Ignorance Is No Excuse
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
February 20, 2007 4:12pm CST
One of my pet hates is people spelling my name wrong, it's not difficult to see that it is the wrong spelling and if you read it, I mean READ it you will see it is totally wrong. It is very simple but so many people have got it wrong.
My name is Brian, and people will spell it Brain
Simple mistake? NO! It's not...
Do you have this same problem with people getting your name wrong?
If I get letters sent to me with the wrong spelling I send them back, with the name crossed out. I've had it at school, even at work and sometimes even from my relatives.
I understand if they are dyslexic, my housemate is dyslexic and I accept that he cannot distinguish the letters but he is the only person I excuse.
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49 responses
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
28 Jun 07
I know what you mean there wolfie. I really hate this to and it really irratates me when it is someone in the family or who knows me well and should no how to spell my name. And really Brian is not hard to spell it is just like it sounds isnt it childs play. Meaning a small child could spell it not a hard name to spell at all.
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
28 Jun 07
I have known Brian to be spelled: Brian, Bryan, Bryon, Brion, and Brien, just to name a few. It's not that easy. You have to know the specific person. Brian here has told us how he spells his. My mother's name is Japanese. She tells people how to spell her name and they still get it wrong.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
2 Mar 07
Misspelling names is easy to do. I know I could never spell the name Michael for the longest time. My husband hated it. But that cleared up real quick when we named our first son Michael. I have never spelled it wrong since.
Brian is an easy one to misspell. It is so close to the word brain. I have done it myself. But I have learned to spell it an dhave no problems now.
That is the problem with the English language in my opinion. To many words with similar spellings.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
2 Mar 07
Oh! I ended up choosing to spell my daughters name with a 'K'. So now I always tell people how to spell it. So there is no mistake. Her name is Kassandra.
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
28 Jun 07
My ex husband was named Brian and people made mistakes on his name all the time, so I sympathize with you. I studied psychology and worked quite a bit in public relations on various levels. I always make it a point to spell, proofread, and check pronunciation when I need to speak with someone. Just another case of ignorance and apathy. People don't know and don't care. It's very sad, but it gives part of the reason so many individuals feel less valued. It's really hard too for people that have different names like Melodie or Jazmina. What about Ann and Anne and Annie. What about Brion and Brien and Bryon and Byron and Bryan?
You are totally right, Brian. I don't blame you one bit for being upset.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
20 Feb 07
Well no.
I'm not like that, i don't take every seriously. I know people who spell my name wrong on purpose to annoy me and this is something i find a issue. (small/minor)
Those who make honest mistakes i accept and don't mind. we all think of other things and often make mistakes while our minds elsewhere and we make mistakes as humans. (no digs here) just a honest response. =)
I excause everyone, except those who spell names etc wrong to annoy someone. (or use names and turn it into something else as a way to bully that person)
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@Justareceptionist (869)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I can see a little kid making that mistake but not an adult. My fiance's name is Brian and he hates it when people spell his name as "Bryan".
It bugs me, also. I just have a problem when people spell my nickname like a boy: "Nicky"...I prefer "Nikki" :/
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@mers_08 (84)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Okey i got your point.. because i have the same experience before my name spelled wrong always... it started when i was in grade four my name in my ID spelled wrong by my teacher..my name is mercedita but she made it merceditas,and then some of my classmate spell it mercidita which is wrong..i got upset with that before and i told them that.. that is not the right spelling of my name and i will correct it..but now im not doing it anymore because nobody mispelled my name anymore..but now i think it's just small thing you don't have to worry about.. cause once people already know you they will not going to misspell your name anymore, just think you dont have to sweat over small things..okey...it makes
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Gee sorry Brain, didn't know you were so sensitive. LOL, only kidding. I get the same thing with my name, I don't think it's intentional, just people are in a rush, and aren't careful.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I don't blame you. There is a big difference between Brian and Brain, or even Bryan. I spell my name Laurie, and I remember once someone spelled it Lorrie; when I corrected the person, I was told "well, it's the same thing". My answer was that it was not; it was a totally different name and I made them correct it. These are supposed to be intelligent adults in the business world. I know that sounded petty, but I felt that they were wrong.
