nosy neighbours

February 20, 2007 1:35pm CST
i have an elderly lady across the street who likes to spy out of her window at everyone. she's the nosy person on the street who needs to know everyone's business. she does nothing but complain. if you walk by her house she comes out running to complain about basically everything and nothing. one day another neighbour cut her grass. then i heard her complain to someone else. saying "he cut my grass and i can't even beleive he didn't clean up the grass from the drive way". i couldn't beleive what i was hearing. instead of thank you and appreciating what someone did she's complaining. do you have annoying neighbours?
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38 responses
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
Nope pretty lucky with the neighbours here but I can understand your frustration but I think in a case like this you should sympathize with her because she is obviously not all there or so lonely that she has nothing better to do with her time. I would pity someone like that. I know it's hard to do but really what choice do you have.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
20 Feb 07
It is a shame but there are people like this every where. We have a neighbor hood busybody in my neighborhood too. You have to be very carefull what you tell her becaue the whole block will know your business before the day is out. I am a private person so I do not associate with most of my neighbors. This cuts down on problems.
@AmbiePam (96380)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Well, I hesitate to complain because they are nice people. The couple have a son (20) and a teenage daughter. In the last year the son has dropped out of college to form a band. His band practices in his parent's garage. They practice 3 nights a week, from 6pm to 10pm. And they do not play classical, people. It's loud! I mean, they have some talent, but when a person is studying or has a migraine....? The thing is, the parents always mow our yard. All three of us have physical ailments, so they mow our lawn when we never asked them to. We appreciate it greatly, but that makes it impossible to complain or even call the police anonymously to complain. Now, get this, a neighbor TEN houses down came over to complain, but no one else will. The people are just so nice!
@atrocious (209)
• Nepal
20 Feb 07
What an annoying neighbor she is. She takes interest in what other people are doing and I don't like this habit at all. Spying at others is not good and what others do is none of our business. She is also not thankful and instead she complains about how someone helped her cut the grass. I hope that I never have neighbors like her. I do not have such annoying neighbors. Everyone minds their own business around my neighbourhood. But there is one particular person in my community who talks and laughs really loud and it's annoying and scary when she laughs at night. Sometimes we can even hear what she is saying inside her room.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
20 Feb 07
My grandparents are what you just described. They are just bored and grumpy. They seriously have binoculars by their window so they can view the streets better. I come over to visit and they always give me the latest scoop on their neighbors-like I care! I think that they live a sad life, they are retired, and instead of doing something productive with the rest of their life, like travel, they do this. It's very odd. Most of my neighbors have been party animals, so I really don't talk to them. I just go on with my life and ignore them, they annoy me with their loud music, parties, and arguments under my bedroom window at 2 a.m.!
4 people like this
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
20 Feb 07
We have a nosy neighbor but he's not a complainer. When it's over 40 degrees out, he drives up/down the street (and it's a long horseshoe-shaped street with many houses) checking out to see what e1 is doing and sometimes stops to chat. If you need to know about something that's happening round town or just down the street, he's the guy to ask. lol
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Feb 07
dang it! I need to start previewing my posts b4 posting. lol Forgot to add that he drives up/down the street in his golf cart. That way he's going slow and can really observe what ppl are doing in their yards.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Feb 07
WOW. you have described my ladie across the street to a T. I swear it was like writing this myself. She is so anoying. We one time put of a fence and I was trying to get away with not pulling a permit. After all, I was placing the fence to keep my 200 pouind mastiff in my yard and she called teh city started we had no permit. Im like you idiot. I could just let my dog run wild. SHe sits in a roicker on her porch and KNows all.
@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
21 Feb 07
Lucky me, I don't have any annoying neighbours. I know it's really bugging to hear someone that keeps complaining on every thing. I think that you should not pay attention to her. The next time she complain about something to you, just pretent like you can't hear her. That will keep her quiet.
• India
21 Feb 07
yeah this lady in mumbai apartments where i used to live would always come and complain about others and go to them and bite our backs..... ha funny but true
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Feb 07
There was this neighbor down the street from us. A way older lady. She used to get SO upset if our dog WALKED on her lawn that was on the side tech was for the city not us! Made us so mad! We used to have this neighbor across the street that would be like the "Queen bee" of the neighborhood. We KNEW it was her who reported that my sister would sometimes park at night on the lawn (we had no driveway). She also complained to the city our houses wasnt painted, and our fence was a mess. We HAD to clean it up OR GET FINED! I hated neighbors like that. Now we are in a quiet neighborhood, hardly any cars go by kinda in the back of this housing track. I love peace and quiet for sure! :)
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@maanvar (48)
• India
21 Feb 07
Exactly like this, I have had once - not for grass cutting, but to grabbing from our farm. A woman having three children - When I took initiative her stealing (others would not interfere as she is a far relative) she started a slander that 'I have done her this and that'. I had tried many tricks to stop and at-last I built a tall compound wall that she can not jum over and then made some cartoon pictures of her and gave a good publicity of her 'slanders' and 'slogans'. Now she stopped and changed herself entirely.
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• India
21 Feb 07
this is really bad man,,,, i mean that how much can such persons be mean.. insteading of thanking someone, u r complaing about him to someone else. if u cannot appreciate someone that at least not complain about him too. but we have to accept the truth that there exist these type of people who become very happy when they make others feel bad.. but sometimes we cant do anything, we just have to ignore them.. thats all we can do my dear
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@jkpaid (99)
• Uganda
21 Feb 07
hey i guess you are living in a neigbourhood if desperate house with i guess u uhave seen that serie there is this old woman who just does the same so go on a watch that serie yo uwill have asolution to her
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Feb 07
Maybe she's just lonley and has nothing better to do with her time. I'm the nosey neighbor around here,lol. The way our house is I can see what everyone around me is doing. I don't gossip or chat with other neighbors but I like to know what's going on around me.
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@rick_2047 (185)
• India
21 Feb 07
i also have a set of nosy naibours who are always there to see what i am i studieng or not why am i on the net why am i playing on the console i mean this is my life
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• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Yeah we have lots of those here at our place..They are people who talks in a corner and chit chat about everyone in the neighborhood. I don't mind them though even if I know they are talkin about me..I just think that I am a star and it's just
@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Duh!Thats a bad neighbor!Well,if ever i have a neighbor like her,i would probably ignore her!
@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Oh wow, that is pretty awful! Well, fortunately I don't have any neighbors quite that bad, but there is this one really old lady across the street who is really nosy. I think she must spy out her window all the time too, cause she's always calling over here to say that she saw we had guests or asking whose car was parked in our driveway on Saturday or weird stuff like that! One time she even called to say that she noticed I was up really late the night before cause she saw that my bedroom light was on at 1:20am! Obviously she was up pretty late too since she was watching our house at that hour of the night!
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• United States
21 Feb 07
There is also a elderly lady that lives down the street from me that spies on everyone too! When I first moved on my block my next door neighbor told me to be wary of her but I tend to make my own judgements and thought that maybe he just didn't like her and didn't want anyone else to like her either. She came over one day to 'hi' and we had polite conversation. The next couple of times though I noticed that she spoke badly about almost everyone on the street! I decided then that I was going to keep my distance because if she's talking about other people then she was probably talking about me too. And you know what? She was. People like her and your neighbor should really try to find peace within themselves.
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• India
21 Feb 07
i have an lady across the street she keeps her Radio and Tv. in a Bigger Volume. so That I couldn't Eve Study fo rmy Exams.. so What Can we Do for Those people.. Her Name is Kalavathi.. she is Very Bad.