How do you deal with criticism?
By rosie_123
@rosie_123 (6113)
February 20, 2007 3:11pm CST
As I am a very stubborn person - LOL - if anyone criticise me at work or in any other walk of life, I tend to get quietly annoyed about it, and determine to prove them wrong. I certainly never give tem the satisfaction of knowing they have p***** me off! But other people get really upset about it, and cry, or feel they are a failure, or perhaps get defensive, or even have a row or a fight with the person who criticises. So how so you react?
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66 responses
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I don't deal with criticism very well at all. I'm a very shy, sensitive soul, and any negative words against me usually make me feel pretty bad. It depends on who was critiscing me as to whether I would feel able to show them how they made me feel or not, or as to how I would reply, but I would definitely feel bad. I guess that really kindly worded, constructive criticism, I could hopefully take. But anything else, I might as well forget it. It'll probably stick with me for a long time, playing over and over in my head, making me feel bad.
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
20 Feb 07
just happened today, but the think is what I got critized for was not my fault so needless to say i was really pissed and voiced my opinion about it- but as usual it falls on deaf ears, because this office is under GOOD OL' BOY rule and I am just the maid. In other words the men here can do no wrong and I am here just to clean up their mess. So I called my husband and he calmed me down (for now) I'm hoping I wil get a call for a new job soon, please say a prayer for me that I don't kill someone before this happens LOL.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Feb 07
Sorry to hear about that sweetie. I am absolutely exhausted, and about to go to bed, but I promise I'll say that prayer before I fall asleep. After all, I want to meet you in that pub in London, not as a prison visitor! LOL! Goodnight!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 Feb 07
For me it all depends on the person giving the criticism, if it is friends then I will accept this as 'contructive criticism' and will accept it and know they are not having a 'dig' at me. If strangers or work colleagues criticize me again it depends on how they criticize me if it is genuine and not out to upset me then again I will accept it, but if they are doing it out of spite then I will retaliate and I have to say I will stoop to their level and I can quite easily fight as dirty and will find something to criticize abou them, but I'd say it to their face and not behind their back. I do angry easily but only certain people have the ability to make me angry and thankfully they are few.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
When I was younger I use to get so upset. When I was a teen my brother and sister were a lot older and anytime they picked on me about anything I would take it so personally. I think over the years my skin has thickened and I have more of the I don't care attitude. Not completely but I have improved. If it's something someone says I can't do then yes I try to prove them wrong. I am very stubborn too. Both my kids are as well. When my 18 year old son and I get in an arguement it's hard because neither of us want to give in.
@CHARDY19850603 (71)
• South Africa
21 Feb 07
the saying goes : an apple never falls far from its tree
Its also a proven fact that kids mostly don't listen to what you say, they simply just do what you do, So their future depends on your actions and the choices you make..
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@Lyrica (127)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
lol! I don't deal with criticism very well at all. I, too, tend to get very quietly annoyed by it but I shrug it off when I'm facing them. It's horrible, but I brood about it for days! I can't seem to get it out of my mind and oftentimes, I would be arguing in my head about why I think they're wrong lol. Sometimes after those few days , I do realize that I have been wrong but I won't ever admit it.
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
20 Feb 07
I am waaaayy to proud to cry.I usually start a discussion to see why exactly am i criticised.Then i try to prove them wrong.And yeah,sometimes i cheat just to be right(but i am making my ashamed face right now :P ).I guess i handle criticism as a normal(but a lil stubborn)person would :)
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I am not very good at taking criticism.
When I get some situation with someone criticise me, I los my confidance very easely and feel terrible. But I never attac them in anger. Sometime I get so upset that I don't want to talk to anyone. But criticism happens rarely with me.
I don't like to criticise people and also I don't want to others do it with me.
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@dwinters66 (94)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I don't take criticism very well; it really hurts my feelings, if i deserve it, I can take it, but if someone is trying to do criticise me for something I can not believe that they have the nerve to say such a thing...
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
21 Feb 07
When someone criticizes me, I will usually just listen and nod, as I fume internally. As I go over the scenario later, in my head, I will really think about what was said and whether or not the criticism was valid. If the criticism was valid, I will usually tell the person that I thought about what they said and agree that changes must be made. If I decide that the person was just full of hot air, I will say nothing and change nothing.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
20 Feb 07
I personally take it on board.
Weather or not i listen to it thats a different question, although i always see it as advice and nothing more. I've had people rip plenty of my poems apart and leaving mean and pointless replies and i used to listen but now i edit things to what i think would improve it. (this sorta things personal for me)
I can be stubborn with certain things. If i think i'm doing okay i don't get why people have to put other down. although i do take comments on board.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I don't take criticism well either. I am very stubborn too. When someone tells me I should do something this way and not the way I'm doing it. I tend to do it my way just to show them. I'm not sure what it is I'm showing them but I do show them Don't EVER tell me what to do or how to run my life!!! lol
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 Feb 07
If its positive criticism then i take it and learn from it. If its negative criticism then I tend to get defensive and try to prove my point. If that creates havoc, then i drop the subject and carry on quietly (but still feeling annoyed and pi$$ed off)
@SolanumThur (170)
• Brazil
21 Feb 07
If who is criticisming me is my friend, i really will try to improve that or something like.. But if someone that i barely know come trying to make bad commentaries about me i really get pisse* off. Of course i'll starting competing with that person till he gives up, because i really don't like unfair critics.
I assume when i'm wrong, so i don't need to worry about when i'm really wrong if someone critics me i won't care since i'm wrong.. but if it's unfair, yes i will try to give my best to prove they are wrong... :P
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
21 Feb 07
Im also a stubborn person----Yikes, most often I react negatively at criticisms,I retaliate and do my own defending my talking back. The thinking process is at the end of everything, then guilt stes in and I feel sorry for myself and try to be quiet for a time and try my best to improve my not so good attitudes.
@neon2000 (2756)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
You are right. Prove them wrong that you are not a failure. Criticism is an arm to make you stronger and get ahead of them. It is a challenge to everyone. If anybody criticize me the way others criticize you, I just quietly get on my usual task altho annoyed, I am determine to prove I am not a failure.
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
21 Feb 07
Hi there! If it's critiscism just for the sake of it then forget it - I get really pissed off with the person! But if it's constructive critiscism that I can deal with and find it quite informative if done in a positive way. lol
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@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 07
I can deal with critism if they are constructive in nature. More than often, people critisizes others not to correct but to condemn. If we check back ourself, we are many a time, a guilty party to this too. I try not to critisize others except when it is necessary. After all, the bible says we are our brother's keeper.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well, I don't like being criticized. Nobody does. I tend to sulk more than anything else. What always gets me is that the people who criticize others the most are the ones who can take it the least themselves.
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@neo2neo (461)
• India
21 Feb 07
I like criticism and though people may criticize I like to take it as facts and tips to improve myself. It is the best way to analyze yourself. Criticism helps me analyzing myself, it just acts like a mirror to me.
I take it in a sporty way and not very personally.
I don't allow myself thinking bad about the people who criticize me or I don't curse them back. They help me in their own way!
@samseiko (116)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 07
i will accept their cristism because with critism we will improve more, and try to make it right by consult others for advices. i will not say that person is wrong or right as critism is neccesary. if the person critise me out of jealousy then he should be ashamed of himself. I do not know about you all but i will not reject other's critism, i will thank him for critising me.
of course will have to see what he is critising . if he criticise my personallity that i had tried to change then i will reject it as i had tried not that i have not.
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