Please help me with a huge Cat problem! I really need help!

United States
February 20, 2007 10:15am CST
Hi all long post here I hope not too long to get a good response because I need Help! I have too many cats! I am always brining cats home because they are starving or homeless and I feel bad for them! I then try to find them good homes! I try this because I cannot afford to keep them all and I cannot afford to get them fixed. I have rescued 20 or so around where I live. Recently I rescued a mama siamese and her babies, I found her and 2 of her babies a home,then I found a baby orange tabby and a grey tabby, Tbey are now busting into my house! and peeing all over the place! I have to get rid of them but what do i do, and how do I get rid of the smell of cat pee? It stinks so bad I cannot stand it! They break in through my little boys vent in his floor and then they pee all over his room, my iving room, the hallway! I cannot stand it anymore and I don't know what to do, I am at my wits end! I feel like I am going crazy! I have 5 cats left 3 can stay! thats it what can I do? PLEASE HELP ME!
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22 responses
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I think you need to call animal control before you turn into the crazy cat lady! There are a lot of no-kill shelters now. You might also try checking with nursing homes in the area for homes for them, many nursing homes have mascot pets for the elderly residents.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Feb 07
Our local animal shelter is a kill shelter that is completley overrun also these 2 cats I must get rid of aren't very cute! one is a huge orange tabby not friendly and skittish ( I can barley catch him) and a grey tabby girl smaller but very feril!
@nancyrowina (3850)
20 Feb 07
Where I live we have cat shelters can't you look up your local cat shelter and hand the cats you can't keep over to them and let them find homes for them? At least then they can't come back. Animal shelters are better at finding good lasting homes for them and can take care of them in the meantime.
• United States
20 Feb 07
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT become a horder. Horders in California will be subject to fines of one thousand dollars and jail time for hording. Give those cats to the ASPCA or take them to the local animal shelter and let them take care of them. I live in the State of California, where it is illegal to have more than 4 pets in a home. I have three cats, so I am pretty much at my limit. Give those cats to an animal shelter asap!
• United States
21 Feb 07
Thank God I don't live in California! what a bunch of Crazies! Stupid Laws about hording cats! I was not aware of that law. I don't have a TON of cats right now I have 5 and 2 are stray ferils that live outside in the country, I think its a little different than a horder.
@sksingh (1410)
• Germany
21 Feb 07
thats is good idea. thats is not a problem
@Sarguis (14)
• Nigeria
21 Feb 07
Hi, you that you are the cause of your problems, in this case you need to get rid of all the cats in your posession now, distroy all the home you made for them to inhabite, be hostle with them whenever you see them, you can equally deploy a very harsh big Dog that can be an enemy to these cat, you will see, they will run away, after a while you can them get a new cat.
@KrazyK8 (190)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
can you not take them to a local humane society? as far as the smell I am not sure but i ddo know it is the hardest thing to get rif of. I know you want to makes sure they have good homes but, the humane society will fix them and put them up for adoption
• United States
21 Feb 07
You are NOT CRAZY, you just have a big heart, I think what you do is admirable, not many would do what you do, but I also want to give you a suggestion, when you find these kittens you can post them for new homes on, it is a free site and they have a section for pets on there where you can post to get the kittens/cats new homes. I found both of my cats on there and find it a very reputable site. Take care
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well, if you get them fixed, that should drastically cut down on the spraying. To get rid of them smell, ther eis a product called Zero Odor that you can purchase online at: We use it at my house and it definitely helps. You saturate the area with the product and let it dry. It is all natural, so it won't harm your son or your pets.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Sounds like you have a real catastrophy there. Is there anyway your can re-enforce the vent in your boys room so they can't come in or perhaps you could try litter box training them? or coop them up in a room that has tile like a bathroom or kitchen while you litter train them? Alternatively (and I know this sounds awful) you can take them to the shelter--kittens would probably have a good chance of finding a home. There are cleaning products you can buy that will get the smell and the stains of the cat pee out of your house. They are sold on the pet isle or cleaning isles. They have worked well on my kitties couple of accidents, although it might take more than one application for your problem. If it is just in the carpet, you might also try renting a wet vac carpet cleaner as well. I also believe there is a baking soda additive you can buy for your carpet that will help neutralize odors. Good Luck!
@xyz300 (12)
• China
21 Feb 07
you can close the door ,and give them to others.
