up well that is another story. But since you are emphasizing on smoking so I believe that is the main reason you left him. I never hide anything I do from anyone, even if it is my first date, I reveal the true me, not some guy who is out there to impress someone and then later have conflicts in the relationship. Well if you are happy with what you have done, so be it :)
@lovelyface75 (48)
• Nigeria
19 Feb 07
I know this could be very difficult for you, But i still believe you can cope with it, if you make up your mind to do so. Why not learn to accept what you can not change.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I tried for a year to put up with it...but my children and grandchildren didn't want to visit because of this, as well as it was affecting my health, I had a "smoker's" cough, even though I didn't smoke. He can smoke all he wants, that's his business, I just can't live with it myself, as a non-smoker. Anyway, there were other reasons we had to go our separate ways.
@momotakeshi (80)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
i think your decision is just right for you. You don't have to force yourself to accept something that you yourself said, you "can't deal with it anymore." just think that if you and him ended up getting married and you didn't like that attitude, you would just engage in a fight all your lives together.
i think it's better that you ended the relationship rather than you ending up forcing him to quit... i think that's harder.
@tennesseemom (62)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Man oh man do I sympathize with you on this. My husband is a smoker, and I am not. When we first met (and he was trying to quit) I dont think it really bothered me. We were so in love...and I think when you are deeply in love and early in the relationship you dont notice the persons faults as readily.
Now, we have been married 2 years and he is still a smoker. He tries (and fails) to quit a couple times a year. It absolutely turns me off much so that we rarely kiss anymore, and I have to nag at him all the time to wash his hands, change his clothes, brush his teeth etc. It's terrible, but one thing a smoker cant do is quit for someone else...because it doesnt work. They have to want it for themselves.
I just keep telling my husband that whenever he does quit, he can look forward to us being more affectionate with eachother, and me not nagging as much (giggle). I always swore I wouldnt marry a smoker......but God had other plans.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
19 Feb 07
That's exactly what I pretty much went through. When two people are in love just about anything is tolerated, and for some reason we think all will work out. For one thing I didn't understand how addicted he was, and I didn't understand that he didn't really want to quit, although he led me to believe he would. Well, the "in love" part wares off, and we revert back to our real selves, and his real self wanted to smoke, and I guess he figured I'd get used to it. I couldn't. But there were other things that contributed to our splitting up, not just the smoking I had a real hard time being "intimate" with him, too. Thanks for your post. Good luck to both of you!