Can you Picture out how does future city looks like let say 200 years from now?
By maribel1218
@maribel1218 (3085)
February 21, 2007 3:01am CST
This thought cross my mind while I was about to finish several pages of Constitutional Law, I just wondering if that laws I was trying to study was still in effect 200 years from now lol!
To relax my mind I sign in on myLot and asked this question to play with my imagination once in awhile.
As for me future seems to be a push button community wherein everything comes in handy. Where flying cars are not usual sight, opps well I must leave some stuff to you guys share it with us what do yout think of the future city of yours?Have a nice day! I'm on a coffee break.
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20 responses
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
21 Feb 07
It's at the satage now where almost anything you could possibly imagine, could one day become a reality. However I don't think we'll ever be able to travel back or forward in time. Also I have my doubts that the world in 200 years will resemble the way we live today in any shape or form. Cars, trains etc. will be obsolete, and personal transportation will be the way to go. Air traffic as we know it will also be a thing of the past. Would I like to live then? I don't think so.
Personally I think we will probably have self destructed by 2200. Sad thought as it may be.
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Very well said mipen. The only thing that I wonder is that during 15th century some of the genius mind think that when year 2000 came that will be the end of the world but here we are continue struggling with life.
We are long gone during those years but I really want that earth still exist in able for the next generation to live and experience the wonders of life.
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
There are possibilities that earth will be gone but I still keep my hopes high that it will still exist for the new generation.
@raeleighb (384)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well I try not to think to much about what the future will look like. Honestly, I believe that if the world continues to do nothing about global warming there wont be much of a future left. But I think this is a great discussion and would just like to say recnetly I've been thinking about living underwater because I heard it in a song and thought, its possible people will live in under water communities. The song is by The Jonas Brothers, its called "Year 3000." The lyrics go like this, "She said'I went to the year 3000, not much has changed but they lived underwater, and your great great great grand daughter is doing fine'."
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
That was one good idea living under water that would be possible with all innovative idea that would be great but it should be a shark free zone to be safe lol! thanks raeleighb!!!
@alienstar (5142)
• India
21 Feb 07 are imagining this earth after 200 years...! the big question mark is will the earth survive for another 200 years.....! it doesn't look so as all indications of world ending and starting again everything fresh are theer to be seen isn't it? all major disastors have started to happen now and maybe in 200 years chances are nothing will remain here.....200 yesrs is really a long time..
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
I really think so earth will survive for another 200 years for we survive for 2000 years lol!
I dont really want to forsee our beloved earth gone in those times that will be very sad thought but if we are not getting serious on protecting our environment this will happen earth will be gone as you said.
Thanks alienstar.
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@Rittings (673)
21 Feb 07
Not really, because who knows what kind of technological breakthru's are due to happen in the future. But we have to consider the real possibility that we as humans won't be here in 200 years time. We are busy busy killing the planet on which we live, so it's quite possible that due to global warming, we might be forced underground to live like sewer rats. And that wil be our just deserves for the way we have all treated this planet.
I am not a big conservationist or anything, but you have to admit that the tell tale signs of global warming are very evident. In the UK we now suffer from longer summers and and hotter weather conditions that we are used to. We have just had one of the wierdest winters ever... it felt like we didn't even have an autumn! And the daffodils all came up in winter, rather than spring, and when the snow hit, they were all killed or traumatised.
I don't foresee a future for humans. Sorry for being morbid, but that's a fact.
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
You really scared me rittings lol! I still want the earth to exist and that we are part of the history lol!
Global warming can't be ignore really it causing all of us to think that if we dont act right now we all be extinct in the future. You are not morbid my friend, you are just stating your honest view and I like it!!!
@bluewings (3857)
24 Feb 07
Oh I think if we revisit our planet in 2207 in a time machine we won't recognise a thing and 'they' would conclude we are from the neanderthal era ,lol.Nah,they can't be that misinformed coz they'll be all brainy people,well,at least wiser than all of 'us'.I wonder if size of their brain would be larger than ours coz our ancestors,the ones with the tails,had smaller ones than we have.No disrespect intended.let's see...we will have a flying car by 2012 So,that would be obsolete in 2207.Yeah,the present books of constitution would go straight out of the window.Remember when gambling used to be illegal?? Go to vegas and you can't even dare to think of that now.Could there be portable homes ?? Who'll want to stay in a hotel if you could shrink your houses and carry them in your pocket ?? Hey,at some point even flying looked impossible,right ?? By then,AIDS and bird flu would be history and they would perhaps be able to operate on self! Offices would be a thing of the past,everyone will work from their home.Stem cells would allow us to grow any workable organs we need .So,prosthetic parts won't be necessary.We'd be travelling with lightyear speed .So,we would miss the feeling of missing someone.What I am not sure though is if robots would work for us or we for them! I wish the superhumans recognise us as their ancestors.Otherwise,I'd feel grossly disrespected :-(.Now,I want to go to 2207.Now where did I keep my wand? :-P
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
Very well said, I can't comment anything I think you deserve the best response lol!!!
