Scary Story
By sechsey
@sechsey (1831)
February 21, 2007 2:19am CST
Ever had a scary story to share? Or a close encounter somehow?
Mine happened or i thought it happened when maybe i was 11 or 12 years old. We just left a relative's family gathering and on our way back to the city. Growing up ive always heard ghost stories about white ladies dressed in what else, white.
i was seated at the back of the car with my cousin and i in the middle with my brother next to me. Dad was driving the car that time when we decided to stop so he can take a leak somewhere. It was getting dark already , perhaps 530 or 6pm ehre in the Philippines. We stopped on a highway where no cars have passed by for awhile. The side of the road were just tall grass. It was so quiet and i remember hearing only the sound of the breeze blowing with grass. When my dad was about to hop back in, the car suddenly moved, like it was being pushed. Not too much though but enough for us to be surprised. My dad thought it was weird because even though we werent pushed, we were in leveled part of the highway and not going downhill or anything. We were perhaps about 4 or 5meters away the place we stopped when i turned around and i saw her. Or i thought it was a her since she was dressed in a long white dress and had a long hair.i looked away and i Got scared. I looked backed again after a split second and no one was there anymore. i told my cousin about it and she didnt see anything. To me that was creepy. I couldnt have imagined it but i dont know. No one believed me about it and told me i was just a kid full of stories in my head.:P
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16 responses
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Wheeww! That was creepy..good story.
Sometimes we dont really believe our eyes saw because we really afraid to admit that was happening lol!
True to the fact that if you will tell that story at very young age nobody believe's you no matter how oscar award winning style you made ha!ha!ha!
I myself have some few scary vibes everytime we passed by at Duenas (pleas don't be offend if some mylot members who came from this place) Opps I was a half ilonggo and half capiznon that enough was scary for everybody capiz ewww! where flying humans hailed! that was old folklore stories capiz is where mar roxas lives lol!
One evening when we are about to go home to capiz from iloilo to deliver stocks of live goat we purchase in guimaras island there was part of the road that was kindda downhill and rocky not yet repair because it is not election yet lol! that part of the road was very dark no house and more on tall bamboos and it was part of duenas wheew the elf just swayed 45 degrees luckily our driver is professional enough to control it I was holding my rosary that very moment and after we pass over that road no one ever talk everybody was speechless.
That was so weird, we reached our place and try to tell what happen to some elders and they commented so much about the weird road and some elders says that it was really a accident prone area and that is where they said Kapitan guimo staying most of the time don't know but kindda freak me really.
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
lol i remember a story about my cousin in antique. My paternal grandfather came from there but everyone grew up here in Leyte so one of my cousin with my dad went to antique for the first time in their life to visit some long lost relatives. They were pretty scared going anywhere without anyone because of all the stories about flying witches and half bodied humans:P
@LisaSmeg (1)
• United States
21 Feb 07
When my boyfriend and I lived in Arizona, we would frequently go out hiking in the desert at night. It was much cooler at night, and we would be able to see more of the wildlife that lives in the desert. We had this one place that we really liked to go, that was off of a "main" road. I say main road, but there really was never much traffic on it. The town itself only had about 5oo people. The town was right on the Colorado River, and was on a Native American reservation. Anyway, one night when we were out walking around, I wandered away from my boyfriend, which was pretty common for us to go our seperate ways. Also, we were both in the habit of turning off our flashlights whenever we saw a car coming down the road. We weren't doing anything wrong, we just didn't want to drawy the wrong kind of people to us out in the middle of no where. So this one evening, while I was off wondering by myself, lost in my own little world, I saw a car coming down the main road. I turned my flash light off, and waited a few minutes for the car to pass out of sight. While I was standing there in the dark, I heard someone whisper right behind me "Follow me." I thought my boyfriend had somehow snuck up on me, and was behind me trying to scare me. At that moment, my boyfriend turned his flashlight back on. Only thing was he was about 800 feet away from me! I turned my flashlight on and started looking around me, and there was nothing there. I started hot stepping it back to my boyfriend, and didn't leave his side for the rest of the night! It scared me at the time, but afterwards I really wished I hadn't just run away. We went back to that spot numerous times, but I never saw or heard anything again.