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
i too dont like it when people want to change my name. Here in the Philippines, Frances, which is my real name, is more known to be Francis because everyone thinks its a guys name. So people always and im not kidding, spell my name francis with an I all the time. I write it in paper and it gets transfered in computers as an I. I write down female since itl be understandable its with an E, but no they change it to I again. The worst thing ever was seeing my birth registry on record as frances, finally! but with male as gender. go figure! Its a bid deal to me! It is my name and its just rude for people to tell me its a guys name. They're pretty ignorant that FRANCES with an E is a french name and its for beautiful females. lol:)
oh and i remember one incident in college which also pushed my buttons a bit because my professor insisted that my name is pronounced or should be promounced as Franches from franchesca. I said no its frances. She said no its Franches because its how french pronounce it. She ended up calling me that the whole semester.:P Hated it:P
@Naomi17 (624)
27 Jun 07
Well Brian my name is rarely spelt right it should be Naomi but i get a wide range of versions lol Naiomi, Noimi.Niomi etc even big businesses do it lol
It started when i was at school now i just laugh about it so longs they get my name right on the cheques!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
LOL brain doesn't sound that bad, does it? You do have it :) As to names, people always got mine wrong here since it's foreign to them and their names are foreign to me so yes I will need them to spell it over the phone.
@stateroad (730)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Brian I am sorry people spell your name wrong. That is a very nice and easy name. Heyyy but look they are calling you a Brian which means they think you are very smart so that is a good sign right ? I never thought of sending the mail back. That is a very smart thing to do. Maybe that will teach them. I promise I will never spell it incorrect because I do not want you mad at me. Take Care my friend Bbbbbryaniannn :))) Sorry I am just teasing BRIAN.

@stateroad (730)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I was so perfect to spell your name right that I messed up my sentence about spelling it wrong. So I will try again. When people misspell your name as BRAIN they are saying you are very smart. I cannot not even spell it wrong on accident.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
My partner has that problem too. His name is Jeff but everyone spells it Geoff. Every time someone asks him for his name when he applies for something he has to say Jeff with a J lol.
I found it amusing at first but I see how it gets to him. The fact that my sister still spells it with a G even after me telling her three times it's spelled with a J gets to him even more.
This is happening more and more frequently with peoples name for some reason. The entire world is getting dumber. kids don't seem to be learning anything in School anymore.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
20 Feb 07
i do know a jeff and a geoff, too. but i don't mix their names up. i know who's Jeff and i know who is Geoff. it's my way of respecting them. i hope people try to remember the person's right spelling of their names. it hurts a bit when people can't get your name spelled right.
@hermitcrabheaven (645)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Yes, Brain, there are a lot of people who cannot spell my name correctly. First or last. In fact, my dad still cannot spell my first name the right way. He spells it M-I-L-L-E-S-A. It's Melissa. My last name is Jimenez, and is pronounced with an H sound. I'm more forgiving with that one because we generally don't pronounce it that way in English.
My maiden name was Rose. I thought it was hilarious when people would ask me how to spell it. My replay was always, "How do you spell it?"
@patootie (3592)
23 Feb 07
Ohh lorrs .. I bet I have done that more than once .. if I have I am so sorry .. it's my 'fibro dyslexia' .. I read the words I've put and they look ok .. but then days later if I see it again I can spot all the glaringly obvious typos ..
I once had a friend called Michael .. so few folks ever got his name right Michel, Michele Mikul .. he had them all ...
Lots of folks get my name wrong too .. they add a letter to the end of my first name and put in an extra letter in my surname .. I hate that ..
So 'Brainy Brian' be glad that folks 'only' get a little bit of your name wrong .. I mean it could be worse .. there's also Bryan, Brianne :o)
@superbren (856)
23 Feb 07
i think there ar so many different ways to spell names it is an easy mistake to make. Brain is a bit much though.i think thats just a case of thick syndrome.i have been called brendan several times and i always say do i look like a man.my daughters name is michaela and she gets called michael. silly people.my dad calls my children micky , the wee girl and charlie. of course he can get away with it as hes 92.their names are actually michaela , nicole and callum. slight difference. maybe we should wear name badges.
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Yes people misspell my name all the time- I am 42 and spell it Sandy but about 20 years ago people started spelling it Sandie, I gave up on trying to stop it! In your case I can understand, Brian and Brain are not even close LOL... that's my brother in laws name and he says the same exact thing!!! So every once in a while I will call him Brain to see if he's paying attention LOL.
@rissab (35)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I can see how you would be frustrated. But I don't see why you let it bother you. My name is Arrissia. The I before the A is silent. People have been spelling it wrong there are two of everything, and saying it wrong since Kindergarten. Now, I just let it go. I've been called everything from Marisa, to Theresa. How do you come up with Theresa! I know who I am. I've learned that the people who really love me took the time to learn how to spell my name correctly. So check your circle of friends. The ones that really care for you know how to spell your name. And as for family members... ah well, they're a package deal.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Oh my gosh... my last name is Benigno. You couldn't imagine the slaughtering I get!! I have even been called Miss BINGO. Bingo, does it look like bingo???
@beccacoward (525)
21 Feb 07
My names Becca and I get hundreds of spelling mistakes with my friends - my pet hate being B-E-C-K-A! If people know to spell REbecca, they should understand Becca. You just chop two letters off, really.
My boyfriend is dyslexic and he manages!
Bye BrIAn.