Do you know HTML?

@Asafbs (154)
February 19, 2007 2:17pm CST
Do you know how to use HTML? Have you learnt it somewhere? if so, where and for how much time? if not, do you know from other source? and if not, why do have this interest? I leart HTML in school since the beginning of the year, and I know how to use properly almost every tag :)
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16 responses
@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
22 Feb 07
I know HTML. I learnt html by myself. actualy, it is very easy to learn, and there are much more difficult things to learn like javascript, asp, .net etc... furthermore, the standarts now is for XHTML and not HTML...
• Indonesia
20 Feb 07
i learned about HTML when i was in the college but it the very basic of it. i gained more knowledgement about HTML from web site, e-learning and by practice now i'been working in as a web developer for a dutch web developer company for almost 4 years and i always get something new about it each day, but i think i 'm not yet recognize all of its functionality, cause it is very complex. more thing i learned more thing i dont know :)
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@smacksman (6053)
19 Feb 07
Wow! Do they teach it in school now! Amazing! I learnt it, as an old wrinkly, from tutorials on the net and articles in PC magazines. Then I bought Dreamweaver v1.0 and making web pages has never been easier. I'm tackling RSS feeds now and so the struggle of learning continues. Great fun and keeps the grey matter active!!
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@itgalary (633)
19 Feb 07
I know HTMl. Its easy to learn it. Basics can be learned in few days. But for advanced web developmet we need to know more things like scripts.
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• Canada
20 Feb 07
I dont fully understand HTML I knwo the basics though and that seems to get me through with whatever im doing lol
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@web2samus (255)
• Uruguay
6 Apr 07
I've learnt HTML from the very source: :D I hate IDEs btw...
• United States
26 Feb 07
HTML is the basic of webdesign. I learned it all on my own. I do not know all of it though but a good percentage of it. You can easily find tons and tons of webites that teach you HTML and various other languages. I wanted to learn it since I was getting into webdesign, I thought it would be a good place to start off.
• India
26 Feb 07
I suggest you a site This is the best website I have ever seen
• Indonesia
11 Mar 07
yes i do. i learnt it for the first time when one of my friends gave me an HTML book. learning HTML is fun.
@jurazg (409)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 Apr 07
I learned HTML on . There are the best examples and expanations. In my school have aslo learned it but it was no use. Profesor is good but he doesn't know how to teach and studnets only want to play the games on computers. I learned it on my own. In that way you learn better and it means that I am interssted in that so it is piece of cake then.
@ashkar (99)
6 Apr 07
just the basics not much but im learning
@v_kirk08 (89)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I know how to use HTML, i learned how to use it in a college course, and from home study. i dont code by hand anymore, and use programs like dreamweaver for my html, css needs. see it really doesnt matter that you know every tag, as long as you use the tags in a correct manner. a lot of people dont even understand the whole 'h1, h2, h3' deal.
• United Arab Emirates
26 Feb 07
Well basic Html is easy and i learned it with a book from TATA MCGraw hill . A great world known website for learning html and other web related programming software is .
@guagua (20)
• Malaysia
5 Mar 07
I learn from books. I learn when i'm study at junior high school. HTML is basic programming language.
@quawertz (777)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
im really having a difficult time doing all the html thing. in some ways i cannot understand it at all.. i cannot put up a nice layout.. hmm,, i really wanna learn though..
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
23 Feb 07
i have tought myself html after using myspace i could never find a layout that i wanted so i did a lot of reading and learned to make my own layouts