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Wow. It doesn't surprise me that no one believed you though. People often don't listen to kids. My mother never believed anything I heard or saw. I remember staying awake most of the night once when I was a child. I could hear footsteps and heavy breathing outside my bedroom window. I got up and told mom and dad. Dad got up to look around but he looked in the basement not outside my window so he didn't see anything. Mom told me to go to sleep and that nothing was out there. The next morning I awoke and still heard footsteps and breathing. It was light outside so I was brave enough to pull back the curtains and look. There was a cow staring me in the face. My neighbors cows had gotten out the night before and were in our yard.
@marjonelle (798)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Oh, I had a lot, as in a lot. You said you saw a white lady far from you. What if the white lady is standing in front of you? What would you do? Another is when you follow a person thinking that she is your mom but when she turned to you, she has a furrowed face? What would you do? Another is when you have a close encounter to a demon thru a spirit of the glass, what would you do? Maybe you're wondering what I did when I experienced all those.... I just RUN!!!! It were really scary dear.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
It's interesting that if we think about it basically everyone has some kind of scary story, and although some can easily have an explanation some are more puzzling.
I don't remember any scary story, but there is something odd happening lately with me. I'm not teaching this year, I am working on a more administrative capacity and my office is in an area of my school that is basically isolated. There are only two offices there, mine and the one for the daycare supervisor, and both of us are not there all the time, so at times there's only one of us in there at a time. One of the things she commented with me was the often she would hear some sort of banging that seemed to be in some sort of a pattern. I had heard that too and we laughed it off as being the pipes from an old school, last week she told me that for a whole day her door kept closing by itself. SHe kept opening it and it would close back again. I didn't experience that but i was away. Again we laughed it off and looked for an open window that could be making this happen. Now since monday something had has been happening. There is an old halway that goes into the school yard. Generally nobody uses it but us. The light switch to turn on the lights outside our doors is oddly at the end of that hallway beside the door that leads to the yard. Usually the one that comes first goes there and turns on the lights. But lately whenever we start walking in that direction the lights turn on, but themselves. WE're still joking about it that there might be a problem with a wire or something but it's still odd.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
LOL , that is actually very nice :) We thought about being someone else turning them on the first time, but there's hardly anyone else passing by there and the only way the person could have passed was either by us, or going out the door to the yard and we would see that from where we are.
We still think that it might be some wiring thing, but hey, we're not complaining hehe
@christieswebb (238)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I lived in an old dr's house. He used to have patients in my room. My phone would ring at night and there would be no one there. One time I got up and snwered it and asked them to stop and it did.
Also my bathroom would get steamy even if I hadn't used the shower. The lights would turn off or on whenever I went into the room. I would say thank you as a nice jesture for their help.
@vinney_143 (662)
• India
22 Feb 07
hey.... these stories are really scary, but hardly i could believe it. i dont believe in the existence of ghosts and things like that. anyway, i felt a bit of my adrenalin running as i read thorugh your story. All the BEst
@dbeast (1495)
• India
22 Feb 07
this is my story.when i was a kid i was playing hide and seek in the night.i was the one to seek.i was searching for my frieds and caught them all and made them sit in the couch.there was only one guy who i didnt find.finally i ran into the bedroom which was dark with no light and looked into the bed and found out a person hiding there.he smiled at me and had really gleaming eyes and i asked him to come out but he refused and kept smiling at me.finally i ran out to tell my friends that i had caught the last guy and to my shock that guy was sitting in the same couch as the other must imagine how i would have felt.i totally got spooked out.i ran back in and looked under the bed and didnt see did i have a restless seep that day on the bed.
this is another story from my friend.he used to get visits from a clear faced spirit of a girl who was in some kind of distress.she used to beg him to come to her and help friend got really spooked out and went completely berserk.everone thought that it was just his imagination but still theyt ook him to the church and took care of him that day.the next day again at the exact same time she came back again and started asking him to come to her.he was speechless and this spirit was leaning on a wall since there was a picture of Christ.she kept pleading and all of a sudden she went wild and started threatening him.even to hear the story i used to get spooked out.the guy sufferred from fever for a few days until he was taken to a church and was made calm there.
