Do you have a serious condition or a life-threatening allergy?

@blueskies (1186)
United States
February 20, 2007 9:39am CST
If so, do you wear a medical alert tag of some sort? The reason I ask is because an ebay ad keeps popping up at the top of my page for a celiac disease medical alert bracelet. Yes, I have celiac disease, but I never considered it to be something that I needed a medical alert tag for. I do, however, have a life-threatening allergy to demerol and two antibiotics. I know I should wear a tag for those, but every time I go to buy one, I feel like it's silly and self-indulgent--as if I'm trying to call attention to myself. Yes, I know I have issues. So, should you be wearing a medical alert tag? If you do, has it come in handy? If you don't, what are your reasons?
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33 responses
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
20 Feb 07
If I had a serious condition that EMTs or first aid providers would need to know if I WAS UNABLE TO TALK, then YES I WOULD WEAR A BRACELET. It can save your life! My father is a diabetic, and is self conscious about wearing a bracelet (because of the connotations of a man wearing bracelet) but if he was alone, or travelling and he went into a diabetic coma - and NO ONE KNEW he was a diabetic, they could kill him by taking the wrong action. Please, It's NOT self indulgent, it's for safety. And you can get discreet tags that you can wear under your clothes around your neck, or tuck your bracelet up under a sleeve. They don't have to be showy, but EMTs know to look for them
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
20 Feb 07
You make a good point. My MIL is diabetic and she wears one. My mother is diabetic, but she won't wear one. Maybe it's the family mindset ;)
2 people like this
• United States
20 Feb 07
I am sorry to haet about your medical condition and yes If I was you I would wear my tags all the time simple fact is that if you were in a automobile accident and you were knocked out and they needed to give you some meds then they would know not to give you thsoe that you have an allergy to
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I know it's silly for me not to wear one. I WILL order one, I promise :)
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
20 Feb 07
Blueskies please wear that alert tag. Not only for you but also for your family. Remember you are the most important person in their lives. If your child needed one of those tags you would not hesitate to protect him this way. Even if you never need it it's good to know that you did something to protect yourself from the life-threatening allergies.
3 people like this
• Australia
20 Feb 07
I wear my medic alert braclet 99% of the time, and always have it on at work. I have so many allergies and health problems, they wouldnt fit on the one medallion, the medic allert staff suggested I actually wear Fortunately Ive not needed to use it, but I was stung by an insect at work once and everyone knew that if i'd passed out or had an anaphalactic shock they knew I had the braclet on.
@stateroad (730)
• United States
20 Feb 07
My condition is not life threatening. I do have a disease that should alert people. I have been advised to wear one and I still do not. I even was given a blank bracelet by my nurse. Maybe I just cannot comes to grips with the fact that I am only in my 40's and I had to wear a medical alert bracelt. I think a lot of it has to do with depression about it. I know that may be silly but I just cannot even think about wearing it.
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I do have serious health issues, however, it doesn't do me any good because I have so many, they all wouldn't fit on their. I don't know how you can handle that one.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I dont so much except I did find out last year that I am allergic to the anethisia that they use a lot to put you under when you are getting surgery. I woke up 9 hours later nnd you are suposed to wake up about 10 min after they stop admininstering it. Its usually hereditary and I will need to have my children checked for the same reaction
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I have heart problems and take medication. I am very limited in what I can do but I don't have to wear a medical alert. Although I should write on my forehead telling people that if I am unconscious they can use my Nitro spray on me. :)
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Spray paint might be a bit of a skin irritant. Perhaps your wife could write it on your chest with lipstick or something :) Get a medic alert tag! A heart condition definitely warrants wearing one. You can find them on ebay for a very reasonable price. I just ordered one last night for $15, that includes 6 lines of engraving and free shipping.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
21 Feb 07
Yes I am a suffer of sugar diabetes which is pretty bad but I do not wear a medical alert tag, I do not think that I need to wear a braclet to show it though it may be a good idea if I had a fit other people would know what is happening with me. I never really thought about it too much until you are discussing it.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Feb 07
I'm not allergic to any medicines that I know of, and my food allergies aren't likely going to come into play during an emergency. If I were allergic to medicines, I think I would definitely wear a bracelet though. It's not self-indulgent to want to live.
