Is it the camera or me?

February 19, 2007 11:37am CST
I purchased sony cybershot dscw30 digital cam 6.0 megapixel in dec its fairly new...the problem i m facing is that if i make a short movie with it thats quite beautifully clicked but if i take photos the pics r just a mix of colours....after 5 min or so of trying every option n getting restless,it starts clicking the best quality photos...after that its totally a piece of cake....then i can take photos with cam in any direction,any angle... after some time i will shut it off n open it just to check if i ve come to know the actual way,the whole process is leaves me frustrated sometimes... So if u ve any cam with 6 or more megapixel value or have some suggestion on how to use it,it would be most welcome....
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