you MEET someone NEW do you JUDGE them by their APPEARANCE or what they SAY?
@texasclassygal (5305)
United States
February 21, 2007 8:29am CST
We all make initial impressions of people we meet within the first 15 minutes of meeting them (consensus says), so how do you JUDGE someone? Is it on their appearance, their mannerism, how they speak and present themselves?? Me, as shallow as it is I usually base my preception on their appearance. I always look at their shoes (if they are clean and neat it means they take pride in their appearance) then their teeth (if they are white and clean it means they care about how they look) and their eyes (if they look at you when they are talking they are sincere). How do you base your initial impression of someone when you first meet them?
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56 responses
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
21 Feb 07
To a point I guess I do judge what a person is like. I look right into their eyes and see if they do the same to me, I'll shake their hand and see how they react, I'll see how easy they smile, I'll see how clean or dirty they are..I mean their clothes can be old, but if the clothes are relatively clean, and the person dosn't smell bad, and their hair is fairly clean, that tells me positive things about the person. Also, the first words out of their they start talking about their own hard luck? Or do they speak needlessly? I like people that are witty and observant, myself. Who don't talk too much.
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@xionous (439)
• Belgium
22 Feb 07
all i do is look at them first. if he is okay i go and talk to them and if i like them i look at their clothes, how clean they are, how gentle they are and if they have any sence of humar. to me when i first meet some one, appearance does a lot but the only difference can some one make if his attitude is different then others.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
WEll as a rule i tend not to judge anyone ,specially without knowing them enough to form and opinion. Sure I do take in the general appearance, but that does not necessarily influence my views about that person. I would like to be able to talk to the person, learn a bit about her/him, get an idea of who the person really is.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
21 Feb 07
It is always first impression for me. I look at how they are dressed, I look at their teeth and the shoes too. in a Man I always look at the fingernails, that's how you can tell how clean they are. I always like to look my best when I go out of the house.
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
usually when i first meet someone i'm pretty apprehensive. I don't want anyone getting too close, and many people in my life hever just NEVER gotten in.... The few that do are special to me more than they will ever know, because somehow they had the ability to get 'under my skin'
But when i meet someone i can't say that i judge them, because i spend more time being apprehensive towards them that i don't look at who they really are until they relax, and start showing the real them, because that's the way i am...
There's so many different types of people that i know, and have ever met that i learned one valuable thing, and that's to never start on the appearance. Once i calm down i talk to them, ask questions, get to know them inside, if possible, and then i make my judgements, not for who they are, but for what their like.
Though like you, i do look at their eyes, because you can tell so many things from a person's eyes.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
Yes, i actually wrote an article on this. From my research, we are not judged in 15 minutes, but it is more like 3...thats right...3 minutes! People take a quick perusal of how you look and are dressed etc...just like you said...
sad but true and even if we say we dont do this, we all do it at some point...while you are waiting for transit, on an elevator etc...
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Thanks for clarifying that I always heard the first 15 minutes but 3 minutes is even less time to judge someone, guess that is why we judge mostly by clothing instead of personalty, thanks for contributing
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I do the thing with shoes too .. something about if they are shoes are neat and clean that makes them a better person, unsure if it works or not. Thanks for contributing
@xmanifold (455)
• Nigeria
22 Feb 07
appearance really matters to me,i take cognisance of that first,i don't know why.i easily fall for beautiful ladies since i'm a man
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Feb 07
I go by Personality, how the Person comes across to me, how they speak to me, what type of Person they are. I normally know in a very short time whether I will like and trust this Person or not. I do not go by Appearance or how they look, to me that is irrelevent
@smkwan2007 (1036)
• Hong Kong
22 Feb 07
Yeah, one's appearance does give people some kind of good or bad impressions, especial when they meet each other for the first time. But experience tells me that judging others from the first impressions is always not accurate. I had a school mate who looked exactly like a bad guy by his appearance. His face was always fierce looking and he talked like gangsters from the criminal organizations. Yet he was the one who helped me out when I was hit by a bench fell down on my left foot in an accident which made me unable to walk temporarily. He took me to see the doctor for treatment. He also helped me return home after the treatment.
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@yana0806 (565)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
When I met someone ofcourse my initial impression was base from his appearance or his gestures and mannerisms! But it will definitely change when I start to know him much better and talk to him often! That only proves that first impression through appearance won't last yet it will change!
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@c45hfl0w (77)
• Latvia
22 Feb 07
I judge them by why they say, how they presen themselves because sometimes man in simple clothing can be better person than the one wearing really expensive and stylish clothing. Actually I hate if someone judgde people by their clothing and style, that's not correct, especialy when they judge anybody by how EXPENSIVE the clothing brand is.
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@ankitsingh225 (155)
• India
22 Feb 07
When I meet somebody,the appearance surely makes an impression on me but if the mannerism and the behavior is not satisfactory then i do not get along with that particular person.
@psmanian (40)
• India
22 Feb 07
Even we come across cases like a person whom we belived as a gentle man is really a hard core criminal. A person can make his first impression as best impression and we should not fell prey for it and make wrong judgements. The real impression can be made by discussing with them various subjects and their reaction and also absorbing their eye movements.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
22 Feb 07
Nice topic. You've chosen something that everybody does. All of us have the habit of judging each other by their appearance, looks, attire, style of speech, body language etc. Yes, even I judge a person when I meet him/her first. But usually, I try to be as positive as I can and not rush to conclusions. I observe their face and eyes. I look straight into their eyes first. And then their hair and also their body language. Looking at their style of speech, and the kind of words they use, all of this gives us an impression about the person. A general outline of their psychology. But above all, I look at their inner qualities. I see how true they are. In general, I make an impression from their style of talking, even though if they are shabbily dressed. It's their attitude that I observe and not their material achievement. I always judge the person from his/her attitude.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Thanks, it is a topic I have always been curious about, good to hear everyone else's opinion, thank you for sharing.
@NancyLobo (680)
• India
22 Feb 07
Mostly I look at the overall appearance but from the talks you can make out how the person may be sometimes the person maybe very glamorous but when you talk to them you find that they are really down to earth individuals, how they behave with you whether they are polite and rude you can find out in the way they present themselves
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@jeraldanmarie (472)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
well I usually base my impression for the first time on how he/she talk and her manners. also I look on the eyes for our eyes cannot hide your true person
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@superbren (856)
22 Feb 07
i suppose we do judge by appearance bt it doesnt stop me making friends with someone even if they look kinda different to me.i have a friend who is built like a man and dresses like one. she has no interest in fashion , hair , makeup, total opposite to me but i find her refreshing and quite funny . i wouldnt like to spend too much time with her though as she is quite narrowminded and that annoys me.
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@divyagupta (94)
• India
22 Feb 07
well it seems you have an understanding of body language.. but i do not completely agree with your opinion. Someone with clean shoes,white teeth might also be a fraud! I say one should watch the other fellows words. His teeth(mouth) should be clean as well as his words. Even his behavior counts. Keenly watch his acts and you can easily judge him.
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