Have you ever broken up w/someone because you didn't like their family??
By PoeTalker
@PoeTalker (715)
United States
February 20, 2007 2:42pm CST
I have really just about had it with my boyfriends family and it's beginning to really just make me feel negative about this relationship. I feel bad for them I do, but weed, alcohol and violence is not something to raise your children around.
My boyfriends mother & aunts lost their mother at a young age, and then all got pregnant as teenagers. They all do weed and drink everyday, and even hide it in canasters so they can drink in the car. His uncle went into the hospital 3 weeks ago because he has drank himself into and early grave.
Once this happend I figured the drinking might stop, but it's gotten worst. His wife can't even care for the children and everytime we go over to visit and comfort them the daughter begs me to make her mom stop drinking...
It's really sick. Have you ever left someone because you couldn't handle their family??
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39 responses
@sarge225 (39)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Wow thats tough. I mean I had problems with my ex girlfriends family before, actually numerous times....1 ex had a mother who was racist and I didnt like the way she talked about others, needless to say I said something to my girlfriend then a few weeks later we broke up.
anothe one of my ex's moms babied her all the time, wouldnt allow her to drive, not even to get a liscence, really childish stufff, sheltered all the time, I didnt want to be with someone like that, I felt I was being hed back by somebody much less mature then me, so i got out of that one.....another ex's whole family was well off, but their behavior was unbelievable, me ex 19 at the time had 4 yoiunger brothers who were all spoiled punks, talk back to their parents...I couldnt take that, i didnt support it, said something to my ex after we broke.....but I never liked the situations i was in with my ex's and their families......I am proud to say that my current girlfriends family are people that I get along with very well, we occasionaly go out to eat and drink, its nice....I would say if its a problem for you now it will be a problem for you in the future. Good luck.
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@PoeTalker (715)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I never realized that my boyfriends family would actually play a large roll in my life. I never really thought anything out including them in my plans for Chrismtas, and then eventually it just happend and I was like "oh.. this isn't good"
Im glad you are able to get along with your current girlfriends family!
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@silver1beans (281)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I have had some hard times with boyfriends like these and it's very hard to break up becuase you know he's a good person but something tells you he might turn into one of his family and then it's hard breaking him the news. When I broke up with mine he kept asking why and he told me he would never do a thing like that but I could not have a child with a man that might turn into my worst night mare becuase it just wouldn't endanger me it would endanger my baby. And I would never do a thing like that to endanger a baby like that, becuase their life is much more inportant than mine.
@PoeTalker (715)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Yes I've thought about this as well. I think he would be a great father, but would I want his family involved in my childs life? That would be a positive no.
@joey_matthews (8354)
21 Feb 07
If i did i wouldn't be with my wife.
For family who claim to be saints, there nothing but a bunch of controlling wanna-be snobs. (plus alot of worser things i could say, which i won't)
Really if i like someone. (my wife) i'd stick with her regarding of her family. in my case, i did and nothing they did broke us up and they only lost there own way. sweet, i loved seeing there face. (i'm not normally like this)
believe me tho. thesed deserve anything and everything which happens to them and some day i'll be glad, in fact over the moon.
P.s i have none friends to ditch people because of the family, it's quite sad because sometimes it's a good thing. regardless of the in-laws to be =)
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Wow. What a terrible situation to be in. What is your boyfriend like? Does he try to get his family to stop their behavior?
Maybe you could talk to him about how it makes you feel?
I do hope that you won't have to call your relationship off with this guy because of his family.
I'm sorry that I can't offer more advice. I hope you can come to a solution to this.
@PoeTalker (715)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well, I thought it was odd that his aunt kept drinking once her husband went into the hospital and is now dying because he drank until his liver gave in. I asked him why no ones doing anything about it and apparently she already went into a half way house and alot of other stuff... and none of it ever worked. They don't want to change.
@notforkid (27)
• Latvia
21 Feb 07
Sorry Poe, i didn't red answers posted down. But in my opinion if you really like this person that ewen family isn't obstacle to be together.