@bluewings (3857)
2 Mar 07
Wow,Thanks!!!:-D That's All I can say right now!lol Never thought my future could win me a prize in my present,lol.
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
I guess it'd be like in star strek or gattaca but I don't think fying cars will be not so so yet into for the future it may take a while.
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@bkwiatv1 (605)
• United States
21 Feb 07
o man talk about somthing i have been wanting to talk about. The city of the future is going to be awsome. every one is going to have a micro chip planted in them that hast there drivers liscense, credit card, ss #, and everything else you can think of. To min. shop lifting all the stores are going to have electronic scanners around there door frame so when some one walks out with somthing it automatically gets deducted from there credit card. everyone will be in personal flying transports. all the buildings will be nice dimond plates that is hard to break up when attacked or in a natural disaster.
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
beautifully stated bkwiatv1. You really made a good picture of what future really like. Thanks
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
A future where a person's lifespan is shorter than it was back in the old days because of an easier way of life. Flying cars, robots for servants, nanotechnology, advances in medical science. Just a little taste of the future. :)
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
right now all i can think of is how to be alive on that maybe all cars fly and very high tech gadgets flying around..
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
ha!ha!ha we are ashes that time my friend!! I really love to have a flying car maybe they can have it soon!!
@punitgarg (13)
• India
22 Feb 07
well i am from punjab and as far as i am cocerned i think is see my city as deveoped in terms of agriculture and infrastructure.
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
thanks porgie! Welcome to myLot!
Avatar looks creepy lol!! Thanks for dropping a line.
@vuezta (35)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yeah... the future can look something similar to that.. mostly skyscrappers to fit all the people that will be born.... the longer life we will have.. and business that will bloom... as for cars.. who knows... but as of right now.. we already have cars that can fly... its just that its not into mass production and there are no rules for car air travel... so i dont think its going to go public until generations later..
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@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
21 Feb 07
haha remember how people used to think that by the year 2000 there'd be flying cars? I haven't seen any lately. I don't think things will be as dramatically changed as we like to imagine or fantasize. Of course their will be new technologies, buildings fasions, social norms, but I don't think it will be that different. People in 1807 really weren't THAT different from us now. They dressed different, talked more formally, and had a differently based economy, but they still yearned for the same things we yearn for now. Love, family, success, money, etc. Those things aren't going to change any time soon.
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@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
There is truth in your statement rarrimalion and I really appreciate your views. I really thinks our earth do exist that time maybe there are some slight innovation and new advance technology but basic needs are fairly the same. thanks.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Everything down to the human beings will be computerized.
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@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I would like to think our earth will still be here otherwise my greatgrandchildren will be extinct. I think our transportation system will change. We may have some space communities by then. It will still be in the expermental stages but there will a community of families living there. Buildings on earth will be taller to house our growing population.
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@merlin_002 (54)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
In my opinion, after 200 years from now... there will be no or very less humans & animals... because of the International Affairs & all the wars which are & will come with in these 200 years. Its very difficult to imagine anything... right now. When the wars will take place everything will be destroyed. It will be like "The Day of Judgement"... but not exactly the "Day of judgement" becuse the real thing would be SO WORST that no body from could hardly imagine it. But if however, humanity survived till that long, it would be quiet different & ADVANCE. There would be Humanoid Robots... doin jobs like us... as you can see in the movies like Star Trek etc etc. Besides, who cares we wont be here to see what it would be like after 200 years... so why to care for it?
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@money01 (85)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 07
i like city that we living it stop producing polution,give much more greenfield for tree, very modern trasportation system like transporter gate. So there is no more car traffic
airplane crash,just step on the transporter gate put coordinate that u want to go,tadaaa...welcome to the island of dream,but it just a dream...:)
from now just save our planet from destruction.
love green
@kaushikkodali (45)
• India
22 Feb 07 is bit diffycult to imagine how the city will be after 200 years..its not even 20 or 50 years..directly 200..yep good every body guss after 200 years there will be drastic doubt in it.
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