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
21 Feb 07
"It's not self-indulgent to want to live." I think you just summed it all up in one neat, little sentence. I've been very stupid. Thank you. I needed that :)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I don't have any life threatening allergy or anything, but if I did have like what you do, I would definately be wearing a tag. You never know when you will have a wreck or be unconcious and you sure don't want the ER docs to give you something wrong. I wouldn't think that you are being silly or self indulgent. :)
3 people like this
• United States
20 Feb 07
I have lupus and am a diabetic ,I also have severe allergy to penecillin ,your post just brought something home to me that while i do wear a tag round my neck stating my diabetes i feel is hould get the other conditions engraved on there also ,penecillin could kill me but if I were in an accident how would they know this??my next trip to town will include a trip to the engravers than you so much for drawing this to my attention you could have save a life "Mine:!
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@patootie (3592)
22 Feb 07
I have a severe allergy to penicillin too .. I always carry a card with me saying this .. as I was told that sometimes in emergencies you can be given life threatening amounts of penicllin .. I have just bought a keyring with the SOS sign on it .. at least I know that whoever finds me will look for something on me or in my bags when they see that .. :o)
20 Feb 07
I used to take alot of serious and was advised numerous times to wear a medical tag but i never doen ti because i thought of it as self indulgent too. I dont think you should have to wear it jsut for an allergy unless ti si something you could come into contact with uinknowingly like peanuts. Imagine if someone started taking a reaction. It would be a good thing to spot it on them
3 people like this
• United States
21 Feb 07
As the previous posters have stated, wearing medical ID jewelry is a necessity. I am diabetic, have an allergy to sulfa and I have an implant to stimulate my vagus nerve. Without this identification, I could end up in serious medical trouble if the first responders have no clue what to do. There is another option... Walgreens is now offering medical identification cards with all of your medications, medical conditions and allergies in a database. Should a medical emergency occur, the first responders can call the number, access the database and have your medical information in seconds. It's worth looking into that option if you are adamant about not wearing the jewelry. Now, if you are going to look into the jewelry, try to stay away from the bracelets as they get scratched up and are difficult to read. I have had two of them in as many years and I can't read them, let alone medical personnel trying to read them. I've tried stainless steel and silver. I also purchased a dogtag style medical alert necklace that has held up quite nicely. Good luck!
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thanks for the info :) There is a Walgreens being built in my town right now. I've already planned to switch all our prescriptions to them when they open. I'll have to ask them about the card, too. Thanks again for the info on the bracelets. I was going to buy a bracelet, but I was concerned that it would either pinch or catch on things. I have a dogtag-type necklace that I'm watching on ebay. Maybe I'll go with that, instead.
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
i have a fungi allergy and its really killing me sometimes. fungus is found in sphagnum moss, in hay, in other plant materials, and in the soil. It enters the skin through small cuts or punctures from thorns, barbs, pine needles, or wires. Less often, the fungus may be inhaled into the lungs. just thank goodness the disease cannot be spread from one person to another. im taking medicines for it but it came back to me few months after i healed.
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@simran1430 (1790)
• India
21 Feb 07
no , god forbid till now i dont have any such things as serious as this , and i pary no one get thems too , because living with them is difficult ,
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 07
Mmm, this is something that I've always wondered about, I am actually highly allergic to wasp stings and I have to carry an epipen with me, especially through the Summer months in the UK. One sting could potentially kill me. If I am stung then how will people know that I am allergic to a wasp sting. I do carry my epipen with me but I keep meaning to ask whether I should have a tag on?
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think you just answered your own question, Wolfie. Get a necklace or bracelet, or at least carry a card in your wallet :)
@brians (679)
• India
21 Feb 07
I neither have a serious condition nor a life-threatening allergy...I have an allergy but it appears when its summer. big black spots appear whole back side of my body and disappear when its winter or rainy. Even docs are confused wats that. I hope in future it dosen't become a life-threatening allergy.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
i have a few serious medical conditions and deathly allergies to 2 antibiotics, but i do not wear an alert for them. i know, i probably should...but i justt don't want to. It's not important to me. Besides, they get in the way of my other jewelry.
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
21 Feb 07
My nephew has that disease and I think it would be good for him to have something like that as he has so many allergies, I don't know if it would be helpful or not but I think it could be especially if you accidently ate something and passed out before being able to take an allergy shot, But would someone look at it is the next great question, Anyway, I had a doctor tell me I needed to wear a mediallert bracellet because of my allergy but so far I have not worn one, As these cost more than I can comfortably afford at the moment,