Am i wrong or the whole world is ???

@Seawaves (106)
United States
February 21, 2007 10:46am CST
i existed in several situation when other children in my family or my freinds were acting really bad and saying bad stuff and beating other in front of my child and when we get to go home my baby start copying what she was seeing and than it took from me long time to explain that this is wrong. and there was once i tryied to give an advice to one freind and she started yelling and insulting me and from this time i don't talk to her exept for saying hias she is my neighbor there was one time a freind asked me to babysit her children and i was shoked that her 3 years and half is saying F**k to my daughter and when her mother returned back i told her but she acted normaly and said she might picked it up from school and that's normal so i stopped visiting this freind as well as my daugher said the same word to my husband and so we are just in touch by phone an i wrong or the whole world is ????????????
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26 responses
@dhel74 (25)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
There is no wrong with you as a parent and i congratulate u coz i believe your child will grow decently like u. Just continue to be a good parent. I, myself, grow up in a place where parents who was acting really bad and saying bad stuff -to THIER OWN CHILDREN. They are the owner of the house we are renting. Believe it or not, the mother let their children quarrel in front of her. Then after this kids quarrel she will beat them.. I remember one time me and youngest sister quarrel.. Mom didn't beat us -he talked to us one be one telling us always that "we must love each other, no one will protect me and my siblings but us alone as siblings... Thank God my parents raised us to be like that.... Keep it up seawaves... Always keep u child from those kind of people and if ur child saw it talk to your child.. Parents must plant good foundation to their children so they will grow to be good person.... Keep it up and God bless you....
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@Seawaves (106)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Thanks dhel74
@babyreyn (934)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
That is the influence of those who do not know the respect and good moral. In your case, the best thing you do is, when you see that kind of attitude, right then and there, talk to your child and tell her that that is bad and not supposed to say. Your child need your guidance very well, talk to her always, teach her the proper manner and give all the love she needs for her to grow properly and with respect to others.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
22 Feb 07
You are right to expect a standard from your child that you can accept. I would not permit bad language in my house. If the parent cannot accept it, then you need to find someone else to come spend time with you. Find other families with your values, perhaps at a church. I would not be angry with my child, or overreact,because that will give the bad words power, she will be able to shock and disappoint you. Just offer her some substitute of things to say when angry or amazed or whatever. You are okay. Keep being a good mom.
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Nothing is wrong with you but you cannot also blame the whole word for whatever your daughter is learning from other kids. There is just some parents who don't know how to discipline their kids. Talk to your daughter and and patiently and carefully explain to her not to say those bad words.
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@snapthat (95)
• United States
22 Feb 07
It definitely isn't normal that a three-year-old is swearing, but I would view your experience with the advice as nothing more than unfortunate. While it isn't too great that there are people in the world who react that way to friendly advice or otherwise act badly, I don't think that you should be too bothered by it - ultimately, it hurts them because people, in general, do appreciate good manners and good behavior when it costs so little to use. It's not wrong for you to try to protect your children from violent people, but don't sweat it too much when other people don't accept your values.
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• Philippines
22 Feb 07
i am really happy to hear that ther eis still persons in theis world realy cares what matters for upbringing a person. adn i am really proud to say this that what you do for your child is a very noble tjhing to do. it is our responsibility that we have to show our children what is right and wrong. for me to decipline a person is jsut like a tree. when it is still growing it is very delicate that there are many ways that it can be destroyed. so you have tpo take care of it . you ahve to water it and give it fertilizer so that it will be grow. and sometimes trees cant grow straight. so you ahve to mold it so that it will stand the way you want it. adn when it grows it will be a very straight adn dtrong tree in the future the way as what you like it to be. that is the same way as molding our children , we have to do it while they are still young becauise it will be hard to teach them when they are full grown and have their minds of their own. you see we are the once how make our fate in life.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
That is horrible...You need to stay away from people like this...and especially your children...You don't want them picking up the swear words from these other kids. You aren't wrong...the whole world has gone loopy....
