Do You Pray/Ask Your God for Help? If so...
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
February 20, 2007 7:55am CST
I have three questions:
1. Do you ask think you can only ask for very important things or do you think you can also ask for small unimportant things?
2. Do think everyone has a quota or total of requests allowed and each blessing you ask for reduces the total?
3. Do think that because He gets asked for so many blessings He delegates them to assistants, angels for example?
4. Do you know when your prayers (requests) have been answered?
I am really interested in your answer and why you feel that way?
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67 responses
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
20 Feb 07
1. I think you can ask for anything. Keeping in mind though that sometimes we ask for things that we think we need but it is actually not the best for us and only God knows what is best for us.
2. I don't think there is a quota on requests or prayers that God will answer if he does then I have by passed mine years ago. I think he answers all of our prayers in what is best for us.
3. I think angels help him in reaching us on a daily basis. I think though that God is the only one that can actually perform miracles but having angels by our side never hurts in getting the word to him.
4. Yes I always know when they have been answered maybe not right away at times but eventually I do. I also remember to thank him for granting them. I can tell you recently I had a nephew of 5 they found had cancer. The doctors said he had a 20% chance of surviving. It looked so bleak. I asked everyone I knew to pray for him to get better. We as a family prayed a lot for this child. He is now cancer free. If that isn't a sign that God works wonders in our lives I don't know what is.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Thank you. As I am also living proof of the power of prayer I know it works. I am so rry happy for your nephew.
@konduru (103)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I have good belief in God....sometimes i will ask him for some important things to happen ...dont know in which way he will help me but i will be satisfied and convinced if i pray to him and explain my problems.
i feel very very happy and relaxed if i pray before god and say him about my feelings.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Here are the answers to your questions as I see them.
1. You can ask God for anything you need and he will provide. "Ask and ye shall recieve."
2. No. You do not have a quota for blessings or answered prayers, if so then we wouldn't have a perfect God which we do.
3. No God does not delegate prayers to angels. Their functions are the worship, be messengers and to protect that is all.
4. Yes I know when my prayers have been answered. I feel it been in my heart.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
I'm a Christian, I may not be perfect by my religion but I know what my God has taught me how to pray.
I pray for forgiveness, to praise , for guidance and to thank Him for all the blessings that I had for a day. As I believe that He already knows what I am asking for or what I need for the day, so I never pray just to make a request or ask for assistance from his angels..
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@moumitamazumder (817)
• India
20 Feb 07
I pray to God regularly, and talk with my god regularly. Everyday, before going to sleep, I pray, and have my personal conversation with my God. Here are answers for your questions.
1) I ask for anything and everything to God. That's because I believe we are all little children of God, and we have the right to ask for anything, be it big or small, just like I ask for anything before my parents.
2) No, I don't belive in this quota concept. I don't think any parent would predecide for a quota to give things or blessings to their child. Similarly God also cannot do it.
3) Yes, may be he has Delegates or Angels. Also it may be possible, that he is so powerful that he divides himself in many parts to look after we children.
4) Yes, I get to know when my prayers are answered, most of the time. When my wishes are fulfilled, I feel that I am gifted positively, and when I don't get what I wanted, I feel that it was not a thing I deserved at the time.
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@gsworld (35)
20 Feb 07
I think that it is in perfect order to pray for as many things as you feel necessary. God is testing you throughout your life, and I think praying, though there is an obvious hierarchy, should be like a discussion. Everyday I thank God for protection (myself, family, home, possessions) and for food and drink to eat and drink throughout the day. These are two things for which I am immensely thankful.
I pray for forgiveness and usually for help in socialising, working well and leading a good life. I also pray for continued protection. I don't think it's wrong to limit your prayers - God is always listening and always willing to listen in my opinion.
Should prayers be said aloud or are silent prayers (said in your mind) acceptable too?
@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
I believe that God hears both the silent prayers and the ones spoken aloud.
@weemam (13372)
20 Feb 07
I think God knows all sees all hears all
I give thanks to god every night for giving my son back to me , for getting my hubby through 2 major heart ops and for still letting me have my parents although they both have Alzheimer's , I only ever ask now for the strength to get on with things and he always answers me , xx
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@gberlin (3836)
20 Feb 07
Answer to question 1: I would hate to think that God only answers very important prayers. My children prayed when our dog was having puppies and the first one was stuck. I pray when I can't find my keys. I think God enjoys helping us in any matter. Question 2: Since God is not limited by our standards such as time and space I can not believe that He would limit the number of requests we can ask of Him or the number of blessings he bestows on us. Question 3: I don't really know but I speculate that God answers our prayers and bestows the blessings on us. According to the Bible, God has used angels as messengers, as warriors, to administer to the sick and many other jobs, in order to carry out His will. Question 4: Sometimes it is obvious. When I have prayed for financial help and it comes right away I know God has answered my prayers. Sometimes you have to look for answered prayer. I have a friend who is a pastor and was recently in a 35 car pile-up on the highway. When the tow truck came to take the car away one of the tow truck guys looked at my friends car and said, 'Nobody in this car lived' and another person said, 'Yes, he is standing right over there' and the guy was pointing to my friend. Some people may call it luck, but I call it an answer to prayer. So I think there are obvious answers to prayer if we look for them.
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@swasti (1157)
• India
20 Feb 07
i basiclly pray or atleast think of God when iam into troubles or some unforunate happenings. sometimes i feel God is helping me , sometimes i feel everything goes by fate and God has decided what he s going to give us, no use of askig. but still wat ever i dont feel like quitting prayers. it atleast gives an internal peace when i do so.
to answer ur questions.