• United States
21 Feb 07
I'm not sure how things work where you live, but you may try calling a few of the local veterinarians where you live. I know that most of the vets around here have a waiting list a mile long of farms who want cats for their barns, and will take any of them, big, small, ugly cute or whatever, I live in the country and have nine cats, and very few mice. You also may try a livestock feed store that has a large wharehouse for the feed they sell, some of them will take cats to keep the rodent population down too. They are usually very well taken care of and of course, with the rodents and the food they give them they are usually fed very, very well.
• United States
21 Feb 07
For the smell: Drs Foster and Smith have a website with many good products that will repel cats from certain areas. They also have urine smell remover. As for finding homes: posy a sign at your local vet office and store bulletin boards. Good luck. You are a good person to help these cats. Realize too that sometimes animals have just been jaded by former persons and cannot be helped - it is a shame.
@TinWolf (184)
• United States
21 Feb 07
With all due respect, there is no sin in being a "Rescuer" I certainly have been all of my life. The issue is more that there are multiple millions of "strays" because of Humans, and the lack of care in preventing more strays. That doesn't suggest that you "adopt" a cold hearted attitude, but reasonable has to have a limit. My now ex has 7 I rescued, and we gave away dozens more, plus dogs, rabbits, birds, squirrels. I have to imagine you might have an easier time NOT keeping so many, now that these issues presnt themselves. Obviously they BUST in because there is an access point. That needs to be addressed. Also in any cat household, especially with indoor only, territory becomes a battle, and even if they seem to co-exist on some levels of peace, they are always maintaining their "OWN" Constantly changing litter is another issue. Cats are not so different than humans when it comes to wanting "CLEAN"
• India
21 Feb 07
i can understand ur problem da once i am doing the same thing as ur doing now,but i came to know that i can't change the things ,let live the things as they are,their is a slogan ,one who created will know how to feed,let keep only one cat that one u love,& give other to ur freinds who r intrested ,
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
20 Feb 07
Have you tried calling your local animal shelter? You need to get it sorted out and quick. If you really can't find homes for the 2 cats you will have to get help doing so. When you do get rid of the cats, you can start by cleaning the spot as best you can, first soaking up wetness with kitchen roll. Then get a sponge, water and washing liquid (boilogical) and scrub away. When it is cleaned and dry try spraying with febreeze to get rid of the odour, this should work!
• Canada
20 Feb 07
I'm sorry you're having trouble with these cats. I would like to commend you for your work in trying to find them all good homes. There are many cats that need homes these days. You stated that they're breaking in through the vents in your home. Would there be any way of actually securing these vents to the wall or floor so that they can't be moved? Maybe by using screws or something so that they can be removed if they have to? Try looking to see where the nearest SPCA or SARA Society Shelter is and if they could take the cats for you. Both are no kill shelters, and the SARA Society are marvelous. We got our rescue cat from them. I'm not too sure what will work for the smell of Cat Urine though. Apparently in pet stores in Canada, there is a product called SOX that has been formulated for this problem. Maybe you could have a look in your pet store and see if they have anything like this. Otherwise, maybe vinegar.
• Gambia
20 Feb 07
Ask family and friends if they want one. As a last resort give them to your local animal shelter.
• Malaysia
20 Feb 07
Maybe you can try looking in internet.I read somewhere before that there is an non-profit organization that help you to adopt or looking for someone to adopt cats and dogs.I have at least 19 cats at home and always face problem like you.So the solution was i build a small comfy hut for them.If your cat spraying and peeing in your house.Clean that spot and spray with the stink stopper that u can buy from the shop or spray with the perfume.Cats do not like to pee at place with perfume smell.
@yaheem (42)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
At one time I had 11 cats at home. From your description those are not pets, they tend to be wild rather. There is one thing you can try and if it doesn't work you'll have to put them in their natural habitat to live as wild cats. First spend some time watching them, when they want to pee they usually look like they are digging in the floor with their claws. Try to catch them at this point and put them where you want them to pee (in the cat letter or outside). After they pee in the proper place reward them with something they love. If you can think of a punishment when they pee somewhere else it will be more effective. If nothing works try to take them to the woods where they are meant to enhabit. Good luck.
20 Feb 07
Hey Flagbabygal, i think you did something really great having given those cats a home for the period you'd been caring for them, hope you've heard the story of a woman whom God promised heaven simply because she gave water to a thirsty dog. its understandable if you're finding it difficult to continue caring for so many cats at thesame time, i suggest you could make some sort of advert telling the public you've got cats for sale or free, you'll be surprised how many responses you would get. believe me there are several people out there that would jump at the chance of having a cat as a pet.