!! 63,000 known defects in Windows !!
By lifemaximum
@lifemaximum (302)
February 21, 2007 2:11am CST
Developers may overlook security holes, users may do things nobody thought of, and not all systems are identical. Software developers are human and they make mistakes now and then, it happens, but of all major software vendors MICROSOFT has the worst record by far when it comes to the quality of their products in general.
Microsoft has forever been selling essentially the same software over and over again, in a variety of colorful new wrappers.
Windows 95- 98 and ME are descended from DOS and Windows 3.x, and contain significant portions of old 16-bit legacy code, these windows versions are essentialy DOS-based, with 32 bit extenssions. Process and resource management, memory protection and security were added as an afterthought and are rudimentary at best.
The windows product line totally is unsuited for applications where security and reliability are an issue, it is completely inescure, it may ask for a password but it won't mind if u dun supply one. there is no way to prevent the user or the applications from accessing and possibly corrupting the entire system , and each user can alter the systems's configuration, either by mistake or deliberately , of course some of those problem were the problem of the old windows and recently they have improved abit , but in fact very little has really improved.
The new features in new versons of Windows all show the same half-baked, patchy approch. for each fixed problem there is new problem introduced.
Even without any installation probles or serious crashes ( reinstalliation of os ) windows doesn't do the job very well, many users think it does, but they generally haven't experienced any alternatives. In fact window's unreliability has become commonplace and even proverbial : thee dreaded blue screen has featured in cartoons, screensavers and on t-shirts, it has appeared at airports and on buildings, and there has even been a Star Trek episode in which a malfuctioning space ship had to be switchhed off and back on in order to get it going (jus like windows).
On an older but still good desktop PC four or five simulataneous tasks are enough to tax windows multitasking capabilities to their limits, even with plenty of core memory available.
Althouygh they have been patched up to reduce the impact of some of the most serious problems, the basic flaws in the OS architecture remmain, a crashing application can still lock up the system or or throw it into a sudden and spontaneous warm reboot. Code separation, protection and sharing flaws.
Windows is quite fragile , and the OS can get corrupted quite easily. This happens most often during the installiation of updates, service pack, divers or application software and the problem exists in all versions of windows so far.
THe heart of the problem lies in the fact that windows can't separate applicationa dn operating system code and settings. Code gets mixed up when applications install portions of themeselves between files that belong to the operating system. Settings are written to a central registry that also stores vital OS settings. The registry database is basically insecure, and stting that are vital to the OS or to other application are easily corrupted.
for the full long article visit
PS. that is not my article( as in i didn write it) thought it was interesting decided to share with u all, the full article describes the major flows in details in it is quite long that is why i couldn't put the whole article here, read it and let me know what u think, IT is pretty interesting.
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7 responses
@nufoundglory (1353)
• Serbia And Montenegro
22 Feb 07
You didn't write it, it is not your article, yes. But did you type all that above??? Cos I believe users with posts below 500 still couldn't copy and paste, am I wrong? Woaah..

@nufoundglory (1353)
• Serbia And Montenegro
22 Feb 07
Humn....in that case, i did have "a few courses of programming". That was the thing in the past now though.
@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 07
oh yeas i typed it all out. It wasn't too much. Well i guess i am used to type so much . I can type quite fast it is alrite , after u do a few courses of programming u will be a faster typer turst me,

@Dano11 (173)
• United States
22 Feb 07
It really boggles the mind....
One of the most powerful and riches young companies in the world, and despite the fat that they come back again and again with the same problems and conflicts, with minimal or no improvement on their weaknesses, they still continue to sell, sell, sell...
That was an excellent article, thanks for putting that in here my friend. Funny how Windows has so many problems, I managed to hold an installation for 2 years on my desktop, but it was about the most boring two years I've spent on a computer. Once I had my necessary programs installed, I DIDN"T PLAY WITH IT :-0. No games, no testing of different softwares, just don't tinker with it. I didn't even allow updates after the blasted blaster update.
My kids computers on the otherhand get rebooted about every 3 months from downloading one game after another. How pathetic... It used to be Americans took pride in theri workmanship, we wanted to do the best job we possibly good, not it has turned into political and contractural BS. This is where I really hope the Linux thing is heading, but someone needs to universalize it, and wedge themselves in between BG and IBM love relationship, which means someone needs to be sharp enough to break their pre-nup. LOL
I'd really like to install that second party Vista transformation pack, but guess what, I"M SCARED TO TINKER WITH MY WINDOWS....
Thanks for the topic LifeM
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@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 07
yea, u see i see ppl around use windows complain so much about it having hard time, and they think windows are the best cause they spend 300 USD and it comes from Microsoft. They think Microsoft is God and can't make no mistake, the problem is they never used anything else in their life, and than u tell them about linux and than they say oh no it is hard. they even never tried it before, the new linux with all these nice enviroments like KDE are as easy as windows. It is a different system , it has diferent file managemnt but notthing too hard really depending on what u use,u could learn it in no time, Last sem one of my friend lost his assignment while he was trying to print it on xp on the day of submission, now how would u think he felt all because windows was unreliable his future was almost jeapordize but thank God he had a back up of the earlier versions on the pen drive, so we drove back to his place and started finishing it and printing it.
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@smacksman (6053)
21 Feb 07
The force behind Microsoft is brilliant marketing to corner the market.
If Apple (and Sun) had opened their doors to other manufacturers in the beginning then we might all be talking about Steve Jobs now.
We had different flavours of DOS (not all fully compatible) and GUI's but then Gates took the step to get pc manufacturers to BUNDLE the operating system and even Works with a new pc at a cut down price - much lower than an individual could buy both. A brilliant move.
The fact that the software is crap has nothing to do with it!
I have had to buy Vista because I fix peoples pc's. It's just as bad as before but maybe in different directions!
@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 07
Well said , i jus had to give it the best response.
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@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 07
i am glad u liked it , any suggestions wat do u think ? what do u think of microsoft?
@liu_hongdi361 (116)
• China
21 Feb 07
From the high frenquency update, i can imagin the defect in windows. if we just do some home work, that's no problerm, but if we do some privacy work, it's too terrible.
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@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 07
yea i always tell my friends if u have to run windows to get it updated , dun connect it to the net , dun put uknown software in it. Windows is quite fregile.
@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 07
i meant to say if u have to run windows dun get it updated.somehow i forgot to put the work dun inside the sentence.
@christophermaloth (19)
• India
21 Feb 07
Thanks a lot dude. That was cool reading.
So, the great "pun intended" MICROSOFT is actually micro soft, too small and soft :)). Thank you for the links too. Keep up the good work.
Guys like you might change the world.
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@lifemaximum (302)
• Malaysia
21 Feb 07
hahah Micro Soft that was funny , too small and soft i like that , i am glad u liked it .
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
24 Feb 07
The overall presentation of this material is quite impressive, but the article is not as valid as it appears to be. The whole essence of the article is blatantly biased and takes advantage of every opportunity to offer a one sided argument against Windows in favour of Linux.
This is evident in the statement that the root of the problem is caused by thousands of programmers developing their own piece of code which is then stitched together. Surely this is very true for Linux as well?