Do You Wear Your Shoes Indoors?
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
February 19, 2007 10:24am CST
I know the Japanese custom is to take their shoes off at the door and to me this is a wise thing to do. I have read you can bring a certain amount of lead into your home by wearing your shoes indoors.
Do you do this or are you sometimes forgetful like me and leave them on.
Having wooden floors everywhere does make me forget how dirty my floors can still be.
Do you make your guests take their shoes off.
I remember a man came to my home once and did this, however, his feet were so smelly I wished he had kept them on.
What do you think of this?
To wear or not to wear,
that is the question?
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146 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
19 Feb 07
I don't wear my shoes in because it gets the rugs dirty faster. Plus I love to be bare footed. I don't however ask my guest to remove their shoes, I just think that is rude, but that's just me.
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@xionous (439)
• Belgium
20 Feb 07
same to you sunshinecup. its not a healthy habit to bring your shoes in. its darty and bad for your health. i take my shoes off when im back home from outside and wear slippers coz i have tiles on the floor and tiles get too cold in winter. but in summer i usually love bein bare footed. i cant think of getting in with my shoes on. its to unhygenic. do you know you are bringing in disiases with your dirty shoes?
@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Feb 07
No - I never, ever wear shows indoors. They are the first things I kick off as I walk through the front door. It's partly to save the carpets of course, but also becuase I just hate wearing them! When I was a child, I remember my Mother was always nagging at me for running around barefoot, and saying I'd get splinters in my feet, - but I hated wearing anything on my feet then, and I do now! Slippers in Winter are the most I ever put on. They are fluffy with dog's faces on them, and long ears to trip you up (LOL!), and the height of sartorial elegance - but at least they're comfortable!!
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
Sometimes those slippers are more a health hazzard than any splinter.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
26 Jul 07
I never walk barefoot. I wipe my feet (well, actually my shoes on the mats) thoroughly before entering the house, go straight to the bedroom and change into my house wedgies.
I have observed that not many people wipe their feet before entering a house any more. When we owned a red soil cane farm, I had three door mats at the front door. Several people commented on having three mats and I would say that when you live in red soil you need to wipe your feet thoroughly. They would nod and walk straight in!!! Need I say that I hated red soil - but I admit it grew very good sugar cane.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
26 Jul 07
The floors - the walls - the furniture - everything was covered in sticky red dust! Fun? You must be joking!!!
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
26 Jul 07
I bet you had fun cleaning the floors!
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@chrisdodge (14)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
To me it has always seemed strange to wear shoes in the house. I see it on TV all the time. I always thought maybe it was an American thing. Everyone I have ever met here in Ontario, Canada has taken their shoes off. It's expected. We don't need signs or to have footwear visibly off our feet on a mat by the door. Maybe it's because of winter and no one wants snowy, muddy boots in their house.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
Reading all the responses it shows we are all keep our homes nice and clean!!
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@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
24 Jul 07
The only time i never have on a pair of shoes is in the shower and in bed.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
25 Jul 07
I hope your feet smell like roses when you finally take them off.LOL
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@wackeytiger (424)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I used to wear shoes inside my house but I no longer do because it dirties up the carpets real quickly. I usually just leave them at the door. Plus, by doing this I never lost my shoes like I used to because they're always in front of the door where I left them.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
25 Jul 07
I know what you mean, we would never walk the streets bare footed as the ground is so dirty, but then we forget and walk indoors with our shoes on.
I now leave mine in a safe place otherwise I end up only finding one!
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
19 Feb 07
ita not just japan, but most asian and of course all over Hawaii you're supposed to take off your shoes before you enter someones house. it obvious to me also because it helps keep the carpet and floors cleaner. i know sometimes my husband runs straight to the bathroom before taking off his shoes and i have a trail from the door to the bathroom. he's from hawaii too, so he knows. he just forgets sometimes. its hard too because when guest come over sometimes they don't take off their shoes, especially if thats not how they were raised. if they're not going to be here for long, like a few minutes. i let them. but i was raised that only indoor slippers are allowed in the house. we even used to walk outside barefoot at my grandmothers house, which we had to wash our feet in the garden house before entering. its our culture. i remember we were at my sisters house and she was having a birthday party for her son and my son noticed one of the guests didn't take their shoes off. he goes to his uncle and points at the guys shoes saying "he still has his shoes on" we told him its okay and not to worry about it.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
I hope the trail your husband leaves is from his shoes!!!lol
Thanks for this insight. I find this a very respectable custom.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
19 Feb 07
If I had my way I wouldn't wear shoes outside either but I don't wear them in the house. The only time I do is on my way out or on my way in. Now when it's really cold I will wear slipper socks but that's about it. I do not ask guests to remove their shoes. They can if they want to but I don't mention it to them. I just don't like to wear shoes in general so never wear them in the house.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
I am always barefoot at home or wear slipper socks as I cannot bear to wear proper slippers. They always make my feet to hot, which really aggrevates me.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Well, our house is not centrally heated, so in the winter if I didn't wear shoes my feet would be numb from the cold, lol! My feet are the first part of my body to get cold, and once they get really cold I'm miserable, so I have to do what I can to keep them warm. I've never heard about bringing shoes into the house bringing an amount of lead in. That's not good :/ But I can't stop wearing shoes now, lol! I also have back problems that means that my back acts up on me if I sit differently than I'm used to, so I can't sit at the computer without shoes because my back isn't used to it. That means that since I spend most of my time at the computer, when I'm home, even in the warm parts of the year, I rarely can be without shoes. The only time that I don't wear shoes is of course when I sleep, but if it's really really cold in the winter sometimes I have to leave them on just so that my feet will stay warm! LOL ^_^
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
I was going to ask if you wore your shoes to bed lol!!!!
