Grandpa's Tool Shed
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
United States
February 20, 2007 11:00am CST
The yard behind our grandparent's house was quite large. There were trees to climb, a field to hide in, and Grandpa's tool shed. Grandma would always tell us not to go near Grandpa's tool shed. Of course we would all ask why. Her reply, or what I thought she said was, "Because there are metals down there."
Now I thought metals were the pipes and tools that Grandpa had stored in his shed. He was a plumber by trade. My siblings and cousins would go down to the back yard for a game of tag or hide-and-go-seek. We stayed clear of Grandpa's tool shed. Those feared metals would surely cause us harm.
One day we all got brave and decided to check out the shed and its contents. The pine needles and sticks cracked beneath our feet as we carefully made our way around the bushes that grew around the shed. One person stood as lookout as we snuck up on the shed. Peeking into the windows with our hands against the glass, we could see copper pipes of all sizes. The shelves held various tools. The "metals" lay all around the floor. But, they all seemed harmless. We laughed about Grandma's warning.
My cousin shinnied up the pine tree next to the shed. She egged me on to try to do the same. All that I managed to do was get my hair and hands covered in pine pitch and my knees and elbows scraped. Once back at the house we got a good scolding. Grandma cleaned the pitch out of my hair and from my hands. My boo-boos received bandaids. We were all banished to the front porch for the day. The last thing Grandma said was "I told you kids that you shouldn't play around Grandpa's shed. Just be glad that you didn't get into the nettles."
It wasn't until years later when I was babysitting that I realized what nettles actually were. To entertain the kids we played a game of hide-and-seek. Their parents had warned of nettles around the property, but I gave it no mind. That was until I climbed a dirt pile that was covered with brush and got my first experience with coming in contact with nettles. My Grandma's voice quickly entered my mind as little bumps appeared on my arms that itched like the dickens.
Heed your Grandma's warnings, "watch out for metals."
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32 responses
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
20 Feb 07
People will always respond the opposite to "don't. All ages. Sorry you learned "don't" the way you did. When I was 2, my father told me not to follow him, as he was walking into the woods. I didn't listen, fell on a piece of lumber with a nail that went right into my shin. I learned the hard way too.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Ow! We always find out the hard way that maybe we should have done as we had been told.
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I'm not sure that I can type without making a hundred spelling mistakes I am laughing so hard! Thank you very much for sharing this great memory with us. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! I just finished acknowledging comments from a really heavy post that I made yesterday and was kind of, sort of depressed. I was going to go to the store feeling that way but decided to respond to at least one discussion first. Thank the Goddess this is the one that my mouse ran over to and chose. Now, I must run to the potty before my computer chair gets soaking wet! Please think of more of these to share~Donna
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Thank you for the picture of the offending "metals" aka nettles. It brought back that hair raising feeling again.
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@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
21 Feb 07
kitchenwitchoftupper ...thanks for the picture I had no clue what to start looking for ...we need to be friends ..I couldn't comment on your photo
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@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
What a beautiful memory. Thanks for sharing it. I was only talking to a friend on the weekend how special my grandparents were to me when we were growing up. They were such an important part of our life. I move were I live now 8 years ago and I feel my kids missed alot by not being near their grandparents.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That was a great story. It bought back a lot of memories about growing up.
And it was very well written. You just raised the bar a notch here at MyLot.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
Lol, that made me giggle. My sister had a bad brush with nettles when she was young. One of her friends had borrowed a top from her, but then they fell out whilst walking back to our parents home.
Her friend took the top out of her bag and threw it into a patch of nettles and spitefully said "Ha, now get your top back!"
My sister grabbed a long stick to try and hook the top, her friend walked round behind her and pushed her forward into the nettles before laughing and running off. When I saw my sister running down our driveway in tears I was in shock. Her legs and arms and hands, even her face was covered in red bumps. Of course I didn't know what had happened right then till she managed to tell us.
She was in agony all day. Mom tried using Calamine Lotion to soothe the sting but it didn't do much to help. I went and hooked her top using a long stick and brought it home where mom placed it straight in the washer.
