Doctors were completely wrong about my "cancer"
@Radicalpatriot (665)
United States
February 21, 2007 9:38am CST
I was told in 1978 that I had a fast-growing, lethal cancer and would be dead in a matter of months without treatment. But the treatment, featuring large doses of radiation and chemotherapy, was almost as bad as the cancer, I was told. I decided not to get treated, and told the doctors to just give me morphine at the hospital when I needed it near the end and that would be it. Well, obviously, since I'm writing this discussion, I certainly did not die. In fact I can still golf, go bowling, play tennis and do all kinds of things. I guess these doctors had it all wrong. Bottom line: Doctors are wrong a lot of the time, give people unnecessary treatments and surgeries, and it's time to tell it like it is. I haven't been to a hospital or gotten a real checkup since. I don't trust doctors now, and I hope you can see why.
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25 responses
@ayoneeyee (51)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Well, i rejoice with you. Doctors only do what they are taught and learned in school, but they can't determine anybody's destiny. Doctors can't determine who lives or who doesn't. I must tell you the truth, I had the same encounter in some years ago, about a test that came out that I had HIV, but instantly, i told the Doctor, i can't have it, this is not because i can't, but, because of my faith in Christ. I believe that doctor's reports are facts and my bible let me know that All Facts are not Truth. It's only God's word that is Truth and His word says "He has taking away all my infermities and healed all my diseases". So believing this alone was enough to keep me going, so i requested for another confirmation test, which later came out NEGATIVE.
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Boy what a story! I think faith is stronger than medicine.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
22 Feb 07
You didn't mention what type of cancer or where your cancer was. You perhaps were healed, I believe God is still in the healing business. While I agree with you that some doctors are wrong, there are a lot more of them that are right. I have a very rare cancer, Carcinoid, it started in my colon but has metastisized to my entire liver and other places in my body. My cancer is slow growing, so I can live with it. I just have to be very aggressive in treatment. I chose to go to a specialist, one who deals directly with my type of cancer. My doctors are wonderful, caring, and always always include me in on decision making. They hide nothing from me and my surgeon is a fantastic doctor. He does what others say is impossible. You must stay pro-active in your care, but please don't neglect to keep updated on your tests. This cancer may come back. I don't know how old you are, but life is so precious. Live every moment to the fullest extent. I was first diagnosed just before my 41st b'day and now I am 48. They say I had my cancer for probably about 10 years or more before it was diagnosed. I'm living my life, I've lived through both my children's college graduations, weddings, and now the grandbabies are coming. I pray you have a long and wondeful life.

@Jocelynk (130)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
Funny that I've never heard of that type of cancer in all of my research.
Tumors don't come and go - they are mutations of the DNA caused in translation that will continually build up, because they are on a loop. They don't just pop up and then disappear.
You are probably suffering from lymphoma or some other affliction of the lymph nodes.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Honestly, I never let them get that far. To this day, since I did not undergo any further tests, I don't really know the precise location, but it could be at various locations by this time. Vaguely, somewhere in the mid-abdomen, but I have small tumors almost every where, like warts, that come and go continuously. One policeman who had this "cancer" called it a cancer of the body, and his cancer, like mine, just kind of lingered around and he also decided not to get any treatment. He's still a cop and doesn't slow down, either.

@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
22 Feb 07
If I was diagnosed with cancer I would also refuse to have radiation and chemotherapy. Only too often these treatments don´t work. I´ve seen quite a few of my family members reduced to bold skelettons because they followed their doctor´s instructions. None of them survived.
It´s perfectly understandable that you don´t trust doctors anymore.
I´m glad you made it buy doing it your way.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
You know, they really weren't wrong in pointing out that there was something abnormal about me. It was their fatalistic thinking that was just plain stupid. I actually laughed it off and it made it easier for me to ignore them and live out my remaining time, which is 29 years and counting since my initial cancer diagnosis. And I emphasize I have not been treated in any way and seldom ever get exams because the doctors will just freak out as they always do.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
22 Feb 07
It's a shame that you had this horrible experience, because it has understandably left you with a distrust of all doctors and of the practice of modern western medicine. This is unfortunate, because there are excellent doctors and nurse practitioners providing high quality medical care all over the world, and most of us find that we need medical care at some point in our lives. It must be understood that doctors are human, and they do make mistakes, just as you and I do. That's why it is always a good idea to seek a second opinion whenever you are confronted with a serious health problem.
I have been lucky enough to find a doctor who I trust with my life- literally. It's too bad that you haven't been able to do this. Can any of your friends or family members recommend someone for you? It would be better to have a trusting relationship with someone while you're well rather than trying to get care in a hurry if you get sick.
I'm glad that you're OK, though. I can only imagine how that episode must have messed with your mental health.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Well, you are right about almost everything you said, but I can safely say that my mental health is unaffected and here's why: When I got the first diagnosis, I just said, "Okay, I guess if I'm going to die I'll do it being happy and not weak, bald, white and skinny, throwing up all day and being sad." So I just started being happy no matter what and I think that has helped! I have gotten second opinions and they all say I have a brutal cancer and will die soon. So since 1993 I have had zero exams of any kind.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
I heard quite a few stories about doctors getting it wrong... but yours take the cake. Shocking!
I never had much faith in doctors either because my grand-parents lost a five year old child when the doctors operated him for the wrong thing.
Only been to the doctor twice in the past 37 years. And the last time... they got it wrong. I have come to the conclusion that they are incapable to find out what's wrong with you... unless you can pin point the problem to them.
