For those who grumble about getting paid

@orcanut (146)
February 21, 2007 7:27am CST
I joined myLot yesterday and have posted or responded 14-15 times. I've read a lot of the postings about people complaining about getting paid. First, it makes sense to only get paid per post or response (it would be nice if we could get paid per response to the discussions that we start, but it would be nice if it were summer all the time and it would be nice if I won the lottery too). Second, I think the real payback comes from being able to express yourself freely, and get feedback, tips, help, support, whatever. I was literally thrilled this morning to see that I had earned .53 cents!! I'm not sure how that works, but, hey, I'll take it. I guess to me, like most things on the net, it isn't real money. I kinda look at that aspect as trying to get the best possible score. If we are insightful, perhaps whitty, funny and thoughful and respectful - maybe they reward that. The real point is that I think we are here to help each other - whether it is advice for parents, financial struggles, opinions on topics in the news or whatever - we all have something to say and myLot is giving us the place to say it.
4 responses
@cafay1 (256)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I am new to mylot also and I am enjoying the chats. I spend a lot of my days alone at home and find this very intertaining. I would like to make some money at it but that is just icing on the cake. Good luck to you too.
@orcanut (146)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I wasn't "grumbling" just wondering - but you might wanna read my post today on "getting hooked"! - best of luck to you as well!
@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
21 Feb 07
i agree with you to an extent it is a very good website to discuss with people around the world getting all their ideas and a general place to while away your time and the money we are paid here is a bonus for us one cant say that they are here just to discuss and nothing more than that cos we do like money and it is earned by us il bet many of them will leave mylot if they arnt paid cos some of them are very busy ppl and this is just like a pocket money for some so totally sayin dat money is nowhere an issue would be wrong cos money matters too btw 15 points and 53 cents is very good keep it up
1 person likes this
@orcanut (146)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I wish it was pocket change! Realistically, .53 cents won't even buy a cup of coffee - good thing i don't drink coffee eh? I thought they paid about 2 cents per post - I wish I knew what I was doing to keep up at! Thanks!
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
28 May 09
I see this post was made three years ago... wow. Did you take a leave from myLot because I see you haven't even made a hundred posts yet. :) I'm one of the people who often complain about getting paid. It just so happens that there really are some of us who joined for the money - if this site wouldn't pay, there are other avenues that would let us express ourselves, etc :P There's no harm in hitting two birds with one stone but there IS harm when payment is promised but it doesn't arrive. For example: I reached minimum payout on the last month but was not paid on the 15th of May. After a few days, my earnings were cut. What was that? I asked myLot, I didn't get any reply. Thanks for the response on my discussion!
@mikeley (318)
26 May 09
Hey:) First of all welcome to Mylot:D Secondly well done for earning that much in one day! Whatever your doing its obviously right:D Most Ive earned in a day is 0.26 which i was quite proud because before when i wasn't working on here as much the most i got was about 0.14 lol Hope to see you around and have fun :) Mikey:)