My sisters friend came and apologized the next day. And a week later, she was wearing another one of my sisters tops that she'd let her borrow.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Thanks for this. We too played on the mountain property around the tool shed and outshouse path. The porch swing was out main place for gathering, however you know us kids we just had to run and play. Ours was sliding down the hill on cardboard and getting snagged by the thorny bushes. Thanks much for this trip down memory lane!!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Feb 07
That was really cute and made sense when I read the last line. Thanks.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I love this- Thanks for sharing a great memory with us- My grandpa also had a tool shed.. He was in it alot- working on various projects.. Being with him in the tool shed watching him while he worked.. Deep concentration- he always stuck out his tongue when he concentrated-- these are my favortie memories of my grandpa.. My parents now own my grandparents house and the tool shed still stands-- My dad has built a larger garage that he works in and the tool shed really only holds wood and junk. But I sure get a warm feeling every time I go out back of the garage!
I miss my grandparents.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
26 Feb 07
The house that my grandparents lived in still stands, but the old tool shed was removed. So were the tall spruce trees that offered shade and a place to hide when we played games. But, the comforting memories will always be there.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
25 Feb 07
LOL "metals" Kids do and say the funniest things. I was raised around nettle weed all my life. I hate them but they make great medicaine. My Grandma used to boil them to make a sauve for burns and insect bites our of them.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I remember the first time I saw Nettles in the herb section in the store, I scratched my head.
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
20 Feb 07
That is an absolutely wonderful story. Thank you for sharing that with me. So refreshing. Btw, I do know what nettles are.
@cjkicks (156)
• United States
20 Feb 07
What a great story. Very well written and oh boy does it bring back memories. Thanks for taking me back to such wonderful memories and a time when I was carefree and always in trouble for not heeding the warnings. My family went for a reunion in Ruidoso, N.M. one year. Grandma had told us don't get near the creeks, which of course, we made a beeline for. There was a log laying across the creek and we all started walking across it. First one then all the rest of us fell in the creek and had a ball. I was a typical kid with scrapes on my knees and elbows, well something in the creek infected my knees and elbows and by the next morning were swollen a sore. Grandma got the hot water, iodine out and really gave me a cleaning. That hurt worse than the infection, but I know she did it cause she loved me. Don't go near the creeks.
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@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
21 Feb 07
HA HA HA, I remember the nettles too, only I was never warned, live and learn! Those were the good old days, going barefoot, and stubbing the skin off the top of my big toes about every two weeks. getting so tanned that you couldn't burn from the sun. Riding bikes where ever we wanted, leaving for the whole day, just climbing trees and playing. Finding a fawn in the orchard, with no mother around, and TOUCHING it......... holy cow, the memories are so wonderful!
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Ow..thanks for sharing the stubbing toe memory. We wore flip flops all summer long and as a result, my feet looked like they had been in a battle.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
21 Feb 07
How hilarious! I was trying to think of 'misheard words' stories from my own childhood. There was the usual collection of hymns and prayers which seemed to make no sense to children - church is a very weird place for kids, sometimes.
I was doing a little clandestine research, hoping to remind myself of some of the things that used to puzzle us and came across this posting on some forum or other. It's too good to pass up, so here is is, as posted by someone called Erika:
"I thought America the Beautiful was written for me because my name is "Erika". I thought they were singing "I'm Erika, I'm Erika. God shed his grace on me."
No wonder I'm in therapy ..."
As for nettles, my older brother told me very solemnly when I was four or five that I could walk through a bed of nettles without getting stung because "nettles don't sting this month." It was my kinder older sister who explained to me, as I was about to test the theory, that "this month" can't be stung but I still could be.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That is a cute memory. I will never hear the song the same way again.
Gotta love brothers. Thankfully I am the oldest of my siblings and was leary of anything they told me to be factual.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Isn't it funny how you hear things when you are a kid?What you heard meshed so well with what you saw, and it still made very little sense to you. What fun! but not the nettles! Been there, experienced that. Isn't nettle supoosed to be a home remedy for something though? I just forget what it is.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Wow, a little research on it tells me that you can also eat them. The stingers deactivate when cooked. You can also dry the leaves for tea.
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
21 Feb 07
You have a real talent for telling a story Elusive. It really makes you remember all the fun you had in your childhood. To me it brought back the time my sister and I were sitting on the back steps with flowers "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not". We got all different varieties of flowers to do this with but the last one I remember was a camillia. It took us ages to get through all those petals. Grandma came out the back door as we were so quiet and her face was quite a picture seeing all these petals flying all over her backyard. After that we were banned from the gardens. Her (friend) worked with scrap metal and had metal fragments all over the back yard so we were always under strict instructions to wear shoes whilst at Grandmas. Thankyou for a wonderful story (Hugs)
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I love sharing the good memories with all of you.
@rick_chatterbox (16)
• India
21 Feb 07
i have not read ur story coz its too big and i dont have time
by the way y the hell do u right such long stories
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