@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Hi sechsey. You're from the Phils., so you may have heard of Mt.Makiling in Laguna. The stories about it being enchanted are true. We went camping there when I was in high school and all sorts of things started happening, the highlight of which was that one of my classmates was possessed by an elemental. We did not believe it at first, we thought she was just making fun of our fear. But we took her to a local healer and he said that the elemental wanted my classmate to stay and live with them.
Another time was when i was already working. I was on overtime and was busy typing a report. And then i felt the chair next to me move closer and i heard a creak as if somebody or something sat down. I absolutely froze, felt the goosebumps on my neck, and started to whisper a prayer. And then i asked whatever it was to please stop scaring me and go away. I felt it leave and then i ran downstairs and went home without finishing my report.
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@ettidollars (74)
• Nigeria
4 Mar 07
well that was really scary one.I also heared of such stories like ghost visiting people who live very close to the cemetary or motuary, and this always make me reject any offer of living with my aunt who is living near cemetary.
@sahibz (13)
• Pakistan
22 Feb 07
ghost exsist as it its written in The Sacred and The Holy Quran that ghost exsist.They also lead life like us but are made up of fire which me cannot see.Some ghost are muslims and some are not it depends upon them whether to accept islam or not.I am a student and reader of Holy Quran and it is very informative giving idea abt life and how to live it piously and be awarded by jannat.In fact i have never seen ghost but i believe in them because The Holy Quran is word Of AllAh the All Knowing and Creator of all
@TinWolf (184)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I was raised by my grandparents on their farm, and given a bedroom that was papered in Chocolate brown with large white flowers imprinted.
By the time most kids have nightmares they can recall, I was having mine. At night in the corner of the walls and ceiling, the flowers became Mice, or Rats, and ran around the perimeter, hence pushing me to move UNDER the bed to sleep and be safe. Silly? Sure.
Made even more silly because most kids think, in a nightmare sense, that UNDER THE BED is where ALL the MONSTERS are... or in a closet. I had no such thoughts when I wanted to escape the White Floral Rats.
In the morning my grandmother would find me still alive and not "nibbled" on. My grandparents did change the enviornment to a more suitable one, but by the age of 6 or 7, especially in Summer, I often slept out on the roof below my bedroom window, blanketed by Stars. AND never thought much about the frequent WOLF tourists finding their way to the farm.
Steven Wolf
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@lovemydsdominik (282)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I totally believe you! when I was a kid, there was a cemetary really close to our house, so one night, my brothers, me and a couple of our friends snuck to the cemetary and were messing around- we were saying things to provoke spirits I suppose and at the same time we all heard a noise by one of the gravestones and when we all turned to look, we saw a spirit/ghost- we freaked out, screamed and ran home! I don't see how we could have all imagined the same thing, we didn't tell our parents because we didn't want to get in trouble- but we never went in that graveyard again! or even close to it for that matter.
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@cvdrpepper53 (218)
• United States
6 Mar 07
wow that sounds kind freaky, but here is a story may top it all i think.
awhile back when i was in middle school, me and a few friend was at a school yard playing, we saw someone or something walk up to the restroom, kinda of werid looking person, so we get up to follow him, on the way up the stair we saw blood on the floor but when we get up to the bathroom there is no one there, and the fact is there is no back door and cant get out from the window, so to this day we never know what really happend, but it sure freak us out back than.
@narendra_bhatia (48)
• India
22 Feb 07
Actually dear, I personally feel that it was all your doubt and nothing else.