Roomates- I will never do this again

United States
February 21, 2007 9:38am CST
Ever try to help someone out and get really messed over? I had taken in a male friend of mine because he got kicked out of where he was staying.He only had to pay $75 a week.I have a big house with a pool and a large job.Pretty cheap for him.Well he was great at first. Then he started blowing his money at the bar.He never brang food into the house.My then fiance and I had to put our food in our bedroom.He would wait for us to go to bed and totally wipe out the kitchen.I would ask what happened to my ground beef he would say "someone else must have at it"He would lie straight to our faces.He would even take my son's lunch that he made for work! We even had to put our toothpaste,shampoos our room.He new we needed money as my fiance was in the hospital and lost his job.WE finally kicked him out and when he left he took a whole chicken,5 pounds of ground beef a 3 foot long pepperoni stick and bread! He still denies it and says "someone else took it. He did not pay for 3 weeks and tells people I just threw him out on the street.There are so many stories about what he did it is unbelievable.You would think he was young but he was 49 yrs old.Anyone have this kind of roomate?
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6 responses
@banadux (630)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I stayed with a friend of mine when times were hard, but I put all the money I made into paying him back until I owed nothing and when I was back on my feet I moved out. I was very grateful for the support I got from this friend and will always be in their debt. I later found a friend that seemed to need the same help so I let them stay with me. The friend ended up not getting a job, going from paying the rent to being behind on the rent and generally just being annoying and messy. After a while it became apparent the situation was being taken advantage of he had no intention of getting back on his own two feet. He eventually moved in with another friend who has been going through the same thing with him. It's a shame there are people like this who take advantage of friends and then ruin it for people who can genuinely use the help.
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@lovepk58 (57)
• Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
22 Feb 07
did u love some one and hate some one
• United States
22 Feb 07
He was good at first and then I began to hate him.He was only a friend and lived with me,my sson and my husband.I started hating him because he would say on Fridays I will be back later with the rent.So my husband would put his paycheck in the bank and we wpould plan to use his money until the check cleared.If he did not come back that ment we had no money until my husbands work check cleared,That was usually noy until Mon.Yet he would go out to the bar every night and we could not do anything because all our money was in the bank!
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
Wow never had that kind of a room mate. I just hope he learns from this experience as I think you've learned yours from the experience you've had. I really do not see any problem on your side. I see that it was a genuine effort for you to help him out but it was abused by the person. I think you are just right in letting him go.
• United States
21 Feb 07
ive had many many issues with roommates... nothing quite like your situation but still bad none the less! a few years ago i had let my former best friend and her husband and their 3 kids come and live with me until they could get a place of their own. now they did pay their share of the bills (eventhough i should have charged them more for then half of the water bill).. but their kids destroyed my house! 2 windows were broken (and the kid who did it not even diciplined!) which were never paid for by them or repaired (came out of my deposit once i moved out).. my livingroom carpet get ruined by all the dirt the kids tracked in the house! kool aid stains in the carpets as well which i couldnt get out! i ended up having to go without heat for 2 days because her kids clogged up the exhaust pipe for my heat outside, and my heater couldnt work.. i had to hide toilet paper in my bedroom because her kids would use by far TOO much and i wasnt about to start paying for a new roll of toilet paper several times a day! and many many many more things! and this is only one of my bad roommate experiences so i totally understand where u are coming from! glad u got him out though!
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think that I like my roomate better.I baby sit 2 little girls sometimes.I used to let them spend the night but not anymore.They too started to get into too much in my house. I now watch them over their house.We had our toilet paper in our bedroom too!LOL.We had to put a lock on our door because he would go in there and use our stuff.My house did not get ruined too much.Only he had no furniture so he used my deceased moms.I was so mad when he left.You know he did not even come back for a week to get his stuff.He only had a TV and some clothes.Sad for someone who is 49.
@Fishish (696)
• India
21 Feb 07
no i never had one. and u did have a bad time. it is a good lesson for others as well. we tend to trust mature people but age does them less good
• China
28 Jun 08
I have not same experience .but i think it must be a big trouble for you . everyone living with such man is unluck you can get something from this story ,next time .when you try to help others .you must be careful