should american forces withdraw from iraq?

February 21, 2007 1:01am CST
I normally read in our local papers that Mrs Clinton wants America forces to withdraw from Iraq within 90 days. But it looks like the situation there is fragile that it needs their presence for a while. Now should they withdraw?
3 responses
@hafiz74 (268)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 07
They should withdraw from Iraq... They had make biggest mistake in the history with attacking other country. Surpose PBB should play the role as peace keeper. Not US. No matter what happen, US must withdraw thier trops from Iraq.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Tony Blair appears to be withdrawing his troops from that sandbox. Not sure how that will go. If we did the same thing then I think that their would be problems. More so than now. Am not sure what we should do now that we are there and obvious those people do not play with others very well. Touchy and no really good solutions.
• China
21 Feb 07
they should withdraw but once they withdraw, iraq will be in a great mass, so hard ,very hard, it's the sin commited by bush