@juliemarie84 (642)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I almost lost my boyfriend because of his family. I was young and couldn't stand my ground. They stepped all over me. He had heart surgery and since I was just the girlfriend and they were 'family' they didn't allow me to see him. Of course he was in a very weak state and couldn't defend me. What made it worse was right before his surgery our relationship was going through some rocky times so he really didn't care to see me either. It was awful! He was in the hospital for a week and at his grandma's for 2 months and I couldnt see him at all, he only lived 15 miles away! This was when he was 18. Now that we're 22 and he barely goes home anymore and is 140 miles away from that place, we are very close and two peas in a pod. We see eachother daily and love eachother's company unconditionally. The problem is, his family thinks we broke up 3 years ago...(which we did) but we got back together. I dread the day to face them again. The women in that family try to have control over him and always say he should find some hot blonde girlfriend (which pissed me off when I was dating him cause they'd say it in front of me. I'm brunette btw) and I just sat there and took it. But I will do it respectfully so he has no way to think I was being nasty to them. I don't think they hate ME because I didn't do a damn thing to them. I think they hate the idea of another woman getting so close to him where some of his decisions may no longer be able to be influenced by them. I think they were angry because the day before his heart surgery he wanted to spend his night with all of his friends (like a normal 18 year old boy probably would) and not at home with his mom. And she found out I was with him as well. But there were a lot of us together...but I guess her and his grandma decided to hate me since I was the woman and the rest of his friends were guys...(harmless to their plot)
Who knows what their deal is. All I know is, a family can break a relationship. I'm sure with your love for him you want to either help him or help some of the family too. Chances are, you may not be able to... but you can get him the hell away from that atmosphere and fill him with something more positive. My boyfriend and I went through what no two people should. We had an awful break-up. Very bad. Ugh! Yet 3 years later we're together and more mature and loving our time together. :)
@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
21 Feb 07
No, I have never left someone because I don't like their family. My last girl friend, her family was OK. I always felt this way. I love the girl not her family. I know it doesn't always work like that, but it helps sometimes.
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I hate to say it but your boyfriend could end up acting like them cause a lot of times you live the way you were raised because you don't know any better. It is definitely not something you want children around.
@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I am so sorry you are going through this. I have never broken up with someone because of their family, but I am in that situation now. My bf and I are trying to make a long distance relationship work. He cannot move with me because he lives with his grandmother and helps her. She can get around and works to jobs, but he does not want to leave her and his daughter. I can understand, but I can't wait indefinately. I has already been over 2 years. Everyday it makes me think I should leave this hopeless situation alone.
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
21 Feb 07
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. You are lucky you are not married into this family. Run as fast as you can. Things are not going to get better if they have
been living like this for a while. This is the lifestyle they choose.
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Quite the opposite. I STAYED with an ex-boyfriend because I liked his family. Didn't like him much, but I loved his mother!
@Joey322 (272)
• United States
21 Feb 07
no,i haven't, but i have been glad when the realtionship didn't work out b/c then i was rid of his family too!!
i'm not a big fan of my in-laws, but i can tolerate them and they aren't anything like your bf's family...thank goodness!
sound like no matter what you've made up your mind and there's no judgement here. it's a sad situation and i feel for those poor babies.
do waht's in your heart and you can't go wrong.
take care.
@susghodke (3)
• India
21 Feb 07
hi, your really under tough condition,its not good for you to leave your boyfriend just coz of his family while their running under tough time.i know its hard time for you to be with them,but you can help them to improve the way they leaving for your and your boyfreinds gud coz....
@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
wow first of all thats really sad that children are being subjected to that kind of life at all, theres a time and place for letting of steam and in front of kids isnt it. But for your other question ive had a relationship where the family was definetly the deciding factor in ending the relationship but not the same type of scenario. My boyfriend had an extremely overbearing mother, she had lost her husband because a drunk driver ran into and killed him and she was so attached to her children because they were all she had left, and even though i understood it i just couldnt continue in the relationship because of it. Even when he was 20 she didnt want us to be anywhere alone together and he had a real reluctance to make her upset so i ended up just taking myself out of the equation, i didnt want to end up putting him in the position of having to dissapoint one of us over every tiny move he made and ever since ive tended to be wary of men who are very close with there mothers, jelous mothers are not something i ever want to be involved with again. I dont think keeping your kids on such a short leash is ever a good idea eventually there going to grow up and get sick of it. Anyways i hope you get things figured out
@suchetan230044 (618)
• India
21 Feb 07
i love the person not the family.i never broke up with anybody till now.i wish god never puts me in a situation where i have to break up with my gf.thanks
@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I have left people because of their families meddling in our relationship. I never left because of a family's lifestyle though. I never dated anyone whose family circumstances are that severe.
I think that if you want to leave, you have good grounds to. My mother always said "when you marry someone, you're marrying into that family." Are those the kinds of people you want to be aunts and uncles to your children? I know you might love your boyfriend, but if his family makes you that uncomfortable, then it's best to call it quits.
@momyof2 (55)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I have never actually left someone because of their family. However, I have had their family get invovled so much in our relationship, That it affected our realtionship. Now looking back, I think it is the reason why we broke up in the first place. There is a saying in spanish that basically says that when you marry someone you are marrying their family also.
@starbug (14)
• United States
21 Feb 07
no i haven't . but the question is how is he ? your boyfriend like his family? if not, then no i wouldn't leave him for it. but i would avoid them as much as possible. he would just have to understand you can't deal with people who doesn't care about themselves.this would be something he would have to agree upon. and if you ever had kids, you know you wouldn't want them around that enviorment. this may cause a problem then. so if he can't except your feeling with that. then the ball will be in his court.
@LisaMA (1)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I had the same kind of situation with my ex, not weed and stuff but drinking was one of the issues. The big issue was that his mother was the old fasioned person who thinks that woman should stay at home, have babies and not persue a career. She never had anything good to say about me and continiously critisized me and our relationship. I always believed that family doesn't make a difference but they say that blood is thicker than water.....