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@malsun (1528)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Children pick up things so fast from their surroundings. Even i am afraid about the things you have just mentioned. I have a daughter who is growing up fast. I guess as parents, the only thing that we can do is if they start picking up such habits, we keep telling them that it is bad to do/say such things.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
Unfortunatly as much as we want to we can not hide our children from everything. You may be able to do this while your child is young but eventually they have to go to school and they will see and pick up these bad habits there. It is better if they know before going to school that actions like the ones you have spoken of are not good nor are the accepted. Our children learn from us and if we do not teach them then they will not learn it, you can not teach them if they are never exposed to the real world. I think that you have wonderful intentions and that you are only wanting what is healthy for your child.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
Oh yes children will pick up what they have seen and copy it, this is dreadful how she saw all of this. It is a real negative thing to do in front of a child. I would of stopped seeing this neighbour she must have very low morals and doesn't care how she reacts the woman next door. No you certainly are not wrong you are right and have a valid point.
@avs189 (1030)
• India
21 Feb 07
Yes ur really correct but thats how the world is they saying goes all five fingers of ur hand are not the same or like all humans are not the same ...thus we should be patient and constantly revolve around our ethics and principles rather than trying to guide what u are and not world wants you to be...
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@johnin (7)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
thikn positive,dont do bad thiks....pray always
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@vuezta (35)
• United States
21 Feb 07
the whole world is wrong... although i dont really get ur question... i get the problem though... its hard nowadays to keep ur children from hearing or seeing bad things... i think the only thing you can do now is what ur doing... keep them away from others ur know is a bad influence... it is dangerous to be right in a world that is so wrong....
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• United States
21 Feb 07
The Golden Rule advising us to treat others as we would like to be treated has over the years has become non existant.Although humanity more often then not dissapoints me i still feel there are many good souls out there.It is 100% true when people call children a sponge.They absorb everything and at a very rapid rate.I have been exposed to this with my nephew the things a 2 year olds picks up amazes me.Although we cannot shield our kids from the negative parts of the world we Can show them right from wrong,teach them to appreciate what they have rather then dwell on what they dont.Ensure them that no matter how the world treats them they will always have a loving family waiting to catch them everytime they fall.Every person has a soul and every soul will be different.A Positive environment is the best thing we as a society can do to help seawaves out
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I have run into situations like this as well with other people and there children . I feel that we are trying to do a good job and teach our children the right way but it makes it hard when they see our children getting away with the same behaviour and I find it even harder when they are in school and then you don't have anyway to control what they are exposed to each day . We always tell our children that this kind of behaviour is wrong and so far they respect our wishes but the older children will argue more because their friends are getting away with something and then they feel that somehow they are not as loved (it is an excuse but it still hurts ) .
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@junior07 (972)
• India
21 Feb 07
u r not wrong,u r right and keep trying to keep ur kid away from these types of environment,put ur child in extra curricular activities so that ur child didn't have so much time left for such things.
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• India
21 Feb 07
child learn things quickly without knowing whether its correct or not.. its parent's responsiblity to tell children what they are doing is correct or not without a valid reason and explanation, this way children will be able to know what to say and what not to and why. and yes its really bad to know.. this days parents really dont care about thier child.. if they are learning something bad.
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@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
21 Feb 07
I dont think that you are wrong here!! and you are doing right here by protecting your child!!! i think you will need to give your child a little space when he/she grows up ... but prior to that you have to ensure that he/she when grows up is disciplined and respects elders and knows something about mannerism ,,, having said that i also dont thnk that it is all that easy job to do, entire world around at this time is picking those habits slightly more quicker than every one else out there .. so you should let him/her learn on their own too and try to guide instead of protecting to a greater extent,,, he/she might get intimitated when they will face the cruel world on their own .... cheers
@mememama (3076)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I've also known a child who cusses and swears at the age of 3, his parents thought it was cute. I think that is terrible and wrong. Children will imitate what they see, so if your child sees others hitting, he may start hitting. My son picked this up from his cousin (who is spanked, gets mad and hits my son). So I take his hand and stroke his face and say "gentle or nice", then he'll copy that. People will parent differently than you, sometimes it will downright disguist you, but that's just a fact of life.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
I definitely think that you can't protect your child from all the negative influences because it's a fact of life. But I also think that you can control who she is in contact with and if there are people who you know are negative influences then I think it's good to restrict her contact with them.
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