It must be horrible not having central heating, no wonder you always have them on.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
19 Feb 07
We do not wear our shoes indoors. Specifically, not upstairs. I have some guests that do not like to take them off, so I do not say anything to them. However, I prefer that no one wears shoes, anywhere in the house, because I like my floor to remain clean. My hubby, sometimes wears his shoes, in the house, and it makes me annoyed, because he of all people, should not be wearing them. He usually does that when everything has been mopped and vaccuumed too.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
Its always the men. I think they have a built-in instinct to annoy at the wrong times!!
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@shin1g4mi (21)
• Indonesia
20 Feb 07
I usually take off my shoes and change it with sandals. I think if we used the shoes to long, it can make you feet smelly because not enough air supply.
i would better to not wear shoes indoor.
@momaloti (36)
• United States
19 Feb 07
In our house we have always left the shoes at the door. Since I am on my feet alot with cooking, cleaning, etc I have developed some foot problems so I know have a certain pair of shoes that I wear only inside. As for family/guests who come over, they all generally remove their shoes as well, but we don't tell them they have to they just tend to do it on their own. Maybe that is because they see ours all sitting inside the door, who knows.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
This is a good idea and I suppose it just becomes a natural habit after a while.
Your floors must be nice and clean.
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@dadamuo (23)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
I think there's something organic about being barefoot indoors, like being naked in one's most intimate space. Besides, isn't it liberating to put one's feet up--without the impediments or cushion of a footwear--after all the sense of confimenent one had to endure as we put our best foot forward for the outside world to appreciate?
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
20 Feb 07
I've just moved into a brand new house.So shoes must be taken off at the door.It is common courtesy to take shoes off when you know there is brand new carpet in the house.I insist my guests take their shoes off before entering my house and I haven't had one complaint about it.

@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
20 Feb 07
I remember when I had a new carpet I was the same.
Enjoy your new home.
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
3 Mar 07
I suppose a lot depends on the climate of the country you live in. I live in Australia, and it's just common practice to take your shoes off at the door before you enter. Even workmen take their boots off at the door here! I think because we live in a hot climate, we are all brought up barefoot in the house, so it's just a natural thing for us to do in adulthood life. I also think it makes for healthy feet! I hate wearing shoes, and am always barefoot unless going out.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Mar 07
Oh to live in the Australian climate. Saying that though, living in the UK is getting like that, we have experienced really warm weather this time of year. Good old global warming I suppose!!
Thanks for your response.
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@Limey73 (161)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Here in Canada it is the recognised thing to remove your shoes when entering a house, be it yours or anybody else's.
Nobody needs to be asked, it's just an automatic thing. I think it probably originated because we get lots of snow, which makes a hell of a mess, and the salt or grit that is used on the roads and sidewalks can really spoil carpets and hardwood floors etc.
Originally we came from The UK, and it wasn't so common there, although we used to do it at home there too, because it's more comfortable.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
21 Feb 07
Thanks for your response, it must be lovely living in Canada compared to the UK!!
@pickles12 (308)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
no i dont wear my shoes inside .. i dont like having anything on my feet .. thats why i hate socks and shoes sucks living in a place that has cold temperatures then i have to wear something on my feet. But in the summer i always wear flip flops then my feet are not covered.
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@cayennepepper (266)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I grew up in a home where I ran around barefoot as a kid inside and out, it didn't matter as long as I didn't track anything in. My parents thought it was not polite to take off your shoes at someone else's house unless invited to. When I got married my husband's family always took their shoes off and they would rather guest take off their shoes in the house as well.
When I started caring for my own home I, I decided I wanted the shoes to be left at the door so the kids didn't track in on my light colored carpet. We're still working on that one, but over all I think it works out the best.
I have the kids and their friends take off their shoes when they come in. Usually grown ups see our shoes at the door and feel comfortable enough to do the same. We take our shoes off at other's houses too. We always tell guests they can leave their shoes on if they would rather unless they stepped in the mud or something like that. Some do, some don't.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
19 Feb 07
Thanks, I wish I had the same success with my kids. Nearly everyday I shout out "SHOES" when I hear my son come in. Sometimes he pretends to not hear me!!
@cayennepepper (266)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Don't feel bad my kids still do that too. The key is to let them know this is a house rule for everyone and nobody gets away with it.
@SolanumThur (170)
• Brazil
19 Feb 07
I'm Forgetful, I'm always entering with shoes and to be honest, i don't think it changes nothing in my life, I mean, i respect this tradition and to whoever makes it, But personally i don't think it would change anything on my life and on my day-day stuff...
Even if i was addicted to it i guess i would forget everytime, since i do almost everything fast xD
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