The last time... they were getting the knifes ready to give me heart surgery... when all I had was stress... which causes me muscle pains.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Well, you're on the right track not seeing a doctor but twice in 37 years which beats even my record. I think it's dumb to categorize and "name" every disease because I think each "ailment" is unique, and many "ailments" end up being the body's efforts to combat some invading organism.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
21 Feb 07
It is very possibel that you just cured yourself. It is possible to self cure any disease.
If doctors get this diagnosis wrong, to bad. They have to do multiple testing before final diagnosis.
I am happy to know that you are healthy.
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I really didn't cure anything because I still have some symptoms but they never got any worse. Maybe my body has controlled it. I know that some scientists say that tumors are your body's way of surrounding, chocking off and eventually getting rid of cancer.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Wow thats great your okay I hope you continue to stay that way. I have faith in doctors but you have to find the right one. I searched for the right one and have finally found him when I go to him I feel like Im going to a friend to visit and he has helped many times Im so thankful for finding this great man.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I do have some doctors I like to consult from time to time, but I'm scared because every time I get an exam of any kind they start panicking and say that I have cancer. So I just don't see anyone. I just east as many Jack-in-the-Box tacos and Coca-Cola Classic (on ice) that I can get my hands on!
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Feb 07
Doctors can be wrong as well, but if a doctor was this wrong i would definately sue him. A doctor like that should not be allowed to work, I mean what if u would have belived him and in your mind of trying to avoid more pain killed yourself or something like that.
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@jolanda33 (720)
• Netherlands
22 Feb 07
i understand your point! but in 1978 they didn't know what they know now! i think they made a mistake!
i know doctors makes mistakes and i think they must say it when they realy did! i think there must be a system, like when they make two big mistakes they must go back to school, or stop their jobs!
we can't live with and without them i guess!
and i think you are as healthy as can be!
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
Oh yes doctors can be completely wrong with their claim that we have something which we don't have or maybe we have something different altogether to what they claim that is why it is always best to seek another opinion from another doctor so that we do have a chance of having the right results.
@livvy092002 (1032)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
i cant blame you for not trusting doctors now. i used to have much faith in them too. but since my mom was hospitalized also and treated for her ovarian cancer, ihave not trusted them so much either. My moms condition i think was worsened after getting her chemotherapy which i think the doctor had known to have little or no effect on her anymore. but the doctor convinced my mom to go into treatment/chemotherapry still. my mom's condition has been worsen because of her chemo.
@complexvanilla (653)
• India
21 Feb 07
We are getting to see and hear a great many such cases of wrong diagnosis and unfair medical practices nowadays. Just makes me wonder if any of the current lot of doctors really knows and lives by the Hippocrates oath? A few bad doctors are enough to give their entire community a bad name. You being an educated and informed person have become so disillusioned by their practices, so one can imagine the effect these people have on gullible and ignorant people, especially those who are poorly educated. I hail from India and here too, doctors don't seem to hesitate for even a minute before prescribing a whole battery of expensive medical tests for something as mundane as a cold and nasal congestion. A nexus exists between these 'rogue' physicians and the diagnostic centers. The more the number of tests that a doctor prescribes, the higher is his payoff. Innocent and ill informed people are fleeced in this racket.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I just think they rely too much on technology and nmot enough on common sense. An MRI will show all kinds of growths and strange things and doctors immediately think they are cancers. That's why I will never have an MRI. If I have cancers, so what? They become my friends because they are part of my body!
@ractims (51)
• India
22 Feb 07
To start with, 'Hats off to you'.
I am pleased to find that inspite of your Doctors' discouraging comments, your confidence has helped and you are still surviving and playing Golf.
Just realize a fact that our natural system works in a very different manner. It always tries to repair the affected organs or systems. From our end, we should always try to go in a natural manner.
Do you know that your playing Golf and keeping yourself busy with your daily works is improving your immune system.It is adding to your antibiotics in a natural manner.
I suggest , you add Yoga- Breathing exercises, in your routine and you will see that your systems will improve faster.
May I add, Doctors treatment is completely based on Medical Diagonistic Reports.
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@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
22 Feb 07
Doctors are humanbeings and are subject to err.But the days have changed and the doctors of these days in general are after money and majority of them err in giving treatment and also in diagonising.
Hence it is always better to think twice before approacing any doctor.
@smartbrain69 (2790)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
You can't trust Doctors blindly as he is also human being and he also have desire for money.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
22 Feb 07
i understand what youve been through and felt..jsut thank God for that..but still you must consult another doctor 2 heads are better than one...dont let your judgement to your first doctor ruled out to well and safe God bless
@tiffanymarie (191)
• United States
22 Feb 07
So happy you are still here to enjoy and fulfill your purpose in life. I realize that doctors can sometimes be wrong. You have to always get a second opinion. I found that I have to do my own research when a doctor gives me a diagnosis. There are some great doctors out there - you have to ask your friends, and others what doctor they go to. Plus, on the internet there is a site that rates doctors, give any problems/complaints against him/her, tells what schools they attended, etc.. Eventually, I hope you will seek a doctor (a good one) that you can trust because you want to at least seek professional for your yearly check-ups (preventative medicine). Here's to good health
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
22 Feb 07
i agree with you completely. i can't even tell you how many times the doctors messed up on me in the hospital. They literally killed me a few times...and i was brought back. Yes, ic an tell you what it is like to die, both quickly and slowly. And let me tell you, there is no white light.
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@bluekisses06 (140)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
well... I can't blame you on that...but I think you should be thankful to God...maybe its a miracle and the doctors were right in their examination with you...or maybe because that was a long ago and technology before was not that developed that's why something goes wrong so i guess u should not blame evrything to them...Not all doctors were like that...maybe some but not all so we should not put it in general... I believe that Doctors are life savers...