1. i ask GOd and pray God for even very small things.small or big everything is important in that moment.
2. no i dont think there is quota. God can give us any number of blessings each day.
3. probably , he appoints angels to do the task.
4. i think yes...after cartain happenings...i would really thank GOd in my heart for helping me .
@pufitza_mison (627)
• Romania
20 Feb 07
yes i do.1)i thinck i pray for everything important or not important thincks.2)no...i thinck that is not licke this.I thinck that God helpe us everytime and sometimes we don't realize that.3)i thinck nobody knows the answer for this question...i thinck he does that becouse he loves us all.4)i thinck that all the time my prayers have answer but maybe sometimes i don't see them in that moment.
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@drmt57 (295)
• United States
20 Feb 07
You can ask for anything from the smallest to the largest. God is concern about us totally. There is no limit on God's supply. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open, as long as your request line up with God's word and you believe that God word is true you will receive what you ask for.You know when your prayer request has been answered when you see or receive the manesfication of what you prayed for.
Angels are assigned to you, but you have to tell them what you want or need in order for them to work on your behalf. Angels do what they are told to do and if you do not tell them to help you they won't.
@vampirestonez (1181)
• Pakistan
21 Feb 07
Well my thoughts on this are:
1) Well I believe that I can ask God anything I want irrespective of the thing or wish being big or small. For he himself wants us to ask him.
2) I do not think anyone has a quota or any total number of requests available. I think they are unlimited and the more you ask him, the more he likes you :)
3) Well he is all mighty and powerfull and he does not need to ask anyone for help, but he does assign task to angels because even the angels are tested like us humans and he can ask them to help you out in some other form.
4) Well there are countless number of times when my prayers have been answered and I know he is there listening and watching me at all times. Even the food we eat everyday is given by God, it is just that he creates sources for us.
By the way, this is a very interesting discussion that you have opened :)
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@hartnsoul (558)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
In prayer, you can not only ask but give praise and thanks as well. Yes, we are allowed to ask for anything, may it be a want or a dire need both emotional and material.
One thing we do have to understand that despite all the asking we do it is still up to the Lord when and how he will grant them. That is if He will grant it to us. He is a superior special being who surely loves us and only want what is best for us. So if we ask for something and He knows that it will or might harm us, chances are he will not give it.
It human nature that we tend to be impatient. That is why we have to allow his will to be done not ours. :)
@ven_cayton (60)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
I agree with you guys. Keep answering.... goddluck...... earn a lot....
@danabfunny (100)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I beleive that you can just talk to God like he is right there with you about anything.You can say prayers and ask for blessings all you want.He's there for you no matter what and wants you to tell him what's going on and how you feel all the time.
So that's why I think that if you treat him the same way he treats you,with respect and honesty than he will do the same for you.
Well, that's what I think anyways..
Better yet that way I don't feel like i'm talking to :)
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@lvhughes (545)
• United States
20 Feb 07
when i pray i only ask for for help with illnesses and and thing to that matter. i never ask for material thing. if i need help with anything i ask his guideance with making the decisions i need to make. i dont believe God only give you a certain mount of request nor do i think He has assistants do the work for Him. God always answers prayers although it many not be the answer you want.
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@FraYFaN09 (1558)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I do pray to God a lot but I don't think i do it enough. Whenever I pray I usually start off by thanking Him for what He is given me or allowed to happen in my life. I also ask for simple things such as allowing me to have a good sleep or to just have a good day the next day. I ask Him to keep the troops safe and help our President also. About knowing when ur prayers r answered, God doesn't always answer ur prayers in the way u would have Him to so sometimes I don't notice a prayer has been answered b/c I'm not looking at the right thing.
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@nafeesa_mohd (281)
• India
20 Feb 07
i ask from god each and everything i need in my life... even if its safety pin... i ask him.... there is no such quota in his bounty... he wont get tired and thats why he is god.... and prayers will always be answered.... only that sometimes the answer is YEs and sometimes No
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
1. I ask of everything. Big and small things anytime, anywhere. I'm such a 'pray-er' that I depend on God even for small unimportant things :)
2. There is no quota for requests allowed or a certain total, in my opinion. God's power is limitless that He doesn't get overwhelmed with all the requests or prayers of the universe. Maybe if He wanted, He could grant all our prayers in a blink of an eye, but of course, it doesn't work that way. He is a just God, and we have to trust His timetable and plans for our lives.
3. Angels are assistants, and I think He delegates some of our requests to the ones already assigned to look after us.
4. Yes, I do know when my prayers are answered. When good things happen to my family, or blessings come out of nowhere,I know I had an answered prayer somewhere :)
@lpipe0240 (1161)
• United States
20 Feb 07
1. You should take everything to God. If you need God's guidence on something then ask. I find the best time to ask is as soon as you think of it. Just stop and pray, then you don't forget about it later.
2.No Quota.
3. God is omnipotnet menaing he is unlimited and can be anywhere and everywhere. In other words he CAN multitask!
4. Sometimes I know when my prayers are answered. There are some that never get answered. Through it all we must have faith and know that God's initetion is what is best for his kingdom, not for our own selfish desires.
Hope my answeres are helpful. If you need further help in these areas please let me know. I don't have all the answeres but am willing to help.
@em1040 (159)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
im really not a very good christian. but at hard times i pray and pray for something in my life to change. i badly wanted to have a job last month. and i prayed very hard and i talked to Him for help to get in the job. after 2 weeks when i passed my application letter i got a msg that i was needed in the office for interview.
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